The destruction array is a kind of array that many high-level strongmen in the blood Temple understand. Moreover, many martial artists in the blood Temple understand the power of this array.

The martial arts of the blood temple are extremely afraid of the power of the array.

This kind of array was handed down to the blood god temple by the blood demon ancestor.

The power of destruction array is super powerful!

At the most critical time, under the situation of death, five super powerful warriors unite to form such a destruction array with the power of self explosion as the traction. Once the power of the array breaks out, the lethality is extremely amazing!

If the five martial artists at the top of the five ancestral realms use this array to self explode together, then even the warriors in Tianzu's advanced state can hardly resist the power of such self explosion.

Moreover, this kind of self explosion can not be stopped as long as it is started. Even with the array, the speed of self explosion is quite fast!

This is absolute destruction!

Guangyao Canglong has turned to escape. He knows the power of this array.

"Damn it, Gao Tianye has such a means to prepare five such people to blow themselves up at this time!"

"Did Gao Tianye guess my arrangement outside? It should not be. If he guessed my arrangement outside, how could he sacrifice five such strong men? But if he didn't guess, how could these five strong men suddenly appear so tacit

Guangyao Canglong thought in his mind that he would exert his strength to the limit and go to the distance.

Guangyao Yunshan and others are also flying towards the distance.

Moreover, on the top of the mountain, those warriors of the shining family who were bombarded and crushed by the two mysterious blood robed men just disappeared, and they all fled to the distance together.

The man wolf who landed on the ground also flew up and ran away in a hurry.

Guangyao family that hundreds of people fly out less than 500 meters, the explosion is a thunderous explosion!

The power of the explosion is really terrible!

The rolling demonic power broke out from the five self exploding wolves and turned into a dark energy disc array. Then the rolling devil power was swept out of the dark energy disc array.

This demon power condenses into a dark energy mass less than one meter in diameter, and then explodes wildly.

The powerful shock wave, suddenly towards all directions extremely ferocious swept and opened, will the ruins of the place where the hills are directly bombarded to pieces!

Even the whole hill was smashed by the strong shock wave, and there was a deep pit more than 100 meters on the ground!

The width of the pit is more than 1000 meters, and all the people within the kilometer are blasted to pieces!

Even the gods and spirits burst to pieces!

None of the hundreds of warriors in the Guangyao family was spared. All of them were killed by bombing, and not a soul was left.

Guangyao Canglong, after all, was far away from the beginning, and escaped earlier, so he got away by fluke. However, it was still the powerful force of demons that swept over to spit out a mouthful of blood. It flew back for thousands of meters and fell to the place 2000 meters away from the pit.

Falling on the ground, he couldn't get up for a while.

Guangyao Yunshan and others are not injured, after all, their strength is super strong, the speed of escape is super fast.

But even so, they were still bombarded by the powerful force of demons, and flew back hundreds of meters.

The man wolf that escaped before ran away in another direction, opposite to Guangyao Yunshan.

When the powerful force of the devil burst out and bombarded the past, it was also the man wolf who fled in a hurry to vomit a mouthful of blood, but it was the man wolf that was bombarded faster and flew out towards the distance.

After the explosion, the storm of demonic power swept over tens of thousands of meters around the world.

The whole world is a dark chaos, the wind howls, the momentum is surging, all around, the ground boulders are broken by bombardment, the trees are directly bombarded into sawdust!

The strong wind storm swept the whole world here, and gradually stopped after a long time.

The two mysterious blood robed men, before the strong wind stopped, had already chased in the direction of the wolf in the distance.

Unfortunately, they did not catch up with the wolf!

The man wolf finally ran away!

"Damn it!"

Two blood robed warriors returned, and soon came to the side of Guangyao cloud mountain. Looking at Guangyao cloud mountain, they asked, "can the golden door of space before be summoned out again?"

"I don't know!" Guangyao Yunshan's face, at this time also showed a very obvious depression.

Could have caught at least one manwolf.

And he felt that the man wolf who had just escaped must be very, very important.

But now he got nothing, because the man wolf had escaped under the circumstances just now.What's more, the power of the self explosion of the five wolves is really too powerful. The space where the explosion just happened must have collapsed by the bombardment!

In this case, can the door of space still exist? Won't it be destroyed?!

"I hope the array in this ancient site is strong enough to support the door of space still exists!" Guangyao Yunshan can only think so at this time.

Of course, his idea is also possible. After all, this is an Archean site, and the array in the site is indeed very strong, and the defense of the site is very strong.

The most important thing is that Guangyao Yunshan knows very well that this site used to belong to an Archean ancestor god and was left by a super strong man.

The door of space in such a site should not be easily damaged.

"Canglong, what about you?" The grand voice of shining cloud mountain.

"Here I am!" Guangyao Canglong stood up hard in the distance and flew to this side with great reluctance.

Obviously, the internal injury of Guangyao Canglong is very heavy now. His face is pale and his forehead is covered with cold sweat.

But he had to come because he was in charge of the plan.

Reluctantly flew to the front of Guangyao cloud mountain, Guangyao Canglong looked very embarrassed at this time.

Guangyao cloud mountain looked at Guangyao Canglong's appearance at this time, but also could not help frowning and asked in a deep voice: "are you hurt very seriously?"

"It can hold up!" Guangyao Canglong reluctantly said.

"What about the man who opened the site?" asked Guangyao Yunshan

"They may..." The expression on Guangyao Canglong's face seems a little ugly. The two people who opened the site fled behind him. Although their strength is better than him, after all, the time of escape is too late. Now I don't know whether to live or die!

"Look for it!" Guangyao Yunshan said in a deep voice, "we must find them!"

At this time, there are still some warriors in the shining family. These are all powerful warriors, but they are not very good at array.

Moreover, the site is not open to all members of the glorious family, and there are not many people who know how to open the site.

The soldiers here were ordered to fly in all directions in a hurry to explore the surroundings and find the people who had not been killed.

They did find a few people who were seriously injured.

There are five people in total, and the two warriors who can open the site are among them.

However, although the two men are still alive at this time, they are seriously injured.

In fact, their strength is much stronger than Guangyao Canglong. But before, they were very close to the place where the five wolves blew themselves up. Although they did not fight with the man wolf, they were also nearby to prevent the man wolf from escaping. Therefore, the self explosion occurred. Although they ran away in a hurry, they were also a little too late and were seriously injured by the bombardment.

In fact, if it wasn't for the explosive force of the two blood robed men that they all fell to the ground, and then the two blood robed men flew away, they would have been able to escape.

At this time, although they were seriously injured, after taking the healing elixir given by Guangyao Yunshan, they were treated by Guangyao Yunshan and other Tianzu for a while, and they were much better.

Seeing that they had recovered a lot, Guangyao cloud mountain said in a deep voice: "quick, go and open the door of space and see if the door of space has been destroyed!"


The two soldiers agreed. Although the pain between the chest and abdomen was incomparable, they still resisted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!