The purple emperor picked up the star and frowned at the girl's words and asked, "I have always heard that the cold wind family is a good family, and they have always resisted the nigger army? Don't they always have a good reputation

Purple emperor pick star know, nigger army is very famous in this area, more famous than cold wind family!

Of course, the nigger army is not a legion, but a very evil sect formed by a group of very vicious warriors.

What the nigger army does every day is to sell people, bully men and women, rob and steal. As long as it is a vicious thing, they will do nothing.

However, the Black Ghost army hid a very secret. In the past, the purple emperor Shenxiao hall sent special personnel to hang and kill these people. One was because the distance was too far, and the other was very secret and extremely cunning. After the people of purple emperor Shenxiao hall came, they searched for a year, but they didn't meet a nigger army.

During the year when the Black Ghost army was searching for them by the warriors of the purple emperor Shenxiao hall, they were still doing evil everywhere and doing a lot of shameless things, but they could always escape the pursuit of purple Emperor God hall!

The black demon clan also searched everywhere for the whereabouts of the nigger army, looking for it, but it was also fruitless in the end.

However, they all heard that the cold wind family has been fighting against the nigger army, and they have a good understanding of the law of the Black Ghost army's activities, but it has caused heavy damage to the Black Ghost army many times, and has made great contributions to the stability of this continent. Therefore, the cold wind family has a good reputation in this continent.

The relationship between the black demon clan and the cold wind family has been very good.

Even for hundreds of years, the patriarch of the black demon clan and the head of the cold wind family have always maintained a very friendly relationship.

However, hearing the words of the four girls at this time, the purple emperor picked up the stars and knew that there were many unknown secrets in the cold wind family.

He looked at the four girls and said, "how shameless is the cold wind family?"

One of the four girls said angrily, "the cold wind family has deceived us all. In fact, the nigger army is the members of the cold wind family. On the one hand, they do shameless things, on the other hand, they pretend to be benevolent and righteous, and make good relations with us

Another girl then said, "every time we go to the nigger army, we will first ask the cold wind family about how to deal with the nigger army. The people of the cold wind family know all kinds of news in advance, so that we can't catch the nigger army at all!"

"So it is!" The purple emperor picked up the star and frowned fiercely.

He didn't expect that the cold wind family, which had a good reputation and always seemed very kind and low-key, turned out to be the founder of the Black Ghost army!

Cold wind family full of benevolence and morality, like a model of justice, but actually has been doing the most shameless thing!

Another girl said: "the relationship between our black demon clan and the cold wind family has always been good, but this time it is precisely because of the cold wind family that our black demon clan was occupied by the blood god temple. It is also this time that we finally know the ugly face of the cold wind family!"

Tang Long guessed: "did the cold wind family take refuge in the blood temple?"

"Just like this, their family has completely turned to the blood temple and become a running dog!" In the girl's eyes, there was an obvious Resentment: "in fact, there are a lot of blood Temple people in the cold wind family, and the talents of the blood Temple come. The whole cold wind family, including the Black Ghost army, completely turned to the blood temple!"

The girl who started to talk said: "our supreme patriarch didn't know the ugly face of the cold wind family at first. The night before yesterday, the head of the cold wind family came to our black demon clan with several people and told our patriarch that they had found the headquarters of the Black Ghost army, but the strength of the Black Ghost army was too strong for them to deal with. Let's ask the supreme patriarch to help us deal with the Black Ghost army! ”

after listening to the girl's words, Tang Long doesn't have to guess that the supreme patriarch of the black demon clan must have been caught in the trap. It must be that the blood god temple and the cold wind family have united and dug a hole to wait for the master of the black demon clan to enter the urn!

The purple emperor picked up the star and asked, "where is your supreme lord?"

A girl said, "I heard that our supreme patriarch was poisoned later by the patriarch of the cold wind family. His vitality could not be used. He was controlled in the cold wind family and was handed over to the blood god hall by the cold wind family."

Another girl said: "our supreme patriarch took three reclusive powers, and they were all under control. Then the people from the blood god temple and the cold wind family attacked our black demon sect. But we didn't expect that there were traitors in our black demon sect. As a result, our family members did not resist at all, so they captured our black demon clan!"

Hearing what these girls said, the purple emperor picked up the stars and sighed heavily.

There are some things he doesn't want to ask, and he doesn't want to ask again.

He knows that there are many girls in the black demon clan, and many of them are very beautiful girls.

He has already known about the style of those people in the blood temple, and just now he has seen the style of people in the blood temple!

He doesn't even have to think about some things to know the result.He looked at the four girls and asked, "where is your Lord locked up? Is there still a strong one in the heaven ancestor realm of the blood god temple? "

One of the four girls replied, "listen to one of our lucky escaped martial uncle that our Supreme Lord was locked up in the headquarters of the black demon sect. There are five heavenly ancestors of the blood god temple staying here, and there are more than a dozen earth ancestors in the blood temple."

The purple emperor picked up the stars and asked again, "what is the strength of those five heavenly ancestors?"

"They are all very strong, three of them are senior of Tianzu, and they all have very strange divine beasts, and their fighting power is also very strong!"

"It seems that it is not easy to save people!" The purple emperor frowned.

He did not dare to rush to save people, a bad one is likely to backfire.

Tang long thought about it, looked at the four girls and asked, "in addition to the headquarters of the black demon sect, where are you still holding the people of the black demon sect?"

He knew that since the four girls were here, there might be a girl from tianyaowei who had been arrested in this place.

One of the four girls said: "in the Lord's house of the black demon city, more than 20 of our sisters were arrested. The reason why we are here is because we actually escaped at that time, but we were caught by these people before we escaped far away!"

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and said, "for the headquarters of the black demon sect, I believe you must not be very strange? With the relationship between you and the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect and your strong strength, I think you must have gone to the black demon sect before? "

"Yes The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded: "I am very familiar with the headquarters of the black demon sect, and even I know all the seals and borders arranged there!"

Hearing the words of the purple emperor picking stars, the four girls all stare at the purple emperor picking stars in disbelief.

They did not expect that the purple emperor picked up the star to be familiar with their black demon clan headquarters.

One of the girls looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and asked, "master, who are you? From what you said, it seems that you are very familiar with the supreme patriarch of the black demon sect. Why are you so familiar with us

Purple emperor pick star is now easy to face, but even if he is not easy to face these girls also can not recognize him, because these girls have never seen him before.

The purple emperor did not answer the girl's question.

There are some things he can't answer now, and he doesn't have time to explain them.

He turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said firmly, "I must go to the headquarters of the black demon sect to rescue Shana immediately. I must!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!