Shana is the name of the supreme patriarch of the black demon sect. Her full name is ziyunsana.

Tang Long knows that the purple emperor will go to save ziyunsana.

However, if the purple emperor picks up the star and goes to save ziyunsana directly, not only can't save people, it is very likely that the purple emperor will be trapped there, even in danger.

Tang long thought about it and looked at the purple emperor picking stars and said, "I have an idea about saving Shana!"

"What idea?" The purple emperor asked.

Tang Long said: "we already know that in the headquarters of the black demon sect, there are five blood deities in Tianzu realm, and there are also powerful divine beasts. The only way we want to save people is to kill some of the strong ones first!"

Then he turned his head and looked at the four girls: "are you sure that there are only five heavenly ancestors in the black demon sect headquarters?"

"Sure!" Four girls said: "this is what our martial uncle told us before we escaped. Our uncle escaped by chance, just to protect us. Finally, she fell into the hands of those people in the blood temple and was caught in the city Lord's mansion!"

Tang Long asked, "how strong are the warriors of the most powerful blood temple in the city's Lord's house?"

A girl said, "it should be dizu Qizhong."

Another girl said, "however, there are many warriors in the blood god temple of the city Lord's house, at least 15 of them!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction and asked again, "your sisters are still locked up in the city Lord's mansion, aren't they? Are you sure of that? "

"We can be sure." Four girls said together.

One of the girls continued: "they have not been captured for a long time, that is this morning, so they must still be in the city Lord's house now, and those people in the blood god hall will not transfer them away in a short time."

Tang Long knows that so many beautiful girls have been caught by the people of the blood temple. These people are not willing to kill these girls immediately.

These people in the blood temple will certainly do some shameless things first, and then kill these girls or what!

"In this case, we'll go to make a big fuss about the city Lord's house today." Tang Long's eyes showed a sharp cold light!

He turned his head and looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars: "now, you can only do it!"

"What do you want me to do?" The purple emperor asked.

Tang Long said: "you should show your true identity here. The Tianzu and even the dizu of the blood god temple here have attacked your purple Emperor God Temple before. If you appear here, they will know immediately!"

After a pause, he continued: "you don't need to exert your strength completely. You can only apply it to the first level of Tianzu. Go to the city Lord's house and rescue those girls. But remember, you must release some warriors from dizu realm!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the purple emperor's eyes immediately showed a ray of light: "you want me to attract those strong Tianzu, and then solve them one by one?"

"I do think so!" Tang Long nodded and turned to look at the four girls: "how far is it from here to the headquarters of the black demon clan?"

"If you fly, you can get there in two hours!" One of the girls said.

Tang long thought about it and frowned: "we can get to the headquarters of the black demon clan in two hours. It's a little too close. We have to save many people, which will delay time. Once the strong man of Tianzu in the blood temple comes, we can't get away. Moreover, if something big happens in the black demon city, it will destroy here. It seems that we have to think of something else!"

"What else?" The purple emperor asked.

The four girls all look forward to looking at Tang long. They can be sure that Tang Long is definitely not a bad man. Tang Long is obviously a good man who is willing to help them.

Tang long looked at the four girls: "is there any suitable hiding place in a remote place? For example, the valley or something, you should be far away from the headquarters of the black demon sect! "

"That's the quiet valley." A girl said.

Tang Long asked, "how far is the Qingyou valley from here and how is its location?"

The girl said, "qingyougu is in a barren mountain, which is rarely visited. The place of Qingyou Valley is not small, and the terrain is complex and desolate."

Another girl then said, "qingyougu is about two hours away from the black devil City, and less than four hours from our headquarters of the black demon sect. But the strong warriors should also take three hours."

"Let's go and have a look at Yougu now Tang Long is very sure of Tao.

The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded.

He didn't know what Tang Long was up to, but seeing Tang Long's confident appearance at this time, he felt that Tang long must have his way.

The four girls looked at each other, and one of them hesitated and said, "can you save our elder martial sisters who were captured first? I'm afraid they are all being persecuted now... "Hearing the girl's words, Tang Long's eyebrows immediately frowned fiercely!

He thought about it, and then he had an idea.

He looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and said, "well, we will do today's business in two parts. Elder purple emperor, you go to the city Lord's house alone to make a big fuss. I will go to the valley of Qing Dynasty to make arrangements in advance."

The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded: "don't worry, I will solve all the warriors in the ancestral realm of the blood god temple in the Lord's house!"

Tang Long quickly shook his head: "you can't kill those people, at least half of them must be killed, or even seriously injured."

"What do you mean?" The purple emperor picked up the star and looked at Tang long a little incomprehensible.

Tang Long said: "you first rescue those girls, and then in front of them so many people, make the appearance of recurrence of internal injuries, and then quickly escape, do not run too fast, and to leave clues!"

"Leave a clue?" The purple emperor picked the star and glared at Tang long.

The four girls don't understand and look at Tang long.

Tang Long explained: "let's go to Qingyou Valley to make arrangements. You make a big fuss in the city Lord's house here. After dealing with some strong ancestors of the blood god temple in the city Lord's house, you must pretend to be seriously injured, rescue the girls in the Lord's mansion, and then flee to Qingyou Valley in a hurry."

After a pause, he continued: "what you should pay attention to is that first of all, you must not kill all the strong ancestors in the blood god temple of the city Lord's house. Moreover, you must let them see that although you can defeat them, you are already at the end of the strong force. Your internal injury is about to break out. If you are able to deal with them, you must not be able to deal with the strong one of Tianzu!"

The purple emperor picked up the stars and was stunned. He immediately responded and looked at Tang Long and said, "you mean, I pretend to be seriously injured and let some people in the blood Temple find our hiding place, and let them think that there are several people hiding there, but they are all seriously injured?"

Tang Long nodded: "if you are the strong ancestor of the blood temple, if you find this situation and find the survivors of the purple Emperor God Temple, can you not go back to report those heavenly ancestors of the blood temple? When those Tianzu heard the report, could they not come to arrest them immediately? "

The purple emperor picked up the stars and agreed with Tang Long's plan: "I will attract people to the past, and then we will ambush those people in the valley!"

After a pause, he worried, "what if there are too many people coming from the other party's Tianzu strongmen?"

Tang Long said: "our plan is to save people, the purpose is to divert the tiger from the mountain, and then we can go to save people, as for here, only need to arrange for it!"

The purple emperor picked up the star and asked, "how do you arrange it over there?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!