Tang long looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and said confidently: "I'll arrange well over there in the Qingyou valley. Elder purple emperor, you just need to attract the people from the blood temple and act like a little. Don't be detected by them."

The purple emperor picked up the stars and said, "you can rest assured that I can attract people to the valley. I have no problem with this matter!"

He was the Supreme Lord of Zihuang Shenxiao hall. He had been seriously injured and escaped. At this time, he appeared here. Those powerful Tianzu in the blood god temple found him and knew that he was seriously injured. How could he not kill him? He could easily attract those people.

Tang Long said: "you have to give me at least three hours. Therefore, if you want to make a big fuss about the city Lord's house, you need to be restrained. You should not act blindly, so as not to be threatened. You should first find out the situation of the city Lord's house, try your best to save people first, and then stay in the city Lord's house for a while."

"I know how to do it!" Purple emperor picking star road.

Tang Long turned to look at the four girls: "we don't have much time. We have to go to qingyougu now!"

The four girls took a look at the purple emperor picking up the stars and wanted to say something, but they didn't say anything.

Before Tang Long and purple emperor pick star dialogue, they all listen, now they have some speculation about the identity of purple emperor pick star.

But they know that this is not the time to ask about these things.

The purple emperor picked up the stars and said, "I'll take action now. I'll find out the situation near the city Lord's house first, and I'll try my best to ensure that the people in the blood god's palace can't escape!"

Tang long looked at the four girls and said, "you will tell the purple emperor the location of Qingyou Valley in detail to pick stars!"

The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "although I am not very clear about the location of the qingyougu, the girls I rescued in the city Lord's mansion will surely know it!"

"That's true." Tang Long nodded.

Next to a girl or qingyougu location told the purple emperor pick stars in detail.

The purple emperor picked up the star to the black demon mountain area terrain originally some understanding, but is not very familiar with, this girl roughly said, he already knew the specific location of the qingyougu.

Then he left the basement first.

Tang long looked at the four girls and said, "you go out first and wait for me outside. I'll be there soon."

"Good!" The four girls agreed and turned out.

Now they have more and more trust in Tang long, and they know that the only person they can trust is Tang long, who wants to rescue their elder martial sisters and sisters and their supreme lord.

So now they are willing to fully listen to Tang long, willing to cooperate with Tang Long completely, and dare not to delay any time.

They soon walked out of the basement together, and put on a black cloak robe, enveloping themselves in the robes, so as to avoid any further trouble.

Tang long in the basement, condensed out the yellow spring needle, woke up the shopkeeper and other people who had fallen asleep before, looked at them and said, "I have never been here, and those girls have never appeared here!"

"We know." The shopkeeper is also a very smart person. After understanding Tang Long's meaning, he quickly nodded his head and said, "I don't know anything. If someone asks, I will say that the shop had a fight before, and the villain was knocked out!"

"Good!" Tang Long is also very satisfied with the cooperation of the shopkeeper.

But to make sure they were safe, he decided to let them go to sleep for a few hours.

Then he quickly left the basement and joined the four beautiful girls waiting outside to leave the restaurant.

Outside, cautiously out of the city, four girls fly directly into the sky, with Tang Long flying in the direction of the clear valley.

I see it's far away from the black demon city.

Tang long in order to seize the time to go on the road, explore the surrounding, did not find any danger, then called out the golden wing Kunpeng.

When the four girls saw such a majestic beast and such a glittering flying beast, their eyes were full of envy.

Tang Long didn't explain much. He looked at them and said, "you can fly on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng. We must get to qingyougu as fast as possible!"


Four girls agreed and took off on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng.

Tang Long summoned the Golden Phoenix again!

seeing that Tang Long once again summoned such a high-level divine beast, the surprise in the eyes of several girls became more and more obvious.

They did not expect that Tang long had two such powerful beasts.

But surprise returned to surprise, and they didn't say anything.

They are all extremely intelligent girls. It's better not to ask more about some things, and Tang Long is obviously willing to help them, which is a very lucky thing for them.

Tang Long sits on the back of the Golden Phoenix and flies forward.In order to ensure safety, the golden winged Kunpeng and the Golden Phoenix both fly high above the white clouds. Even if some ordinary warriors pass by below, they dare not come up to check the situation. At most, they dodge quietly.

In such a place, there are very few warriors who can surpass the golden winged Kunpeng and the Golden Phoenix.

Sitting on the back of the Golden Phoenix, Tang Long has taken out some food.

Before he went to the restaurant with the purple emperor picking stars. He wanted to eat something. As a result, the matter of saving people happened, but it had been delayed for such a long time.

Tang Long knew that he would be very busy in the next period of time, so he would eat something first.

The four girls also ate some food and sat on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng to guide Tang long. Because the flying speed of the golden winged Kunpeng and the Golden Phoenix were extremely fast, they arrived at their destination in less than an hour and a half.

This is a very open barren mountain area.

Tang Long and he landed from high altitude. Tang long looked around the environment and felt very satisfied.

There are barren mountains within tens of thousands of meters around. There are no trees on the mountains, only some weeds.

There are very few Warcraft in such places, let alone who will come.

One of the four girls pointed to a place not far below, looked at Tang Long and said, "that's the Qingyou valley. It's very remote, but there are some trees. It's the best place here!"

Tang Long followed the girl's point.

He had seen, not far below, where the girl was pointing, there was indeed a large valley.

There are some flowers and plants in the valley. The environment is not good, but it is much better than the surrounding environment.

Tang Long is also quite satisfied with the barren mountains and rocks around here.

Moreover, he knew that the purple emperor took the star to escape here, because he wanted to pretend to be seriously injured, and he had to be followed by someone. The speed of coming here would certainly be much slower, so he had enough time to prepare here.

He took a few girls together, flew down toward the bottom, landed in the valley, and then put the two animals into the spirit garden.

A girl looked at Tang Long and asked, "young Xia, can you tell us your name?"

"My name is Tang. Please call me Mr. Tang!" Tang Long's simple way.

Another girl said, "childe Tang, I don't know what kind of arrangement you are going to make in the valley next?"

Looking at the four girls, Tang Long pointed to a stone wall beside the valley in front of him and said, "go there and open a few caves. The caves don't need to be very big. You can pretend to be on the line. Move quickly."

"And you?" "What are you going to do here?" the girl asked

Tang Long said: "I want to arrange an array here. When the people from the blood Temple come, how can this array trap them a little bit and give us more time?"

"Good!" Several girls nodded together.

Although they were very curious and did not know what array Tang Long was going to arrange in the valley, they all knew that they did not have much time here, so they had to take time to arrange everything before the purple emperor picked up the stars.

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