Tang Long soon arrived in the basement of this magnificent building which was about to collapse. After seeing the environment and structure of the basement, he was basically satisfied: "no matter what, now I can only take risks and hope to succeed!"

Tang long thought that although there were countless cracks in the walls around the basement, they didn't care.

His mind moved and summoned them.

Then he looked at vatian and said, "next, you can help me lay out a strong defense and seal border in this basement, and a layer of Psychedelic enchantment will be arranged outside. This border must at least keep the basement!"

Vatian and his colleagues looked at the basement and frowned: "the designed boundary must be combined with the original defense boundary of the basement. Otherwise, as long as we start to arrange this boundary, we will certainly destroy the boundary of the basement and even the defense array of the whole building!"

Tang Long nodded: "because of such difficulties, I let you come out to help me!"

As he said that, his mind moved. The ancient array of heavenly spirits was displayed by him. Among the ancient array, 108 ghosts directly appeared.

Tang long looked at VA Tian and said, "I'll leave ghosts with you, and I'll go to treat some people's internal injuries."

"All right." Vatian and they nodded together.

Tang Long said: "we have only one hour. In this hour, you should not only lay out illusory boundaries, but also defensive and isolation barriers in the basement. When this magnificent building collapses, people outside must not detect anyone hidden in the secret room!"

After a pause, he cautiously said: "there are many strong people in the blood temple outside!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, vatian frowned again.

It's not an easy thing for him to lay out the array that he wants to lay out, which is absolutely not an easy thing. After all, there are strong energy fluctuations on the array boundary.

If you just arrange the general array boundary here, you can't hide from those Tianzu in the blood god temple outside, let alone put into the original boundary of the basement at this time.

Therefore, it is too difficult to arrange a proper array boundary here according to Tang Long's requirements.

Most importantly, they have too little time.

"Let's try our best." "One hour's time is too short!"

Tang Long said: "I will let them try to give you more time. This array must be successfully arranged." When the voice dropped, he just flashed and left the basement.

Now he can only leave the affairs here to vartian.

He has something else to do with himself!

At this time, outside the magnificent building, the sky is still roaring. The powerful blood Demon power is sweeping all kinds of powerful energy, which is constantly roaring between the heaven and the earth in all directions!

Tang Long went outside and took a look at the surrounding environment of this magnificent building against the strong wind outside.

"When we run away, this place must have become a ruin, and the collapsed ruins have to be piled up here, at least not to be blown away by powerful energy at that time!"

"At that time, the wind between heaven and earth will be howling, the vigor will be roaring, and the ruins will be piled up. Under the extremely chaotic situation, it is possible to ensure the safety here."

He thought, looking around!

This place was the headquarters of a powerful recluse family. In addition to the magnificent building where Meng Haoran is now, there are other magnificent buildings around. These magnificent buildings are also dilapidated at this time!.

If this place did not have the protection of strong defense border, these magnificent buildings would have been destroyed by bombardment.

Looking at the magnificent buildings around him, Tang long thought about it.

Then he flashed to the base of one of the magnificent buildings, facing the foundation of his side. He used the skill of earth escaping to make the foundation loose, which made the grand building collapse easily, and could not be supported by the current defensive array!

After he arranged this way, as long as the powerful energy bombards on this magnificent building, the magnificent building will collapse towards him immediately!

Next, Tang Long surrounded Meng Haoran's magnificent building and arranged the surrounding buildings like this!

"After the breakthrough, the surrounding buildings will collapse towards the center one after another. As a result, they will surely hit the magnificent building in the center, and the magnificent building in the middle will be smashed down!"

"In that case, no matter how fierce the warrior of the blood Temple bombarded, it was impossible to bombard out all the ruins of so many collapsed buildings. Then these ruins would pile up and completely cover the basement!"

"As long as the basement can resist the heaviest blow down of the ruins, as long as the outside Tianzu strongmen can rush out a blood path in a short time to attract the attention of those in the blood temple and go away together, the people left here should be safe!"Tang Long secretly thought, relying on the earth to escape the art of arranging the surrounding, but also has spent half an hour.

Next, he returned to the tower of time.

At this time, a long time has passed in the tower of time. After such a long rest, the conditions of these warriors in the tower of time have been much better.

They all recovered a lot from their internal injuries.

Meng Haoran and Qianji Baiyu also looked much better at this time. Their internal injuries were not very serious before. At this time, their internal injuries had been completely recovered.

Tang Long came to them and asked, "how's the layout here?"

"It's basically set up!" Qianji Baiyu road.

Tang Long asked, "what about those who are ready to sacrifice? Are they all ready? "

"All ready!" Qianji Baiyu said solemnly: "they are worthy of being members of the Taigu sect in the great world, and worthy of being the people of the reclusive family who stand up to heaven and earth. Many people are willing to sacrifice themselves!"

Tang Long's eyes fell on the white bearded old man beside him, and sighed: "master, I have to do this as a last resort. I hope you can understand!"

Looking at Tang long, the old man with white beard said solemnly: "young man, you don't have to say too much. Your method is obviously the best way. At least we can save most of our people here. In the end, we should thank you. Otherwise, we will be arrested by the people in the blood god temple, and our hidden disciples and family members will surely suffer Slaughter

Tang Long said: "now I will tell you about my arrangement outside."

Next, Tang Long told the white bearded old man in detail about his arrangement outside and his overall plan. He also made sure with him where we would meet.

It's up to white beard to decide where and where.

For the geographical environment of this area, the old man with white beard is very familiar.

After confirming these things, Tang long looked at the old man with white beard and said, "master, it's mainly to see whether you Tianzu can break through the encirclement tonight."

The old man with white beard said definitely: "don't worry, we have more than ten Tianzu strongmen in total. The internal injuries have been recovered, and the strength has also been restored. We all work together, plus the protection of those victims, and then we will certainly be able to break through the encirclement successfully."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "if we can't break through the encirclement successfully, we can only die with these people in the blood temple!"

Tang Long said nothing more.

He knew that if the breakthrough was not successful, let alone these Tianzu, everyone would die here!

There are a total of more than a dozen Tianzu strongmen left here. In addition to Meng Haoran and Qianji Baiyu, the remaining Tianzu strongmen are the remaining strong ones in this continent.

Of course, Tang long does not want to lose these people.

If these people can go to LingXiao palace, the comprehensive strength of LingXiao palace can be improved to a great level!

With them, we will be able to increase a powerful force against the blood temple in the future!

"The land of beasts, the next thing is to see whether this continent can resist the attack of so powerful people. Then how many strong Tianzu people will gather in that land? The blood demons, the demons, all the heavenly ancestors will gather there, and the land will be destroyed!"

At this time, Tang Long sighed.

Although he knew that the war in the land of beasts was only a scene he planned, and it was bound to be a disastrous one, but it must be very tragic and the time must be very long!

If the play is successful, it will give them a long time!

"I hope at that time strong sky will appear, wizard will appear, otherwise the world will be doomed!"

When Tang long thought of these things, he could not help but become extremely heavy.

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