After leaving the tower of time, Tang Long still has to go to the basement to see the situation and make some corresponding arrangements in the basement. It must be ensured that after the collapse of the whole building, the various arrangements in the secret room will not be destroyed.

And he has to make sure that the enchantment in the chamber works!

In the basement, Tang Long was busy with vatian and arranged several arrays in the basement.

Although the time is very limited, they are there, and there are 108 ghosts. Although Tang long can't arrange such a powerful array in the secret room in such a short time, they can barely achieve some things by combining with the defense array already existing in the chamber.

Tang Long's array in this chamber has two main functions:

first of all, he should try his best to make the chamber resist heavy attacks at important moments. Secondly, we should ensure that the breath of the people hiding in the secret room will not be detected by the strong Tianzu outside as far as possible.

This chamber is for help!

Because of the existence of the tower of time, the martial arts practitioners in the tower of time can recover their vitality.

In the tower of time, the old man with white beard constantly assigned people who were able to recover their strength to resist the attack of the blood temple. This also gave Tang longduo two hours' time.

The old man with white beard also explained that the warriors who went out to resist the attack of the blood Temple must show that they were seriously injured and did not recover.

He did this in order to confuse the people in the blood temple and not let those people know their real details.

The next three hours passed.

By this time, it was dark outside!

Outside, although the attack of the blood temple was still so fierce, the resistance of the outside world still existed. Although the resistance was weakening, the resistance did not collapse completely at this time.

The people of the blood temple did not increase the attack strength, obviously they wanted to continue to consume the resistance's strength.

Unfortunately, they did not know that at this time, in their encirclement circle, the state of these warriors in the world has become better and better!

These warriors in the great world quickly recover their vitality and recover their internal injuries in the tower of time, because they have a very full recovery time in the tower of time, and their internal injuries are basically good under the condition that they and those warriors outside resist the attack of the blood temple.

This resistance lasted another hour!

At this time, Tang Long was in the basement and finally arranged all the arrays he wanted to arrange.

"Everything is ready, the next step is to see the breakthrough of Tianzu strongman!" Tang Long has a dignified look in his eyes. He knows that whether the people here can live depends on the success of the breakthroughs made by those powerful Tianzu.

The breakthrough is the key!

The blood Temple controls the blood red defense border of this square heaven and earth, which not only contains strong attack power, but also has a very strong defense control force.

Qianji Baiyu, before they break through, they must make the defense of this defense barrier weaken a little.

Tang Long has considered these problems in advance. He wants to make the defense boundary of the blood Temple suddenly expand when people break through.

Only in this way, the defense of the border will suddenly weaken a lot, and then Qianji Baiyu will be able to escape.

In the secret room, they all returned to the flag of Tang long.

Tang Long received Tianmei wild ancient array!

"As long as the basement can withstand the heaviest blow, there will be no big problem." Tang Long checked the condition of the basement and then left.

Soon he was back in the tower of time.

When he came to the old man with white beard, Tang long looked at the old man with white beard and said seriously: "master, we will transfer the strong man of earth ancestor to the underground chamber, and then you should break through the encirclement!"

"Good!" The old man with white beard nodded, with a firm look in his eyes.

He walked towards several warriors standing not far away, and said solemnly: "you can go with peace of mind, we will always remember your sacrifice, this continent will always engrave your name, as long as we do not die, your family will be wrapped in us, this is my Shangguan Yutian's promise to you!"

In the eyes of these warriors, there was a look of death in their eyes. Their faces were full of determination and determination. Their voices were sonorous and said: "for our own home, for our families, for the millions of living beings in the world, we should die where we should be!"

There are six of them!

They are all people who voluntarily come forward and will surely die here.

All of them are the strength of dizu realm!

Even, their strength has exceeded dizu seven!

Although before they also suffered internal injuries, but at this time their internal injuries have been fully recovered, strength has been completely restored!Tang Long has already come to Qianji Baiyu: "master, I'll give you something that can help you break through." Said, Tang Long took out two dazzle light shield, and this dazzle light shield use method told thousand machine white feather.

The use of dazzle shield is not difficult, Qianji Baiyu can learn it quickly.

Next, Tang Long told Qianji Baiyu about the idea of using dazzle shield in detail. After discussing with Qianji Baiyu for a while, Tang Long was relieved.

After all the things to be said were finished, Tang Long immediately moved his mind and collected the magic weapon time tower. Looking at the warriors here, he said, "the rest of the earth ancestors will follow me. Let's go to the underground secret room to hide."

Together, they followed Tang long out of the hall and went quietly towards the basement of the grand palace!

Ling Qingyao, of course, went with her.

Tang long will stay in the basement with Ling Qingyao this time.

He had to stay!

In addition, their array in the basement is very complicated.

Most people don't know how to open these arrays and how to exert their power.

So Tang long must stay with them!

What's more, the next breakout action, with the strength of Ling Qingyao, of course, can't escape with those Tianzu. If those Tianzu take Ling Qingyao to escape, Ling Qingyao will certainly become a burden to those Tianzu, and will make those Tianzu's escape a complete failure!

So Ling Qingyao can only stay here.

Of course, Tang Long couldn't rest assured that Ling Qingyao could stay here alone and let her face such a great danger, but he ran away alone at this time.

So no matter what, Tang Long has decided to stay with Ling Qingyao.

They quietly went to the basement. Tang Long glanced at all the warriors who followed in. There were more than 50 warriors in total!

Besides Ling Qingyao, all the rest of these fifty warriors are the strength of dizu realm!

Looking at these warriors, Tang Long said in a deep voice: "from now on, we all gather our vitality and integrate our vitality into the walls of the underground chamber. Before the heaviest bombardment arrives, everyone's vitality can not be revoked. But after the heaviest bombardment, everyone must immediately stop breathing, and even stop breathing to prevent being detected by the heavenly ancestors outside!"

"I see!" These warriors all nodded solemnly.

At this time, in the hall outside, the old man with white beard glanced at all the Tianzu who concentrated here, and then his eyes fell on the six dizu warriors in front of him, with a touch of sadness in his eyes: "you Do it

"Don't worry, we will finish the task!"

The voice of the six warriors was like a rock, and their eyes were full of determination to see death as if they were going home. Their voices dropped. Four of them flashed their bodies and rushed out first!

Qianji Baiyu and other strong Tianzu people gathered together at this time to improve some steps of breaking through the encirclement.

It's dark outside. There's a crescent moon in the sky, and stars are shining.

However, the external environment is obviously very bad, within tens of thousands of meters around, the earth and the earth continue to come to the sky and roar!

Above the sky, the soldiers of the blood temple are surrounded by several powerful Tianzu in the world.

These days ancestor strong one side resists, at the same time is bombarded to descend slowly.

The surrounding circle of the blood temple in the sky is getting smaller and smaller!

They kept pressing down, and the power of blood demons gathered together to form a semicircle of blood red energy light shield, which completely covered the area of Meng Haoran below!

The mask junction is constantly pressing down and shrinking, and the range is getting smaller and smaller!

At this time, in the underground secret room, the eyes of these soldiers who concentrated here were tense.

Tang Long is also nervous.

After all, there are too many heavenly ancestors in the blood temple outside, more than 50, and even many strong ones in the realm of dizu.

So many warriors of the blood Temple surrounded here, and those people in the blood Temple obviously arranged a very strong attack and control array. In this case, Meng Haoran, can they break through the encirclement successfully?!

"I hope they succeed." Tang long can only think so at this time.

But at this time, in the depths of his heart, the voice of Dongfang bing'er suddenly remembered: "husband, Xiuli Changhe has come and is waiting for you in the living room of Tang mansion, the holy city of blood demon!"

Tang long remembered that he had told Dongfang binger that he would see Xiuli Changhe this evening.

The most important thing is that he wants to make sure that Xiuli long crane is still alive!

Now he knew that Xiuli long crane was obviously alive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!