Of course, the voice outside the soul tower is the voice of Tang long after exerting his magic power.

Outside the tower of ten thousand souls, Tang long heard the questions answered by the spirit of the hundred mile summit in the tower. He felt satisfied.

The capture of the spirit of the hundred mile summit confirmed many things.

He knows that witches belong to the demons. They are people of the demons. After swallowing the spirits of the Dants in the whole world by a means, they can obtain part of the spiritual power of the Dants, so that they can become witches.

The sorcerer learned the ancient forbidden incantation summoning array, and used ancient taboo means to arrange this array in the spirit. With its own soul power as the traction, and with the special ability of the demon soul, the wizard can start the forbidden spell array, sign a life contract with the devil in the demon world, and summon the demon king!

The sorcerer who summoned the demon king can directly devour the spirits of bloodthirsty demons in the blood Temple by virtue of the demon king's phagocytosis ability, so that they have the power of blood demons.

And their demonic power can also be hidden to a certain extent, which makes them hidden in the blood temple, which is hard to detect.

Although they can devour the spirits of bloodthirsty demons, they can not devour the spirits of bloodthirsty demons.

There are also great restrictions on the means of swallowing spirits by witches. Only in a swallowing array arranged by them can they complete the swallowing of spirits. Moreover, it must take a month for this kind of swallowing to be completed.

In this month, if there is any accident, this kind of phagocytosis may fail, they will all die!

Therefore, it is not easy to become a wizard. There are not many witches hiding in the blood temple.

But it's hard to say how many warriors with demonic power are hiding in the blood temple. It's hard to say. It's impossible to even know how many hundred Li mountain climbing peaks are.

Tang Long asked Baili Dengfeng about all about the power of the devil, but the identity of Baili Dengfeng among the demons is obviously not very high, and what he knows about the power of demons is very limited.

But Tang Long also got a lot of useful information about the power of demons.

The spirit of the hundred mile mountain tells Tang long that the power of demons can be hidden, but there are also great limitations.

If the devil power is not stimulated, it will always be in a hidden state, and can be transformed into a devil seed, which will be hidden in the heart of the warrior. In this case, even the blood demon ancestor can not detect the existence of the devil power!

However, once the devil seed is inspired, the spirit of the warrior will begin to mutate. At this time, the devil's power is hard to hide.

After the devil seed is inspired, not to mention the blood demon ancestor, generally the ancestor strong person to explore the spirit, it is possible to explore it out.

There are many ways to stimulate the devil seed, but we don't understand it.

Now Tang Long has been able to confirm that the wizard and the demon clan are together, and they can be regarded as the people of the demon clan, but there are few witches among the demon clan.

The spirit that exists in strong giant is indeed the strongest among the demons: the ancestor of demons.

Now, Tang Qinglie thinks that the wizard has gone to the world.

What the world of witches is like, how far it has developed, how many witches there are, and how many warriors of the demon clan are there. Even if these things are a hundred miles to the summit, it is completely unknown.

After getting the information he wanted, Tang Long was also very satisfied. At this time, he no longer asked about the spirit of the mountain.

But he had another worry.

He knew that Gao Tianye's demonic power had been inspired for a long time. If Gao Tianye went to the blood temple and went to see the statue, he would have no way to conceal his exploration.

Even if the blood drops of those people go to explore the spirit of Gao Tianye, Gao Tianye will be exposed immediately!

"Is Gao Tianye exposed now?"

Tang long thought.

It is obvious that Guangyao Canglong has been respected and doubted, so those who are closely related to Guangyao Canglong will be doubted!

If the Venerable Master has already known about the devil seeds, he will doubted these people and will explore the spirits of Gao Tianye and even many people.

"I guess that most of the people who have demon seeds and who are lurking in the blood temple have not been inspired by the devil's power. Even before the hundred mile summit, they have not been inspired by the devil seed and have not released the evil power."

"But Gao Tianye's demonic power has been inspired for a long time. When I went to the top battle with me, he had already been inspired by the devil seeds. Now, Gao Tianye may have been exposed!"

Think of here, Tang Long immediately fierce frown.

He hoped that Gao Tianye was safe, but the blood demon ancestor had been dealing with the devil's father for so long. Even if the blood demon ancestor could not stimulate the devil seed, he would certainly know something about the devil seed.

If so, can Gao Tianye hide it?!"After I go back to the holy city of blood demon, I have to know about this matter, or I have to take action in advance!"

He thought in his mind, condensing chaos and sky fire will directly refine and fuse the spirit of the hundred mile summit!

Soon, the breath of life and the brand of life in the spirit of the hundred mile summit were thoroughly refined by Tang long, and even the power of demons and blood demons were devoured by the chaotic sky fire.

Then the spirit of the lost life was shattered by the chaotic sky fire and turned into a pure energy, but it was also devoured and fused by the chaotic sky fire!

Tang Long plans to go to the ghost valley after solving the problem of climbing the mountain for hundreds of miles.

In the tower of time, he used the magic power to change his appearance into the appearance of climbing a hundred Li mountain. Then he took the tower of time and walked out of the cave.

His beast, who had been in charge of guarding the cave, returned to the heavenly spirit garden at this time.

He looked up at the sky. It was full of stars and moons!

He contacted Zhong Li Xueyan with huixinmen and asked, "Xueyan, what's the situation of Moli city?"

Zhong Li snow flue: "the city Lord's house has not moved, but we are ready to start!"

Tang Long said: "you let Shuya stay there alone. You will come to me right away and go to the ghost valley with me."

"Why should I go to ghost valley with you?" Zhong Li Xueyan asked.

Tang Long said: "the puppet that is being melted in the ghost Valley can't be eliminated at all. Moreover, I know from the spirit of the hundred mile mountain climbing mountain that only the spirit of the bloodthirsty Lord in the blood demon world can become the master of the puppet. I am not the spirit of the bloodthirsty demon lord, so I can't be the master of the puppet!"

Of course, the information about this immortal puppet was only known after Tang Long inquired about the hundred mile summit.

It is obvious that Tang long does not have the spirit of the bloodthirsty Lord, so he can not become the master of the puppet, and can not get the puppet.

The puppet can't be killed.

This puppet will be melted by the people of Baili family tonight. It is only by combining nine immortal spirits that the puppet is melted out.

Once the puppet is smelted successfully, its combat power will be very strong, and it can reach Tianzu at least!

If such a puppet is not controlled, I am afraid there will be trouble. So Tang Long thinks that it is better and safer for Zhong Li Xueyan to become the master of the puppet.

Zhong Li Xueyan heard Tang Long's explanation and immediately asked, "husband, where are you now?"

Tang Long explained his position in detail with huixinmen, and then went on to Zhong Li Xue flue in his heart: "Xueyan, you can come here right now, let Duan Fei, the Black Dragon King, stay there and help Shuya control the city Lord's house. With Duan Fei and so many black dragons there, Shuya should be safe if there is no accident in the master's house over there!"

"I see. Wait a minute. I'll be right there." The bell leaves the snow flue.

Next, Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection between Zhong Li and Xueyan, waiting for the arrival of Zhongli Xueyan.

Just waiting, the sky felling and Xuanyuan sky array suddenly came out from the flag. Xuanyuan Tianzhen looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, you are lucky!"

"What do you mean?" Tang Long was puzzled. How could he be blessed?

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