Xuanyuan Tianzhen looked at Tang Long and said, "we have worked out how to make a scroll of rules."

Hearing this news, Tang longan was immediately surprised. He had long wanted to make a scroll of laws. After all, the scroll of laws was so useful.

He already knew that only after the spirit of the master of Dan reached the level of Danzu, could he make the scroll of laws.

He had already met that condition.

He quickly looked at the sky cutting and Xuanyuan sky array and asked, "tell me quickly, how can we make the scroll of the law?"

Cutting sky and Xuanyuan sky array turned their heads and looked around them. He asked curiously, "where is this?"

"This is the ghost mountain in the blood demon world. I want to rob an immortal puppet. At least I will destroy the immortal puppet made by Baili family." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed by the following: "do you really know how to make the law scroll? Teach me how to make it? "

He wanted to learn how to make the law scroll.

He knew that if he could learn this skill, he would be able to make many scrolls of laws, which could be given to Ye Qingling and their safety would be more guaranteed.

In Tang Long's eyes, ye Qingling's safety always comes first.

"It's not so easy to learn how to make the scroll of the law. Even if you have good attainments in the array, it will take at least two days to learn how to make the scroll of law."

Xuanyuan sky array followed: "what's more, all you can make now is just the general and medium-sized scroll of laws, and the most powerful scroll of laws is not enough!"

At this time, vatian had already taken out a large scroll: "this is the scroll we made in the flag of heaven sealing. It records the detailed method of how to make the scroll of law. You can learn it when you have time!"

"Good!" Tang Long takes over the scroll.

At this time, of course, he has no time to learn how to make the scroll. He still has important things to do here.

Xuanyuan sky array has already asked curiously: "you said you want to destroy the melted puppet? What are you waiting for here

Tang Long explained, "I'm waiting for Xueyan to come and go with her, hoping that she can become the master of the immortal puppet."

Next, Tang Long basically told the situation here to the cutting sky and Xuanyuan sky array.

Then they sat down in a place near the cave, and vatian and Xuanyuan Tianzhen sat down beside Tang long. They also wanted to use this time to teach Tang long how to make law scrolls and tell Tang Long some tips in this respect.

At this time, in the blood demon holy city, Tang Long's plan for shining Canglong in the blood demon holy city has been completed. Now is the most important step to carry out this plan!

The general director of this project is, of course, Moxiang qingluan.

Mo Xiang qingluan is ready to kill Guangyao Canglong tonight.

Guangyao Canglong doesn't know that he has been watched.

He went to a place to vent his emotions with Hu San last night. Hu San was really a very thoughtful person who did things. He forgot all his depression last night and had a good time.

This evening Guangyao Canglong plans to go there again, to have a good play, to play more crazy.

His mood has been much better than the previous two days. He plans to go to the place Hu San prepared for him every day these days. One is to vent his pent up depression, the other is to calm down after being crazy.

He wants to find a way to deal with Gao Tianye and use Gao Tianye to make himself safe.

It needs a good set up!

It was late at night, Guangyao Canglong and Hu San walked out of Guangyao house and onto the street.

The street is quiet now.

Although the street is very spacious, there are not many shops on both sides of the street. There are no shops that open at night.

Leaving Guangyao mansion, Guangyao Canglong and Hu San stride forward.

They have just walked forward for more than 100 meters. Suddenly, they feel a strong atmosphere in the distance coming towards this side in the lane ahead.

In addition, some deliberately suppressed voices of drinking and scolding came from there:

"Mr. Wang, if you don't stop, believe me or not, when I go back later, you will directly destroy your family!"

"Damn old man, stop!"

"Asshole, I still want to run away after taking our things. If I don't catch you today, I will not be a man!"

"Brothers, catch up with him and kill him for me!"


When Guangyao Canglong heard the low and hoarse voice of drinking and scolding, he felt a strong momentum spreading from the lane in front of him, and knew that those people would soon rush out of the lane in front of him.

He didn't take the situation there seriously.

From the momentum of those people, he can judge that the strength of those people is not strong, at least no one is stronger than him.And it seems that he's chasing each other for something.

He had not heard of the robbery, and he had no interest in knowing it at this time.

He only wants one thing in his mind now, that is to follow Hu San, get to the place where there are many girls, see those beautiful girls quickly, and then go crazy.

He had to have a good time last night.

At this time, a fire was burning in his heart!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

But at this time, in the light of Cang Long's heart, the roar of the sky was heard in the lane.

Obviously, in that alley, the pursuer has caught up with the chaser!

The two sides are fighting!

Guangyao Canglong and Hu San continue to walk forward, and they can see that there is still nearly 20 meters to the entrance of that lane.

Guangyao Canglong doesn't intend to pay attention to the things there, just want to see those girls quickly.

But soon he became interested in things in the alley!

The people in the alley over there were fighting fiercely, and they were obviously suppressed. They did not dare to shout too loud a hoarse voice of abuse:

"son of a bitch, hand over the things quickly!"

"Hey hey, don't force me any more. Believe me or not, I'll shout out loud, so that none of you can get this heavenly king Guiyuan pill!"

"You have the ability to shout. You know, this place is in the holy city of blood demons. If you shout out and provoke the strong ones, we can all escape. But you have a peerless treasure hidden in you. They will surely take away your treasure. You will be killed here, and your family will be killed by us later!"

"It's one death anyway. We'll die together."

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's kill him first, and then look for something. I saw it before, and he put it in his space ring. The space ring is on his finger!"

"If you come one step closer to me, I'll call out immediately..."

"Go to hell..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Come on Puff... "

"Knock him out and take away the space ring with fairy elixir on his finger immediately. How can he be blessed to have such a powerful and rebellious treasure? Move quickly and snatch the heavenly king Guiyuan pill!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."


Although it is difficult to hear the suppressed voice of drinking and swearing in the alley, it is not far away from Guangyao Canglong at this time. Moreover, his strength is not weak and his hearing is very good. He has heard some key contents!

"Heavenly King Guiyuan pill, enhance strength!"

"They are actually seizing the elixir that can improve their strength. Haha, since I know this wonderful opportunity from the sky, how can I miss it?"

"I'm stronger than them. It's easy to rob them of their stuff!"

In the eyes of Guangyao Canglong, the light flashed away, and his body flashed, and he left quickly towards the place where the sky was roaring.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has arrived at the entrance of this lane!

He was staring at the front. Dozens of meters ahead, there were more than a dozen people surrounding a man in random bombardment. At this time, the man was obviously seriously injured, and the one who was bombarded fell to the ground and rolled for several circles, then he did not move!

"Kill these people, then take their things, leave no trace!"

In the eyes of Guangyao Canglong, a touch of cruelty flashed away.

Beside him, Hu San has already chased after him. Seeing the warriors in front of him, Hu San first rushed to those warriors.

Guangyao Canglong also rushed towards the other side.

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