In the explosion of the earth shaking sky, the torrent of powerful Qi swept towards Tang Long from the place where it exploded.

Obviously, although the power of the purple gold palm flying out of the scroll is really very powerful, it is obviously unable to resist the ferocious attack of this blow of Yuzhi polaoshuo.

The power of the devil sweeping through the tumult smashed the powerful shock wave contained in the purple and gold energy giant palm. It was rolling forward and sweeping forward, getting closer and closer to Tang long. It seemed that it was going to bombard Tang long.

Tang Long actually had another scroll in his hand.

It's still an ordinary looking scroll.

The scroll is open.

In the scroll, the dazzling purple and gold light bursts out again, which also contains a very strong power of stars and blood demons.

In this light, in front of the scroll, all of a sudden, the door of purple and gold light condensed out.

There are 18 doors in total!

"It's Rashomon

Even if he is Yuzhi polaoshuo, his eyes are full of shock at this time.

He had no idea that Tang Bu San had such a powerful defense scroll in his hand.

He also knows the name of the scroll.

This is the law scroll!

"Tang Bu San is supposed to be a member of Tang Fu. Can the boy in Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, make a scroll of rules? How could that be possible? I've only heard of it in legend! "

"If that boy has been able to make the scroll of law, then will the defense of those people in Tang's mansion be..."

Yuzhi Polish Shuo's eyes showed a very obvious shock.

He also knows the Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons.

And it is not only him, but many warriors of the serpent alliance that he brought also know the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons.

Even many people have heard the name of the scroll of laws.

But most of them have only heard of the name, and have not seen the real law scroll.

Now they see the law scroll, and they see two kinds at once, one is the attack scroll, the other is the defense scroll.

Yuzhi polaoshuo knows that the defense contained in the scroll held by Tang long at this time is the defense power of the natural disaster curse of luoshengmen. This kind of Curse of natural disaster exists in the inheritance space of genius college!

Now the defense means of the curse of natural calamity are stored in the scroll and appear here!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the shock of the people, Rashomon one after another was bombarded to pieces.

It is obvious that although the defense of Rashomon flying out of the defense scroll is very strong, it still can't resist the powerful blast wave of the devil's power ahead.

It seems that all the eighteen rashomons were smashed by bombardment.

Then the powerful and incomparable dark energy bombarded Tang Long behind luoshengmen.

Tang Long was bombarded with a mouthful of blood and flew back out.

Yuzhi Polish Shuo saw his opponent was blown out, and Tang Busan was blown out. His eyes suddenly showed a light of surprise.

"It seems that the defense of this scroll is obviously limited!"

He thought so, decided to immediately hurt the killer, kill Tang Bu San!

He knew that Tang Bu San should still have the law scroll, and the two law scrolls that Tang Busan used before were obviously not damaged.

The scroll of this law is a rare treasure.

Although the power of the scroll of Tang Bu San's law is obviously very limited, the attack and defense stored in this scroll are not of great use to Yuzhi polaoshuo, but the mystery in this scroll is that Yuzhi polaoshuo wants to get it.

He hopes to get the scroll of Tang Bu San's law and study it well.

Therefore, seeing that Tang Bu San was bombarded and flew out, he made a flash of his body and ran after Tang Bu San.

Distant clock from the ancient, their eyes once again showed a very obvious tension.

They are worried that Tang Long's life will be in danger.

Zhong Li Xueyan and Dan Tai Shuya are both extremely nervous at this time. Even they have made a decision. If Tang Long is in danger again, they will rush out anyway.

Both of them have divine beasts.

Not to mention, at this time, there is a very strange puppet in dantai Shuya!

After she got the puppet, she was also given a name by dantai Shuya!

Although she did not dare to summon it against the sky, she would not care much when Tang Long was in danger!

The pupil of dragon spirit is also mercilessly contracted.But he didn't move.

He had some doubts in his mind: "this scroll is obviously made by Tang Long himself. The attack scroll he took out before, the purple and gold energy giant palm condensed from the scroll. The attack power of the energy giant palm seems to be very powerful, but the defense of the eighteen luoshengmen seems to be weak."

"What's more, although the eighteen rashomons were condensed in the light of purple and gold, they seemed to fly out of the scroll, but in fact they didn't seem to be like this."

"Is this boy..."

Thinking of this, the eyes of Dragon Spirit suddenly showed a ray of light: "this boy is playing tricks!"

Tang Long was bombarded with a mouthful of blood, and then flew out less than 50 meters. That Yuzhi polaoshuo had already flew directly to Tang Long's eyes.

Then Yuzhi polaoshuo's fist, with a powerful and incomparable force of demons, once again bombarded Tang long.

Tang Long took out a scroll again.

This is the previous attack scroll.

As he flies back, he has opened the attack scroll.

The attack scroll opens, and the purple gold light shines out of the scroll, and a purple gold energy giant palm flies out of the scroll again.

Then, Yuzhi Poland Shuo's fist burst out of the powerful demon power, and once again mercilessly bombarded in the purple and gold light energy giant palm!

The energy palm is again bombarded with an explosion.

Just like the last time, the dark energy group attacked by Yuzhi polaoshuo broke the energy palm of the purple and gold light, and then turned into a powerful shock wave, and attacked Tang Long fiercely.

Tang Long has once again taken out a scroll, or the previous defense scroll.

The scroll opened rapidly, and the purple gold light burst out from the scroll, and then the eighteen rashomons quickly condensed in front of the scroll.

And then, one after another, the rashomons were smashed by the bombardment.

But this time, Tang Long was obviously prepared. While luoshengmen resisted the powerful bombardment, he had already made a rapid flight to the rear.

When luoshengmen were all smashed by the bombardment, Tang long had already flown more than 30 meters, but still failed to be bombarded by the powerful force of the devil!


He spat out another mouthful of blood.

But it's clear that this time his attack was much weaker than the last one, and as he flew back, he immediately applied the law of space.

When the law of space was applied, there was a slight twist of water lines in the space behind him.

Then when Tang Long was flying back, he suddenly ran into the distorted space and disappeared.

At the next moment, he was 50 meters above the warped space.

There was a cough, and his face looked pale.

And at this time his breath also appears a little confused!

Yu Zhi polaoshuo immediately found out where Tang Long appeared. He snorted coldly and said, "I think you can hide several times!"

With that, his body flashed and ran after Tang long in the sky like lightning.

Seeing that he has caught Tang Long's eyes, he holds his fist and bombards Tang Long with another fist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!