Tang longan sees Yuzhi polaoshuo attacking himself again. He still takes out the previous attack scroll to resist.

Then he took out the defense scroll.

The situation is almost exactly the same as the previous one!

Tang Long was still bombarded by the power of the devil. The bombarded one flew back, and then he used the power of space to transfer himself away.

But because of successive attacks, Tang Long's face looks more and more pale.

His breath has become more and more chaotic.

Seeing Tang Long's appearance in the distance, those people in the giant snake alliance immediately knew that although Tang long had the law scroll, it was obvious that because Tang Long was much weaker than Yuzhi polaoshuo, he would eventually be killed by Yuzhi polaoshuo.

And they think that Tang long must have been seriously injured now, and he must not be able to support for a long time.

On the side of Zhong Li's family, they are also extremely nervous.

Zhongli Xueyan and dantai Shuya are also very nervous.

Dragon Spirit has a dignified face, the powerful energy burst out of the body, the force of life and the law of wood extremely crazy swept out, toward the spread of crazy in all directions.

Within tens of thousands of meters, in the roar of fierce energy, his power of life and the power of the law of wood are also integrated into it, constantly sweeping and tumbling in this piece of heaven and earth.

High above, Yuzhi polaoshuo has attacked Tang Long again.

And Yuzhi polaoshuo's attack speed has become faster!

Tang Long still used the scroll of the two laws to resist part of Yuzhi polaoshuo's attack with the same method as before, but he still failed to completely resist the attack of Yuzhi polaoshuo, and he flew back hundreds of meters after being bombarded.

Then Tang Long again uses the law of space and dodges towards the sky.

But this time, after exerting the law of space, he has obviously become a little bit tired, and his breathing is becoming very fast.

What's different is that this time he summoned the magic weapon he used before: the tower of souls!

The soul tower is small, only the size of a fist, and rotates on the top of Tang Long's head.

In the soul tower, the powerful purple flame is still burning wildly, among which the spirit of Dongpo year has been burning continuously. Under the constant attack of the wolf of purple fire, the breath of life has basically disappeared.

Moreover, the spirit of Dongpo year has no ability to resist, and it is impossible to escape!

However, Yu Zhi polaoshuo can not find out the specific situation in the soul tower. After all, he is not the master of the magic weapon, and has no relationship with Tang long in soul contract.

He can only detect that the magic weapon is constantly bursting with powerful energy.

Tang Long bit his teeth and his mouth was bleeding.

He stares at Yu Zhi polaoshuo who rushes over again. He looks a little difficult and says: "master, in the face of a younger generation like me, do you have to drive all the people out?"

Yu Zhi polaoshuo stares at Tang Long and sneers: "boy, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. No matter how hard you are today, you must die!"

With that, Yuzhi polaoshuo's fist with a powerful and incomparable force of demons, bombarded Tang Long fiercely once again.

He knew that Tang long would surely use two scrolls this time.

However, Tang Long's breath is chaotic and his vitality is empty. Obviously, he has no ability to use the power of space law.

In his opinion, when his attack broke the attack and defense of the two law scrolls, then it would inevitably bombard Tang long. Tang long could not bear it.

"Boy, this attack will surely kill you!"

Yuzhi polaoshuo's eyes showed a vicious light, which was like a jackal, showing infinite cold and cold, containing extremely fierce killing opportunities.

In his fist, the devil's power has been extremely crazy swept out.

The power of the devil turned into a dark energy fist. The energy fist soared, and in a flash, it soared more than 10 meters!

With the roar of wind and the breath of cold death, the dark energy fist bombards the front.

Ahead, Tang Long has opened the attack scroll again!

The energy palm of purple and gold light flew out of the scroll of attack law again, and hit it with the black energy fist from the bombardment!

But, different from before, this time, just at the moment of the collision between the energy fist and the dark energy palm, Yuzhi polaoshuo suddenly felt that he had a little fear in his heart.

He was suddenly subdued, and his sense of being subdued!

"The power of divine power!"

He was shocked and remembered that Tang long had used the power of divine power to kill the Dongpo year before.

Moreover, Tang Long also used the boundary of spiritual power at that time.But he flew up to fight Tang long. His fighting power was not limited before. At this time, the limitation suddenly came into being!


He immediately slightly frowned, but already heard a thunderous roar.

In this roar, the dark energy fist he bombarded out, and the purple gold energy giant palm flying out of the scroll, had been pounded together.

The collision between energy fist and energy giant palm is exactly the same as the previous several times!

The energy giant palm was bombarded by the explosion, and then the dark energy fist continued to bombard out. Seeing that the dark energy giant fist was going through the roaring and tumbling strong wind, it seemed that it was going to bombard Tang long.

Tang Long opened the defense scroll, and luoshengmen appeared one after another.

Then, the first luoshengmen in front of us was blasted to pieces!

Yu Zhi polaoshuo saw such a situation, and he was also a little relieved. He was staring at the second road of luoshengmen.

There was no accident in the second route of luoshengmen. It was smashed!

Then there is the third Rashomon, the fourth Rashomon!

"Boy, you're dead now!" Yuzhi polaoshuo looked at the fragmentation of luoshengmen, and a satisfied look appeared in his eyes.

Although he was suppressed by Tang long at this time, he was still in control of the situation.

He knew that the next one after another of the luoshengmen were broken, and then Tang Long was bound to be unable to escape. He would be bombarded by his demonic power and would even be directly bombed to death.

However, just as he watched, the gate of rashen was broken one by one. When the powerful demon power bombarded the 15th gate, the gate did not break!

This Rashomon completely blocks the attack of Demon power!

Although there have been many cracks on the Luosheng gate, they still exist!

"Damn it, it's blocked!"

Yuzhi polaoshuo cursed fiercely. He was about to gather the power of the devil and bombard the luoshengmen in front of him. Suddenly, he saw a shock in his eyes!

he had already found that behind him, a powerful momentum suddenly broke out in a crazy way!

"Behind you!"

He knows who the momentum behind him is, which is definitely the momentum of his opponent Tang Busan!

However, this momentum is actually powerful and thick at this time, and there is no sense of injury at all.

Such a situation makes Yu Zhi Poland Shuo's heart suddenly sink!

He turned around in a hurry and saw Tang Bu San.

And at this time, a scroll in Tang Bu San's hand has already been opened, and a purple gold energy giant palm has been pounding hard at him.

Don't have 30 meters short of him!

The speed of the purple gold energy giant palm is extremely fast. In a twinkling of an eye, it is less than 10 meters away from Yuzhi polaoshuo. This purple gold energy giant palm contains powerful energy, and it is about to bombard Yuzhi polaoshuo!

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