With the same environment in the previous palace, the powerful power of holy light is constantly surging between heaven and earth in this palace. Moreover, the stone used for building the palace, the roof on the top of the palace, and the stone paved on the ground are all made of Holy Light crystal stone!

Seeing this, the eyes of Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wild wolf showed a touch of caution.

Tang Long seems to be very cautious, but he is looking forward to it.

"Is it possible that there is also a source of energy in this palace, as well as an eternal star containing the power of the holy light? Can you have two of these rare and strange treasures here? "

"It's unbelievable, isn't it?"

He thought to himself that he had summoned the golden monkey and the red flame lion, as well as the snow wolf king and the pig Gang hyena.

Then the animals were directly transformed into human forms, with a flash of body shape, and then they left in a hurry not far away.

Tang Long has also launched operations.

There are all kinds of artifact falling on the ground. Of course, there are also space rings. Tang Long wants to pick up all the artifacts and other things here and return them to him immediately.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf saw that Tang Long was so quick that they immediately took action. They took a look at each other and felt helpless in their eyes.

They thought that Tang Long was indeed a greedy fellow. Even in such a place where great danger might happen at any time, Tang Long was the first to think of some advantages.

Seeing that Tang Long is busy looking for a space ring, and Tang Long's supernatural beasts are all helping together, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf dare not neglect at this time.

Of course, they also hope to get something here.

Of course, they are not interested in artifact with the power of light.

They are looking for space rings, as well as artifacts left by the warriors of the blood Temple who died here.

Dantai Shuya saw that Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wild wolf were also busy looking for things, so she was busy immediately.

She had no interest in these things at all.

But she felt that since Tang long wanted these things so much, of course, she had to help Tang long look for them, so that Tang long could get the most from here.

At the same time, she summoned her own beast to help, and ordered the bloodthirsty Tiankui to help.

All of a sudden, the jingling sound of the palace is constantly ringing. Xiuli cranes are looking for the space ring that has fallen from the ground. At the same time, they are sweeping away the messy things on the ground in such a large palace.

Tang Long has not picked up weapons containing the power of light.

He knows that these weapons containing the power of the holy light don't want to leave the crane at all, so he doesn't need to worry now. After finding the space ring or something, he will go to pick up the warriors with the power of light.

For these weapons containing the power of the light, he actually attaches great importance to them.

In this palace, there are many weapons that do not contain the power of the light. Tang Long and they all add up to find 78 or 80 kinds of weapons that do not contain the power of the light.

These weapons are of high quality.

If these weapons belong to those warriors who came into the blood temple a long time ago, it means that in this palace, there were at least 70 or 80 warriors who died here in the war long ago.

In addition to the dead warriors of the blood temple in the palace before, all of them add up to hundreds!

Xiuli long crane knows that these people who died in the blood god temple here are the strong ones of Tianzu.

After looking for something, they gathered together in a place in the middle of the palace. On the ground here, they also depicted a big totem!

On the ground around the totem, even on the walls in all directions, there are also very profound Rune arrays.

However, the totem on the ground at this time is not the same as the one they saw in the previous palace.

This totem is not a divine beast.

This is a human totem.

This man's Totem looks very strange!

This person has a pair of horns on his head. His body is very strong and strong, and he has three heads and six arms!

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf stand beside the totem, but they dare not act rashly.

You know, in the big palace before, it was because they accidentally triggered the totem array on the ground that they condensed the Holy Light tiger and put them in danger.

They don't want to be in danger again.

The most important thing is that there are more warriors in this palace than in the previous palace. They think that this palace must be more dangerous!

Tang Long is not here yet.

After searching for the ring of space, they are no longer busy. Tang Long himself goes to pick up the artifacts containing the power of light on the ground to find all the things containing the power of the light.They are speechless.

Tang Long doesn't know what to think. What's the use of holding the Holy Light's artifact? Except for those who practice the power of light, it can work, but it's useless for people in the blood temple to hold it.

Even if people from all over the world hold such artifact, it will not be of any use. At most, it is equivalent to the function of ordinary spirit tools.

The value of such artifact is too low. In their eyes, it has no value.

They didn't even bother to check these things, so they gave it to Tang long.

Tang long had been busy for a long time and felt very satisfied.

Because the artifacts that he found here contain the power of the light, the number of these artifacts is obviously much more than that in the previous palace.

Moreover, among these artifacts, there are more than ten kinds of artifact with high quality, and even a few of them are excellent artifacts!

"Now the eternal star in my ten thousand soul tower already contains powerful power of holy light. If you use this eternal star to refine the spirits of shenlongwei and tiannv of Tangmen, with their special constitution, and I have tempered their spirits with eternal star many times before, their vitality may contain certain power of holy light, and they can use them A artifact with the power of the light

"If they can use the artifact containing the power of the holy light, they will be able to take the initiative to fight against the people in the blood temple or the demons in the future!"

Tang long thought so, and he had already walked towards Xiuli Changhe.

When he came to Xiuli Changhe, Tang long looked at the totem on the ground, and said nervously: "elder Xiuli, you must not act rashly. The totem on the ground is obviously the same as the totem in the palace before. There is a strong attack array!"

Xiuli Changhe looked at Tang Long and cautiously said, "Tang long, what method did you use to crack the palace array before? Is there any way you can crack this array directly before it is opened? "

"Let me see. I'll have to study it to be sure!" Tang long looked at the totem on the ground, and then went to see the strange runes on the ground outside the totem, as well as the runes on the surrounding walls.

It's been an hour since I finished all this.

He came back to Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "I think this array is basically the same as the previous one. I should be able to crack this array."

Xiuli Changhe even said in a hurry: "then you will crack this array immediately!"

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