Tang Long said: "before cracking this array, we must make all kinds of preparations to deal with danger. You should go to the corner of the hall, find a safe place to sit down, and then gather your energy to protect yourself."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe thought of the pressure of the powerful power of light that suddenly appeared in the hall before. At this time, he felt that he and others should be very cautious.

Dan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long with a little worry: "we are all far away from here, isn't it very dangerous to be here by yourself? What if something happens? "

Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang Long and asks, "Tang long, can you remove the danger of this array at a distance?"

Tang Long shook his head: "I must be here, or I can't do it!"

After a pause, he looked at Xiuli Changhe and they said with a smile: "don't worry, I'll be OK. In the previous palace, I was unprepared. This time, when I open the array, I will be fully prepared. Moreover, I have the defense scroll to use. It will be very safe."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe didn't say anything more.

Dan Tai Shuya still said, "you should be careful."

Tang Long nodded and said, "you wait in the distance. The totem array in the hall is a little different from the previous array. I have to study it carefully to see if there is any best way to crack the array."

After a pause, he continued, "I have to use the tower of time. I'll open this array inside the tower of time, so you'll be safer outside."

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf looked at each other, agreed to come down together, and then went to the distance.

Soon, they had sat down on their knees in a corner of the palace, and then gathered the power of blood demons to prevent accidents.

Dan Tai Shuya is still here, watching and telling Tang Long: "be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Tang long looked at Tantai Shuya's tense look, and then looked at her with a smile. Then he said to her in his heart with huixinmen: "your gods and spirits reject the power of the holy light, but the power of the holy light is useless to me. Even in the palace just now, I am very safe."

When she heard the voice of Tang long in her heart, she felt relieved.

But she was very curious. How could Tang Long not be afraid of the power of the light?

"Then I'll go over there and wait for you." Tan Tai Shuya looks at Tang Long and says this, he also walks towards Xiuli Changhe.

Tang Long has summoned the tower of time here.

The tower of time skyrocketed, covering most of the palace, including the strange totem with three heads and six arms on the ground.

When the tower of time is well placed, Tang Long's mind moves, and he is directly in the tower of time.

As for the totem on the ground and the array contained in the totem, Tang long did not think that the array contained in this totem was the same as that in the previous palace.

Although there are similarities, there are still great differences between them.

However, Tang Long still hopes that this array contains a source of energy, and that there is an eternal star containing the power of holy light.

When his mind moved, Tang Long summoned Vajra out of the tower of time.

He looked at the sky and said, "look at the totem array on the ground. What's the difference between the totem array and the White Tiger Totem array?"

Vatian looked down at the totem on the ground, and saw that it was a giant with three heads and six arms, and the giant had a pair of horns on his head, which made him curious.

I have also taken a look at the array of runes outside this totem.

After a short time, cutting the sky is to see the clue.

Looking at Tang long, he said: "the array outside the totem on the ground is the same as that on the ground of the previous palace, but the array contained in this totem is not the same as that contained in the tiger totem before."

Tang Long said: "what's the difference? Does this totem array also contain a space array that can open the source of energy? "

Vatian looked at it carefully and said, "I can only be sure now that the array contained in this totem is very different from the previous totem array, but what are the specific differences? I have to study it again!"

At this time, Tang Long summoned Xuanyuan Tianzhen from the sky flag.

After all, Xuanyuan sky array and their array attainments are also very high. Tang Long hopes that we can quickly work out the mystery of the array contained in this totem.

Next, Tang Long and they studied the array contained in the totem in the tower of time.

Outside the tower of time, Xiuli Changhe are very cautious. They gather the power of blood demons to protect themselves, so as to prevent the powerful power of holy light suddenly burst out in the palace and make their spirits dangerous.However, they have been so defensive for more than an hour, but there is still no movement in the hall.

Xiuli Changhe couldn't help turning his head and looking at the wolf: "how come this boy is not moving in the tower of time? Can't he solve the totem array? "

"He may still be studying it!" Dongguo wild wolf said: "you can see that in this palace, the appearance of the totem on the ground is completely different from that on the ground of the previous palace. Tang Long may not dare to crack this array easily, for fear that there will be great danger in it."

Dan Tai Shuya said: "two masters, I think we'd better wait for a while more patiently. After all, the totem array is obviously very profound. Even if Tang Long has good attainments in this field, it may take some time to crack this array safely."

"That's true." Xiuli Changhe nods with the wolf.

Tang Long is still in the tower of time. They study the totem and the mysterious array contained in it.

At this time, they have been studying for more than a day in the tower of time.

After their hard research, they finally found out the mystery of the array, so now they are ready to unravel the totem array.

"This totem contains not only a powerful energy gathering array, but also an inheritance array. This array is obviously profound!" he said, looking at Tang long

Xuanyuan sky array said: "I don't know what kind of inheritance array it contains and what kind of inheritance it will leave behind."

Tang Long was a little expectant: "if we can leave some kind of inheritance of the power of the light, it would be very good. I hope to solve the secret of the power of light quickly."

"This totem array also contains a space array, and there must be a source of energy in it. Moreover, the source of energy is connected with the inheritance array. I guess that the source of energy is probably the spirit of an ancient strong man, not an eternal star!"

The voice dropped, he thought for a moment, looked at Tang Long and said: "if this is the source of energy left by the spirit of an ancient strong man, then Tang long, this ancient strong man is likely not to have much hostility to you!"

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