After his words fell, Xuanyuan sky array immediately looked at Tang Long and said: "maybe we can be here, through this inheritance array here, we can know more secrets about the blood demon ancestor!"

Tang Long has been looking forward to the words from the sky felling and Xuanyuan sky array.

"This time, I'll untie the totem array. First, I'll unlock the seal array of the hidden energy source to release the power of inheritance. You can go back to the sky sealing flag first, and I'll see what will happen later."

Vatian and they nodded and went back to the flag.

Tang long looked at the totem array on the ground, folded his hands together and quickly changed his fingerprints.

At this time, he did not use the power of the blood demon.

He used the power of the light.

The reason why he wanted to let them all return to the flag is that among them, only he can use the power of light smoothly.

And his vitality also contains the power of holy light.

Use the power of the light to open the array. If there is a space for inheritance and the spirit of an ancient strong man, then the spirit of the strong man will be released. Knowing that he is using the power of the light, he should not be able to attack him immediately.

With the rapid change of Tang Long's handprints, a series of strange golden runes, containing the power of light, flew out of his hands.

Soon, these strange golden runes flew to the totem on the ground, and then merged into the totem and disappeared.

After about 20 minutes, gradually, a golden light appeared in the totem array on the ground.

The golden light is more and more bright, shining on the tower of time.

Even the golden light passed through the tower of time. Outside the tower of time, the whole hall was illuminated with golden light. And soon, the ground and walls of the hall were shining with dazzling golden light.

The powerful power of the light has been swept out of the hall from all sides of the ground, from the walls, from the roof.

Xiu left the crane and they immediately found this situation, and they all became a little nervous.

Xiuli long crane has gathered energy, turned his head and looked at the wolf and said, "be careful. Guard against danger. I guess Tang long should have been uncovering the array in the palace."

Dongguo wild wolf also has a look of vigilance: "I hope that the power of the light will not condense a fierce existence to deal with us, otherwise, the boy of Tang long will be the most dangerous!"

Dan Tai Shuya was already very nervous at this time.

She has already summoned her divine beast and bloodthirsty Heavenly Queen to prevent accidents at any time.

Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wolf also summoned their own mutant beast.

The three men were dignified and ready to start at any time.

However, they have been preparing here for half a day, and more than an hour has passed, but nothing unexpected has happened in this hall.

Even more than an hour later, in this hall, the dazzling golden light has begun to gradually dim!

Finally, the golden light disappeared completely.

Along with the golden light, there is still the turbulent power of holy light between heaven and earth.

Feeling that the power of the light between heaven and earth has completely disappeared, Xiuli and Changhe look at each other, and there is a very obvious joy in their eyes.

They think that Tang Long probably succeeded and cracked the attack array in the palace.

There's probably no more danger here.

Their eyes fell on the door of the tower of time, hoping to see Tang Long come out of the tower of time safely.

They waited for more than ten minutes, and then they saw that the tower of time that had been in front of them suddenly disappeared.

In the middle of the place where the tower of time disappeared, Tang Long emerged unscathed.

Let Hugh leave the crane. What they are curious about is that at this time, there is still a person beside Tang long, who has never seen before, and whose body diffuses the power of great holy light!

This is obviously an old man, a very old man with a beard more than one meter long and a thin old man.

Xiuli long crane, after their exploration, can know that the old man is obviously condensed by the power of the holy light, which is an energy life body.

Seeing the old man and Tang Long coming towards them together, they were very curious.

They don't know where the old man came from.

But they have also guessed that the old man must have something to do with the totem array.

Tang Long and the old man together, step by step toward the Xiuli long crane and saw that they had come to Xiuli long crane.

Xiuli Changhe, Dongguo wolf, and dantai Shuya all look away from the old man and fall on Tang long. They hope to hear Tang Long explain his doubts about the old man.Tang Long walked up to them and said with a smile, "let me introduce to you that this is the spirit of an ancient strong man sealed in this palace and in the totem in the middle of the palace!"

After a pause, he went on: "the name of this strong man is called Tianguang elder!"

"Elder Tianguang?" They looked at each other. They had never heard of the name before.

Xiuli Changhe looked at Tang Long and said curiously, "who is this Tianguang elder?"

Although he found out that there was a strong power of holy light in the elder Tianguang, he could see that the elder Tianguang was not hostile to them.

And up to now, Tang Long is doing well, which makes them feel that elder Tianguang should not be against them.

They were curious about the origin of Tianguang elder.

Moreover, when Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf explored the breath of Tianguang elder, they found that although Tianguang elder was formed by the power of holy light, they could not find out whether Tianguang elder was strong or weak.

After their investigation, they found that the elder Tianguang seems to be a strong one of the earth ancestors, and seems to be a strong one of the heavenly ancestors, and seems to have no strength at all!

this is a very strange situation, which they have never encountered before.

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long and said, "in this hall, there should be no more danger."

"There will be no more danger." Tang Long replied positively, and then said, "and now I can tell you clearly that the spirit of Tianguang elder comes out of the space array, and his spirit will soon dissipate and will not pose any threat to you."

He didn't lie.

He opened the space array in the tower of time before, and then Tianguang elder came out.

In fact, elder Tianguang is not a spirit, but a spirit left here by a super strong man long ago before he died.

The existence of Tianguang elder is even longer than that of cutting the sky, and he belongs to the blood demon world.

He witnessed the whole process of the blood demon Kingdom being occupied by the blood demons! , the fastest update of the webnovel!