Elder Tianguang fell in the last battle between the blood demon Kingdom and the blood demon family.

At that time, the blood demon world was not called the blood demon world, it was called the nine spirit holy world. The name of the blood demon world was just a new name after the war when the blood demons completely occupied the nine spirit holy world.

Before the fall, elder Tianguang left a remnant soul and sealed his own divinity. Only by using the seal array and space array in the palace can he always exist here.

He's here to protect some people.

But the strong among these people were killed by the people of the blood temple in the battle against the blood temple.

Originally, elder Tianguang thought that after the people of the blood Temple discovered and attacked here, he would never meet anyone again. However, he did not expect that Tang Long appeared here, and his body also contained the power of holy light.

If Tang Long doesn't contain the power of holy light, if he uses the power of blood demon to untie the array, he will directly attack Tang long after he appears, which can instantly kill Tang long, including the spirit of Tang Long!

But when he found that Tang Long contained the power of the light, he stopped fighting against Tang long.

Through talking with Tang long, he learned about the situation of the blood demon world and the situation of the great world.

At the same time, he also knew about Tang long.

Tang Long also knew many secrets of the blood demon world long ago through this Tianguang elder.

He knew that elder Tianguang was originally a man from the land of light.

The land of light is very strange, but it belongs to another very strange little world.

Originally, there were four continents in this small world, but the other three continents were eventually destroyed by the blood demons. Only the last continent was left, that is, the land of light.

Before, in that small world, in those four continents, everywhere there were many kinds of strange plants, all of which contained the power of holy light.

They called that little world the little world of light.

Around the light world, there are many small worlds, almost all of which are the territory of blood demons and demons!

The blood demons destroyed the other three continents of the small world of light. In order to protect the land of light, the elder Tianguang took the strong ones of the land of light to fight against the people of the blood god temple, and never went back to the land of light.

Fengling people always stick to everything in the land of light, and the orders left over from ancient times. This order was given by the elder Tianguang.

The memories in the memory crystal of Fengling clan are actually left by Tianguang elder.

However, because the memory crystal is limited, so the elder Tianguang can only leave the memory of some of the most important things during the war.

Tianguang Changlao is a member of Fengling clan.

In order to ensure that the bright land will not be found by the people in the blood temple, Tianguang elder took almost all the strongest people of the Fengling clan at that time to seal all the exits to the bright land, leaving only one very secret exit to the enchanting land.

Then, he let the people of Fengling family create natural disasters in the enchanting continent!

Fortunately, the Youmei continent was extremely remote. At that time, it was desolate, and there were few kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. Therefore, it was not paid attention to by the people of the blood god temple. Moreover, there were natural disasters, which could be preserved to the present.

Because of the preservation of the enchanting continent, the only surviving continent in the small world of light, that is, the bright continent, can be preserved.

In order to protect the land of light, Tianguang elders sacrificed a lot, even sacrificed all the powerful people above the ancestral territory of Shengguang small world at that time.

They resisted the blood demons, and together with the strong people in the blood demon world who had not been persecuted by the blood demons, they launched various wars with the blood demons for hundreds of years. In the end, the whole blood demon kingdom was completely occupied by the blood demons!

All the people in the blood demon world have become the materials of the blood demon clan's cultivation furnace tripod.

After that war, there were some survivors. The secret gathering of these survivors still resisted the blood temple.

But in the end, these survivors were also doomed. They were tracked to the Wangu Grottoes by the powerful Tianzu of the blood god temple, and then there was the final battle here!

Tang Long knew something about the blood demon world through elder Tianguang's narration. He made a decision to let elder Tianguang tell Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf about these things. He wanted to see the attitude of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf.

Of course, Tang long had no time to listen to elder Tianguang about the secrets of more blood demons. He also wanted to know more about the blood demons.

There are also some things about demons that he would like to know.

Elder Tianguang followed Tang Long and went to Xiuli Changhe. He took a look at these people and said, "it seems that you are not one of the blood demons. You are only infected with the blood devil brand!"

After hearing this sentence from elder Tianguang, they were all stunned."What is the blood devil brand?" asked the long crane

Tianguang Changlao said: "the blood devil brand is a very strange life mark. This kind of life mark can be embedded in any spirit, and slowly change this person's spirit!"

Tang Long asked, "after the change?"

Tianguang said: "after the change, your spirits will become bloodthirsty masters or spirits of bloodthirsty demons. When this kind of spirits are fully formed, the life bodies of blood demons can invade your spirits and devour your spirits. At that time, your self-consciousness will be completely lost and you will become the real blood demons!"

After hearing the words of elder Tianguang, Xiuli and Changhe opened their eyes.

They have never heard of such a thing.

They always felt that they were the blood demons. However, the elder Tianguang told them that the reason why they had the spirits of bloodthirsty masters and bloodthirsty demons was that they were infected with the life brand of blood demons!

It makes them a little bit incredible.

Tang long believed in the words of elder Tianguang. He knew a lot about the blood demons. After all, he had been to the bright land.

He looked at Tianguang elder and asked, "what is the life of blood demons?"

Elder Tianguang took a deep breath. After a moment's silence, he said, "it's a very evil creature. I've only seen it once or twice. Their appearance is completely different from human beings, even from all Warcraft and animals."

After a pause, he continued: "the blood demons are far more terrible than you think!"

Tang Long asked, "what about the demons?"

Tianguang said: "I don't know much about the demons. I only know that there are many similarities between the demons and the blood demons. I guess they should come from the same big world, at least some origins."

When Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf hear Tang Long's conversation with Tianguang elder, they both have deep disbelief in their eyes.

Tan Tai Shuya believed in the words of elder Tianguang, because she had already known a lot about the bright land.

Since Tang longhui believes in the most important thing, she must believe it.

She looked at the sky and said, "what can I do to kill those blood demons? Or, how can we get to their world? "

"The entrance to their world is very hidden. They have never said it. Even though I have been looking for it for a long time, I still can't find it. I don't know how to get to their world."

After a pause, Tianguang elder continued: "I think their world must be very terrible, but according to what Tang Long told me before, I guess their world should be completely displayed in front of your eyes, because they should have prepared all the preparations, and the furnace cauldrons they have cultivated in the blood demon world should be in line with him They can use whatever they want

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