Xiuli Changhe looked at the sky in disbelief and said, "what can you do to prove that what you said is true? To prove that our spirits are actually infected with the life brand of blood demons? "

Elder Tianguang sighed: "I can't prove this, because only the real blood demons can make you have the final variation!"

Tang Long asked, "what does the blood demon clan look like after mutation?"

Tianguang said: "after the mutation, the blood demons still look like human beings, but they can make some changes at any time. The final form of their change is extremely terrible, and their combat power will be formidable and frightening after becoming that form!"

After a pause, Tianguang elder continued: "mutation can't happen easily. Only after the spirits of bloodthirsty masters and bloodthirsty demons have grown up for tens of thousands of years or even longer, or after many generations of transformation, can they finally be fully suitable for the invasion of blood demons. After this kind of occupation is completed, this person can mutate."

After a pause, Tianguang elder continued: "the spirits of people in the blood demon world are not the spirits of bloodthirsty masters or bloodthirsty demons at all. In fact, these two kinds of spirits are the variation of normal spirits after being infected with the life brand of blood demons. Such variant spirits can swallow the spirits of normal people, but they will eventually be swallowed up by the real blood demons."

Tang Long asked: "people who have the spirits of bloodthirsty masters or bloodthirsty demons, after their spirits are devoured by the blood demons, will the original people completely lose themselves and become the real blood demons?"

"Yes." Elder Tianguang nodded: "after the swallowing is completed, the original spirit of this man will completely disappear. Because of the long-term growth of the bloodthirsty master and the bloodthirsty devil, this body will have great changes, so as to be able to adapt to the residence of the blood demon clan. In this way, the blood demon family can really occupy the body, and can be used for a long time, and even strengthen the body 。”

Tang Long asked again: "I have been in contact with some people of the demon clan before. I found that these people of the demon clan seem to be able to mutate, and these people can become human wolves!"

Tianguang said: "the situation of the demons is similar to that of the blood demons, but after so many years of development, they may have found a way to invade other people's lives more quickly. As far as I know, it's not the real form of the demons."

With that, he looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "I know that you may not believe what I said, and I don't want you to believe it now."

Dongguo wolf asked, "you told us this is not to let us believe, what is that for?"

Tianguang said: "I hope you will pay close attention to everything in the blood temple from now on. I believe that you will believe me soon. Now what I hope is that you don't talk about it, that's all

The wolf and the crane looked at each other without saying anything.

Although they don't believe what elder Tianguang said, they can still do it if they don't tell it.

They know that if all this is true, if they tell these things, they will not be able to survive.

At this time, elder Tianguang continued: "my time is running out. Next, I will tell you about some things that happened after the blood demons came to the blood demon world. Those things are all my own experiences, and there will be no lies."

Next, most of the things that Tianguang elder said were actually recorded in those memory crystals of Tianguang continent. Tang long already knew that.

But now Tang Long also hopes that Xiuli Changhe can know, and he wants to see their reaction.

Xiuli Changhe doesn't talk to the wolf, waiting for the elder Tianguang to go on.

Elder Tianguang said in detail that the previous fierce war, the environment and situation of the blood demon world, and so on, as long as he knew, he said it.

It took him more than two hours to tell the whole story of the terrible disaster in ancient times.

After listening to some of the things the elder Tianguang said, the faces of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf became a little white!

They don't want to believe it, but intuition tells them it should be true!

The most important thing is that the elder Tianguang told them that the blood god hall was the real blood demon ancestor. They could not see the real appearance of the blood demon ancestor. Moreover, he said that there were many secrets hidden in the blood demon ancestor.

They have never seen the real face of the statue.

Moreover, there are a lot of mysterious people around the blood god temple. These people are very powerful. They are all strong in the blood god temple. No one has seen their real appearance!

These are enough to show that the blood demon ancestor is a very deep man.

They had no idea how big the statue was, how long it had lived, and where it came from.After hearing these things from elder Tianguang, she didn't feel much shocked because she had already known some of them in advance.

After all, she has been to Shengguang continent.

She turned her head and looked at Tang Long and said seriously, "Tang long, I believe all these things, because I have long felt that the respect of the blood god temple is abnormal. There is no record of such a powerful person in the history of the blood demon world. There is no legend or record about his origin. It really doesn't make sense!"

You know, no matter what continent or world, the growth history of the strongest can be found.

Even though many of the strongest in ancient times have fallen, there will still be a lot of things about him.

Basically, the living superpowers can find their roots, at least in part.

However, the blood god hall is different. Such a powerful person has always been mysterious in the history of the blood demon world. Everyone knows that this statue is very powerful and seems invincible, but there is no trace of anything before this invincible statue can be inquired!

It seems that this is a strong person who exists from the beginning, and is an invincible strong one when it appears.

Tang long looked at Tianguang and said, "the statue of the blood god temple has existed for many years, but the people in the blood demon world have never seen his real appearance for so many years. This is really weird."

With that, he turned to look at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "what's your opinion on this matter?"

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf looked at each other, but did not speak.

Next to him, the appearance of Tianguang elder at this time seems to have become a little fuzzy.

He looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "I know, you certainly don't want to believe what I said. It doesn't matter. You just have to be alert and don't get too deep in the blood temple. That's enough!"

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said, "the safety of the blood demon world and the whole world depends on you, Tangmen!"

"Tangmen?" The eyes of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf fall on Tang long.

Tang Long is no longer hiding.

Of course, many things he still can't say too clearly.

Looking at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, he said, "I knew something about the blood demons as early as a year ago, and there are many people who know about it. They all join the Tang clan. We all hope that if those things happen in the future, we can at least protect ourselves."

Dongguo wild wolf glared at Tang Long and said in disbelief: "do you mean that the people of Zhongli family and dantai family all know this matter?"

"They know a little bit, almost as much as you do." Tang Long said: "including me, I have known these things in advance, so I have always been reluctant to go to the high-level of the blood god temple, thinking that if these things are true, then in the future, when the blood demons want to really devour our spirits, I will at least have a chance to escape and at least resist!"

"My God!" Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf looked at each other again.

Although the two people are still reluctant to believe, but their heart, believe that the composition of this matter has been more.

Zhongli family, Qiuli family, and even Moxiang family!

So many big families of the blood temple have joined the Tang clan, which shows that they all believe in it.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf know that the people of these families, especially the owners of these families, as well as the super powers of these families, are absolutely not idiots. They are absolutely intelligent people, and they are very smart people!

The people of these families believe these things. Can these things be fake?!

Elder Tianguang has continued: "after the terrible war, some lucky people escaped here. I became the guardian here, but finally, it was discovered by the people of the blood god temple."

Tang Long asked, "is there anyone else alive here?"

Tianguang said: "when I disappear, there will be a door of space. You can go in and have a look. It is a small continent. But because the strong have been killed in the war, and it is barren, even though the people there are still cultivating, their strength is certainly very weak."

Xiuli long crane heard what the elder Tianguang said and asked, "according to what you mean, there are still some people living in the blood demon world on this very small continent?"

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