More than ten minutes later, Tang Long and Xiu left Changhe and Dongguo wolf. They all came out of their own training room. At this time, they had already used face changing technique to change their appearance.

Moreover, they also took shenglingdan, sealed their own strength.

After looking at each other, they thought that they were all good. They opened a hole in the defense border from a place in the backyard of the Tang house and left the Tang house quietly.

The journey to Heiwu mountain was always smooth.

Tang Long and they left the Tang mansion, went from the transmission Hall of the blood demon holy city to the flying dragon city, then left the flying dragon city and flew in the direction of Heiwu mountain.

Heiwu mountain is far away from Feilong city. After more than two hours' flight, Tang Long finally got to the foot of Heiwu mountain.

The three men stopped at a hidden place at the foot of the mountain.

Dongguo wild wolf and Xiuli Changhe have not seen the man arranged by Tang long. They are all a little confused.

Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang Long and asks, "where are the people arranged by you? How about the generals and their officials? "

Tang Long said, "they didn't come."

"What!" Hugh left the crane and immediately widened his eyes: "are you alone? You didn't bring any of the generals and ministers, the Tang Dynasty's lack of things, and the heavenly daughters of the Tang clan? "

"I don't have to bring them," Tang said

Dongguo wild wolf angrily glared at Tang Long: "I asked you when I came out before, you said you had arranged it!"

Of course, Tang Longli said, "I came by myself. Isn't that good?"

You The wolf bit his teeth hard.

This Tang Long is too big. He didn't bring a single person for such a big thing tonight. The people of Tang family are so precious. How many can we send out?!

Tang Long doesn't seem to see the discontent between Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf.

He looked at Xiuli long crane and asked, "Xiuli elder, how far is it from where you said the treasure house is?"

Xiuli Changhe said cautiously: "it will take more than half an hour to get to the place where the treasure house is located. However, we have to be very careful on the next road, so as not to be found by the people hiding in Heiwu mountain!"

There are too few people. He has to be more careful now.

Tang long thought about it and said, "I don't think we need to be careful. We can go to Heiwu mountain in a big way."

Xiuli long crane frowned and said, "in this case, those who hide the demons here will surely know in advance and be prepared for it."

Tang long curled his lips: "we sneaked past. When those guys found us, they would surely see our motive. We swaggered from the sky and pretended that we didn't know about it. They just thought we were passing by and would not be on guard."

After a pause, he continued: "the most important thing is that we have all taken shenglingdan and sealed a part of our strength. Now they can't find out our real strength or our identity. Our strength is not strong now and will not pose a threat to them. They will not care about us, so we don't need to hide Hide, just pass by! "

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wild wolf hear Tang Long say this, immediately feel very reasonable.

After a distance from Heiwu mountain, there will be a city controlled by the blood god temple. They pretend to be passing by, which is not very noticeable.

They flew boldly from the high altitude of Heiwu mountain, and their momentum was not strong. Even though there were hidden demons here, even if these people saw them, I'm afraid they would not think that they were so bold as to come here to rob things.

Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang Long and says, "we will do as you say!"

Tang Long asked, "where are the people you arranged?"

Xiuli Changhe said: "the people they arranged are around here. The total number of Tianzu dizu is 20."

Dongguo wolf looked at Tang Long and said, "I originally wanted you to take all the generals and ministers with you. Now it's not easy for us to solve all the demons here. So, I think we just need to snatch things and then go. As for the demons, if they run away, let them escape!"

Tang Long said: "if so, we can't reveal our identity until we have to. Otherwise, we will have a lot of trouble in the blood temple."

Dongguo wolf said, "let's go and explore the situation first."

Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang Long: "there are a few people here today!"

Tang Long was full of confidence at this time: "don't worry, we have so many people, wait a moment, you listen to me, I say how to act!"

"What are you going to do?" he asked

He and Xiuli Changhe had a discussion. When they arrived here, they quietly approached the destination with their own people. When they got there, they would fight and control the place, and then get the treasure here.However, Tang long had only one person, and they only came to more than 20 people in total. The number of them was too small to control the situation, which made it difficult for them to implement the plan they had made before.

So at this time, they all felt that it was obviously impossible for them to rob and deal with all the demons here.

Of course they already know where the treasure house is.

Even in order to ensure that the news did not leak out, after killing the ghost of Tianzu Yizhong in Dongguo mansion with Xiuli Changhe, Dongguo wild wolf also asked a person to pretend to be the ghost, and the man stayed in Dongguo mansion.

They feel that after such preparations, the demons will not know immediately what they are coming here.

By the time those people know, it's done here.

Dongguo wolf looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, do you want to use your magical beasts?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded his head and looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "let's wait for a moment and fly to the sky of the destination. Your men should hide in the distance. Don't go out. At that time, I'll let my god beast understand the situation here first, and let this mess up first."

Dongguo wolf looked at Tang Long and asked, "how many supernatural beasts do you have?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "don't worry, there are a lot of supernatural animals, and don't forget that there are some energy life bodies around me!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf looked at each other, but they were relieved.

They know that Tang Long's supernatural beasts are still very powerful. At first, they did not reveal their identities and let them attack. They could also attract all the people of the demons hidden here, and then they would take action again.

Xiuli Changhe looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang long, according to what you said, our people follow us in the distance and don't show up for the time being. We'll go there first and act according to circumstances."

Tang Long explored the surrounding area and did not detect anyone hiding around it.

He was also very curious. Looking at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, he asked, "where are your people arranged?"

"We are far behind us, more than 20000 meters away from us. We are hidden in the distance. We move in front of us. If they don't get our message, they won't have any action. They will always wait so far away from us."

Dongguo wolf said: "our arrangement is to prevent accidents, and we can advance and retreat freely."

Tang Long listened to Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf say so, and he felt relieved.

He thought that the arrangement between Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf was very good, at least to his liking.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf asked their men to wait at such a far away place to wait for the great war. Those people who were so far away could only find out the general situation here, but could not see the real situation here.

If possible, Tang Long doesn't want those people to come to help. It's better that those people don't have to start from the beginning to the end, and just stay far away.

Because, those people always stay in the distance, they will not see some of Tang Long's means here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!