Although Tang Long has more trust in Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, he still keeps a vigilant attitude towards their subordinates.

He doesn't want his comprehensive strength to be suspended. The subordinates of Changhe and Dongguo wolf know too much about them. He doesn't know them at all. This may bring him unnecessary trouble, even bring him great danger, even to Tangmen.

He looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "if you have no choice, don't let your men come here. If your subordinates don't come over, even if some people of the demons escape from here, they won't know that you came here to rob the treasure house, which will save you a lot of trouble."

Dongguo wolf said, "I'm afraid we can't hide this. The demons will surely guess that we did it, because I dealt with the ghost in my family, and this matter will not be hidden from the demons."

Tang Long said: "guessing is just guessing. You can't prove it. As long as they can't be sure it's you, you can get rid of this matter completely. After all, there will be a lot of supernatural beasts here tonight, and even more importantly, you didn't show up here!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf immediately nodded together.

In fact, they don't care much about the human hair of the demons. They robbed the treasure house here. Anyway, they can't have a friendly relationship with the demons.

But they also think that it's better to have more than one thing, and it's better to be safe.

"Let's go." Tang Long's voice dropped, and it flew up.

At this time, both Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wild wolf did not hide any more. They flew high into the sky and swaggered toward the treasure house they knew.

Along the way, they always seemed to be very leisurely, while flying and chatting casually, as if they happened to pass by here.

They use the power of blood demons, and their strength is not strong.

After a period of flying like this, they could see that they had reached the depth of the black Wu mountain, above a rocky forest in all directions.

Xiuli long crane gathered Qi and said to Tang Long: "here it is. There should be demons in the stone forest below. Not far from the stone forest is the place where the treasure house is located."

Tang Long said: "since we have arrived at the place, we will start now!"

"Good!" Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are all ready in secret.

At this time, their hearts are actually a little nervous, after all, their people did not follow, still in the distance, just the Tang dragon beast, can deal with the demons here?

The most important thing is that they don't know how many demon people are hidden here. They just know the strength of these people.

Tang Long gathered Qi and Cheng Sheng and said to Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, "don't do it for the time being. I'll see if I can control the situation first."

"Good!" Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf agree together.

When they saw Tang long, they always seemed confident and curious. They didn't know what means Tang long could play.

They have seen several animals of Tang long in the WANGU grottoes, but they think that Tang Long may have some means.

Tang Long explored the stone forest below, and had detected more than a dozen hidden breath here, but these people were obviously hiding well, and their strength did not spread out.

"I hope this evening's operation will be successful."

All in all, Tang took out some bags from the ancient beast.

Then, all the ancient animals are together, directly and ferociously fly down to the bottom.

These ancient beasts of Tang long had gone to the place where the eye of the great wilderness was located before. At this time, all of them had grown to the level of the second level ancient beast.

With such a level of supernatural beasts, their combat power has already been able to compete with the warriors in the dual realm of Tianzu. In total, there are 18 ancient strange beasts, equivalent to 18 such powerful masters. How powerful the comprehensive combat power is.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf had no idea that Tang long had so many powerful beasts. Tang Long didn't summon them to use in Wangu cave.

In the WANGU grottoes, Tang Long only summoned his contract animals.

At this time, Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wild wolf saw that Tang Long suddenly summoned so many ancient strange animals, and the breath of these ancient strange animals was extremely strong. The hearts of Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wild wolf were all extremely shocked!

Tang's eyes fell on the dragon in disbelief.

Xiuli long crane glared at Tang Long and said, "you boy, how can you have so many high-level gods and beasts with such powerful fighting power. Moreover, I can see that these miraculous beasts have obviously undergone some degree of variation, which is quite different from the ordinary ones!"

Tang Long smiles: "these are some magical animals that I rescued from the blood demon world in an accidental opportunity. Although they did not sign the soul contract with me, they always follow me and obey my orders.""How could you hide such a powerful fighting power?" Xiuli long crane took a deep breath.

He thought that Tang Long's comprehensive strength was strong enough, even surpassed him. Now he felt that he underestimated Tang long.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the fighting power of these 18 ancient beasts brought by Tang long. Even though he and the Dongguo wild wolf together, the comprehensive force is obviously far from Tang Long's opponent.

Dongguo wild wolf was also extremely shocked by these ancient animals called out by Tang long.

He even felt a little unreal in his heart.

Before he went to WANGU grottoes, he always felt that the comprehensive strength of the Tang Dynasty was still somewhat weak, which was obviously far worse than those of the larger families in the blood god temple.

Moreover, he knew that those big families in the blood Temple must have this feeling, and felt that the comprehensive strength of the Tang Dynasty was still very weak.

After all, it is obvious that there is no Tianzu in Tang mansion.

But now he knew that the comprehensive strength of the Tang Dynasty had already surpassed the general second and third rate families of the blood temple, and even exceeded the first-class families!

"With the help of Tang Long's animals, the comprehensive strength of Tang Fu is extremely terrible now. If these beasts grow up, even the top family of the blood god hall will not be able to compare with the Tang family!"

"The Tang mansion has always been very weak in the holy city of blood demons, but I never thought that the Tang mansion has actually developed so strong!"

The wolf took a deep breath and tried to suppress the shock in his heart. He looked down at the ancient animals called by Tang long.

At this time, the bodies of these ancient animals all soared up, and a strong savage breath spread from them, and they rushed fiercely towards the stone forest below.

At the same time, these ancient beasts have already launched fierce attacks towards the stone forest below.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sky roared one after another.

In this thunderous roar, under the constant bombardment of powerful energy, the stone forest below was suddenly bombarded with random explosion, and the rubble flew all over the sky.

Many hidden in the bottom of the demon clan of warriors, unable to defend, were directly bombarded out.

At this time, the ancient beasts of Tang long had already landed in the stone forest below, and launched a more violent attack on those warriors who rushed out around.

When Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf see the situation below, they feel a little relieved. They know that the war situation today will not be very bad. Even if they can't kill all the warriors of the demon clan here, they can at least rob the treasures here.

Dongguo wild wolf turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said, "let's land down. As long as we don't display our real strength, the people of the demon clan here will never guess our real identity, and will not know what we are doing here tonight!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded and agreed.

Then he, together with the wolf of Dongguo and the long crane of Xiuli, fell down to the ground in the roar of fierce energy.

There are indeed many warriors of the demon clan hidden below. , the fastest update of the webnovel!