Looking at long Peng, Tang long did not immediately put forward his own request. Instead, he asked longpeng, "longpeng, are not many people aware of your brother's serious injury?"

There is also a reason why he asked.

Just now he followed long Peng all the way in here. The people outside the dragon house seemed very ordinary, and no one showed any anxiety.

And after arriving at the Dragon House, long Peng didn't say anything else.

Long Peng said: "I really haven't told the people of Longfu about my brother's serious injury."

"Why?" Tang Long asked

Long Peng said: "my brother's identity is very special. He is a member of the secret affairs hall of the blood god hall. Many things must be handled in secret. What's more, this time my brother went out to do something special. It was a secret matter belonging to the blood temple, and he came back through the escape talisman. Now everyone knows that there must be demons hiding in the blood temple, so I don't dare to talk about some things easily. I have to let my brother wake up first, and then I have to report directly to Zun Shang. "

When Tang long heard long Peng's explanation, he said, "now I'll tell you what I want!"

Long Peng immediately said, "you tell me, I will certainly agree to any request you put forward. Even if I can't do it, I will try my best to do it!"

Tang Long said: "my request is very simple, only three points!"

"What three points?"

"First of all, none of you is allowed to be here during my treatment for Longxiao. You must go outside and wait, and no matter who wants to come in, you can't be allowed to come in!"

"I promise to do it!" said long Peng

Tang Long said: "the second point, don't tell others that I helped him heal, because you already know that your brother was obviously injured by the people of the demon clan. You know that I have a bad relationship with the people of the demon clan. Strong Qingtian wanted to kill me. Next, I don't want to get involved in anything related to the demon clan, so as to avoid trouble."

Long Peng immediately said, "I promise you that."

Tang long looked at the other two people in the training room: "can they promise not to say this?"

"They can guarantee it." Long Peng dropped his affirmative voice, then turned to look at the two warriors and said in a deep voice: "remember, you must not tell anyone that the Dragon owl was seriously injured by the demons!"

"Yes The two warriors quickly nodded and agreed.

Long Peng turned to Tang Long and explained, "they are my son and nephew. They are the core people in my dragon house. They are absolutely safe. You can rest assured."

Tang long wanted to keep this secret because the Dragon owl not only contains the power of the devil, but also has the heart of the devil.

However, it is obvious that the Dragon owl's demon heart has just been possessed. The Demon power in his spirit is still very weak and can be dispelled. Tang Long has a way to solve this problem.

He only needs to use the power of the light to refine the Dragon owl's heart, while ensuring that the Dragon owl's heart will not be damaged, and that's it.

He can do it.

Of course, it's true that the Dragon owl was seriously injured, and indeed by the demons.

Obviously, the people of the demon clan did not really want to kill the Dragon owl. They wanted to borrow the seriously injured appearance of the Dragon owl so that people would not have doubts. Then the people of the demon clan could slowly control the Dragon owl and achieve many of their goals.

Tang Long was very cautious about this matter, because if long Peng knew that he could solve the problem of the devil's heart and spread the matter to the blood god hall, the ancestor of the blood devil would certainly let him solve the demons hidden in the blood temple.

Can he do it?!

He went to do this, went to the blood temple to find out who was the demon family. First of all, he would lose his freedom for a long time. Even later, the blood demon ancestor would use him to make various attempts.

Secondly, he had no reason to help the blood demon ancestor.

The most important thing is that if the ancestor of the blood demon was curious about him and explored his spirit carefully, he could no longer hide everything.

This will not only bring him great danger, but also the whole Tang Dynasty, batian city and other places.

Therefore, he can solve the matter of devil's heart, and never let those people in the blood Temple know.

The real situation of the Dragon owl at this time, Tang long must be very careful.

But for long Peng, Tang long must also explain some things, to let long Peng know the seriousness of the matter.

He looked at long Peng and said, "my third requirement is that after I cure the internal injury of dragon owl, you should seriously injure him again, and then find someone else to treat him again!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, long Peng was stunned directly!

The meaning of Tang Long's words was completely beyond his comprehension.

Tang longan didn't speak when he saw longpeng, and he didn't explain much.

He has already made some decisions about this matter in his mind. These decisions will be told to long Peng after he has treated the Dragon owl.Looking at his brother, long Peng said, "I'm sure you can't ask me for a treatment right now, but I don't think it's very strange that you can't ask for a treatment right away."

Long Peng said: "I will certainly do your three requirements. Please help my brother treat now."

Tang long looked at long Peng and said, "my words have been finished. Go out first, but you can't go far away. Just watch at the door. After I've treated your brother, you should come in immediately!"

Long Peng originally thought that Tang long wanted to make some greedy demands. He would ask himself to ask for some natural materials, earth treasures, money, or to help him with some difficult things.

However, Tang Long's three requirements have nothing to do with money and medicine.

He was so surprised that he didn't ask again.

In his opinion, Tang Long said that after treatment, he would be allowed to come in. He would definitely put forward these requirements later.

He turned his head and looked at the two warriors in their forties: "go out with me. You go to the living room of the dragon's mansion. All the people around you will be sent back. No one is allowed to come here. The situation of the training room is not allowed to be told to anyone. Pretend to be very natural. If someone comes to visit, call me right away!"

"Good!" Two men in their forties agreed and hurried off.

Long Peng looked at Tang Long and said, "childe Tang, my brother will please you!"

"Don't worry, he won't die!" Tang Long is very sure of Tao.

Seeing Tang Long's self-confident appearance, long Peng immediately felt relieved. He did not say more, turned and left and walked out of the training room.

In the training room, Tang Long directly opened the isolation and defense barriers of the cultivation room, and then took out two healing elixirs to feed the Dragon owl.

After all this, he began to heal the Dragon owl.

After finishing these tasks, Tang Long condensed the power of the holy light, used the law of reproduction and the law of life, and began to help Longxiao solve the trouble of the devil's heart.

As long as the problem of the devil's heart is removed, the devil's power has no root in the Dragon owl. Even if the devil's power exists in the Dragon owl's spirit, the evil power will gradually dissipate.

However, at this time, Tang long must let the Demon power in the Dragon owl dissipate as much as possible.

So he wants to use the power of light to drive away the Demon power in the spirit of dragon owl. Of course, this is also a good attempt.

After all, he had been trying to solve the problem of the demon soul before, and he had been trying to solve it on those spirits who had been captured. Now the Dragon owl is a living man.

And the Demon power contained in the Dragon owl spirit is very weak!

These are very good opportunities to try. Tang Long wants to try to see if his own means can be carried out. Of course, advance is to ensure that the life of the Dragon owl will not be in danger.

He helped the Dragon owl to treat him, and the afternoon passed by.

At this time, the sky was already slightly dark.

At last, Tang Long was busy finishing. At this time, he was also relieved: "finally, I succeeded. It seems that I can help others' spirits to refine the power of demons, and even the power of blood demons, by using the power of holy light, plus the means of life law and replication law."

Now, the original evil power of dragon owl has been completely eliminated, and the devil's heart has been completely eliminated.

However, because of Tang Long's treatment, the power of blood demons on Longxiao has been greatly weakened. However, as long as the Dragon owl recovers, it will not take half a month to recover his strength.

The danger of dragon owl spirit has been solved by Tang long.

However, the spirit of the Dragon owl is also very serious. Tang long can't help him solve this problem immediately. It requires Longxiao or longpeng to find a way to recover the spirit.

In fact, Tang Long has some elixir to restore the spirit and soul trauma, but he has not taken it out now, because he can't help the Dragon owl heal the spirit and soul trauma.

Moreover, although the Dragon owl's life is no longer in danger, and his injury is much better, he is still in a coma.

In fact, the Dragon owl can wake up now, but Tang Long uses the huangquan needle to keep him in a coma.

He did not want Longxiao to know the process of his treatment and the situation of his treatment.

"Now let long Peng come in."

Tang Long cancelled the isolation and defense barriers of the training room. Then he turned around and walked to the door. He opened the door and saw the Dragon Peng standing at the door: "old dragon, come in!"

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