Long Peng has been guarding the door of the training room and dare not leave.

He was nervous and anxious.

The moment the door opened, his eyes had already fallen on the open door. He immediately saw Tang Long and asked in a hurry: "how's my brother?"

"Come in." Tang Longdao.

"Good!" Long Peng agreed, walked in, closed the door, and directly opened the defense and isolation barriers.

He had rich experience and saw that Tang long had something important to say to him, and he didn't want others to hear.

The isolation and defense barriers in the training room are very powerful. Even if there are strong people at the top of dizu or even those at the primary level of Tianzu, they can't find out anything in the cultivation room.

After the boundary was opened, long Peng looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, how is my brother now?"

Tang long did not speak, went to the soft collapse side, and then pointed two fingers on the Dragon owl.

Soon long Peng saw that the Dragon owl slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the Dragon owl wake up, long Peng hurriedly walked over and asked, "brother, how are you doing? Is the internal injury better?"

The Dragon owl's eyes were in a trance. After a while, he looked at longpeng and said, "I don't have any problem."

Then his eyes fell on Tang long.

He has seen Tang long, but he has never had any contact with Tang long.

In fact, even if it is longpeng, there are not many contacts with Tang long.

It's not that they hold their own identities, but that they have been very busy all the time, especially recently.

Now that the blood god temple is at war with the whole world, there is a shortage of manpower in the holy city of blood demons. In addition, people from the demon clan are making troubles everywhere. How can the elder of law enforcement hall, longpeng, not be busy?!

As the elder of the secret affairs hall, Long Xiao is the last one among the five elders of the secret affairs hall. Of course, he is more busy.

Xuedizi is not as busy as he is, because xuedizi is the elder in charge of the secret affairs hall.

Although they are all elders of heaven, the power of xuedizi is much greater than that of dragon owl.

Of course, the Dragon owl has great power.

Long Xiao guessed that it must be long Peng who brought Tang long. It was Tang Long's internal injury that Tang Long helped him cure. Looking at Tang Long's weakness, he said, "thank you for saving me, master Tang."

Tang Long said: "don't be polite. I have a good relationship with elder longpeng, so it's natural to save you."

Longpeng asked Longxiao again, "how is your internal injury?"

"It's much better. There should be no danger of life." Dragon owl road.

He has explored his condition. Although he is still seriously injured, he feels that there is a strong energy in his body that is constantly repairing his meridian damage. Moreover, the pain is very light everywhere, and even there is a very comfortable feeling in some places.

He knew that he had obviously taken the healing elixir, and the medicine of the elixir was working on his body, healing the channels he had been badly injured.

He knew his condition well before he was in a coma. At that time, he knew that his internal injury was very difficult to treat.

So at this time, he was also very surprised. He didn't expect that his meridians and viscera were seriously damaged. Now he woke up, his internal injury had been reduced by more than half.

He knew that Tang Long's medical skills were really superb.

When long Peng heard that the Dragon owl said that there was no danger, he was completely relieved. He went to sit down beside the soft collapse and asked, "dragon owl, how did you get hurt? How did it hurt so much? "

The Dragon owl looked at Tang Long and hesitated a little. Then he said weakly: "although this matter is very secret, it has something to do with master Tang, so I can let him know."

Tang Long curiously said: "this matter is still related to me?"

The Dragon owl said, "this matter has something to do with WANGU grottoes, so it has something to do with you."

"What's going on?" longpeng asked

The Dragon owl said: "I was sent by Zun Shang to go to the Wangu Grottoes with some people around him. The people around Zun went into the cave. We guarded the cave entrance and were responsible for the security outside. As a result, we were suddenly attacked by demons!"

Tang Long asked, "who attacked you?"

The Dragon owl said: "there are five of them. They are all powerful. All of them are the strength of Tianzu realm. One of them is very strong and can mutate. He has wings and horns on his head. There is even a guy who can summon the demon king, and this is the supreme devil emperor with a very high level!

Of course, Tang Long knows what the supreme devil is.

The dragon of Tang Dynasty arranged the ancient Panlong array, in which the demon king can be summoned. The supreme devil emperor is the extremely powerful existence among the demon kings, which can already be equivalent to the combat power possessed by the powerful people of the heavenly ancestors.

And the supreme magic emperor's defense is very strong. It's very difficult to kill such a powerful emperor!In addition, Tang Long also knows that a wizard can summon a demon king.

And witches are demons.

Tang Long asked, "those demons attacked you. Didn't you go to the ten thousand bones cave for help?"

The Dragon owl said: "we have no time at all, and we can't open the entrance of the cave. Among the people in our line who go to the cave, only one person knows how to open the entrance of the cave. We are responsible for safety outside, just to prevent people from trying to enter the cave."

After taking a breath, the Dragon owl continued: "originally we thought there would be no danger outside the cave, but we didn't expect to encounter such a powerful demon clan."

Tang Long frowned: "how did you escape back?"

The Dragon owl said: "I was seriously injured and unconscious by them. When I woke up, I was locked in a black room. Fortunately, they didn't take off my space ring, and they certainly thought that I didn't wake up so soon and couldn't escape, so there was no one around me at that time."

Dundun came back and said, "I'm free. Because when I passed through the space crack, my internal injury was heavy, and my resistance was weakened. I was pulled by the suction and pull force of the space crack, which immediately aggravated the internal injury, and then I was in a coma directly

Tang Long asked, "are those people who are with you and waiting outside the cave of bones dead?"? Or were they arrested just like you? "

The Dragon owl said: "they should all be dead. Their strength is weaker than me. Three of them only have dizu realm. One is the strength of Tianzu one realm. Before I was seriously injured and comatose, the spirits of two of them had been destroyed, and the other spirit was still there, but it was not far away from destruction!"

Tang Long said, "so you were attacked outside the cave of bones. You should be the only one alive?"

The Dragon owl nodded: "it should be."

Tang Long sighed with a sigh of relief: "it's OK. If someone knows that you have been caught by the demons, but you can come back alive and tell Zun about this, you will be very troublesome!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, both longpeng and Longxiao immediately thought that if this matter was known by Zun Shang, he would doubt the Dragon owl, and even suspect that the Dragon owl had become a demon family, and would study the situation of the Dragon owl.

If so, the Dragon owl will be very troublesome!

The two brothers looked at each other with a touch of tension in their eyes.

Tang long looked at the Dragon owl again and asked, "can those people of the demon clan open the entrance to the cave of bones?"

The Dragon owl shook his head: "I don't know that."

Tang long looked at long Peng and said very seriously: "Long Chang Lao, now there are only three of us here. Now, I can tell you some truth!"

"The truth?" Long Peng Leng Leng: "what is the truth?"

Tang Long said: "first of all, you should be glad that you are very lucky, because some time ago, I got the order from the master of the blood temple, devil Tianjue, to study secretly how to solve the problem of the power of the devil and how to solve the problem of the devil's heart. After such a long time of research, although how to explore and solve the devil's power in others, how to find out who has hidden the devil Heart, this is still very difficult for me to do, but dragon owl, I can solve your troubles, and I have already solved them! "

After listening to Tang Long's words, longpeng and Longxiao's eyes once again showed a touch of tension.

Long Peng quickly asked, "Tang long, what do you mean by this? You're trying to say, before my brother

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