"Strange, the powerful breath of the crater should not be a divine beast or a human being, but..."

When Tang Long explored the breath, he was very curious. Because there was a weak savage breath in this breath, but there was a weak human breath.

In addition, there is a kind of natural and special mysterious atmosphere in this breath!

"Is it energy life? However, how can you have the breath of the beast? "

Tang long thought in his mind that he had fallen down from the sky, and was not far away from the mysterious breath.

And by this time he had felt the breath rise suddenly.

At the same time, a strong invisible energy directly swept over from there, enveloping him, making him suddenly feel heavy and incomparable, as if he had been crushed by a mountain.

This is obviously the law of gravity, and the strong one who exerts the law of gravity is obviously extremely powerful. Even if Tang Long was suppressed by the law of gravity, it was extremely difficult to move forward.

Even the bony joints of Tang Long's legs have begun to "click" and sound, and it seems that they can't support and break at any time.

He took a few steps forward and explored the mysterious atmosphere there. His tone was as friendly as possible: "master, I'm definitely not your enemy. I'm not here to fight against you. I think we can talk about it!"

The voice falls, Tang Long quietly to listen, there is no voice over there.

Tang Long still felt as heavy as a mountain.

He didn't go on any longer. He knew that if he went further, the force of the law of gravity on his body would probably become stronger.

At this time, he had a clearer understanding and understanding of the strength of the strong man in the realm of banbu zushen.

At the same time, he has a clearer understanding of the strength gap between himself and this super strength.

He knew that if he met a strong man at the level of devil or blood devil, and if a strong man of the level of devil or blood demon wanted to deal with him, he would have no ability to fight back or even escape.

Under such circumstances, he more and more hopes to be able to practice in the Tianhuo Shentan here, hoping that his strength can be improved as soon as possible.

He rallied his strength and tried to resist the law of gravity imposed on him, and continued to say to the mysterious existence in front of him: "the elder is powerful, and I should not care about such a small younger generation as me. I come here without any malice, and I am absolutely full of kindness to the elder. In this case, why don't you meet me? After all, with my strength, it is absolutely impossible to bring any threat to your predecessors. "

He knows that up to now, the mysterious existence has not attacked him hard, so he should still have a chance.

All he has to do is show his absolute kindness.

At this time, there is still no sound coming from the place where the mysterious existence is.

Tang long thought about it, and then went on: "master, I have been practicing in the depths of the earth for many years. I think that the elder must have heard something about some things in ancient times, and also know something about blood demons and demons."

After a pause, he continued: "the elder should have felt that we were fighting with the demons before. We didn't know you were practicing here in advance, so we made a lot of noise here and disturbed your cultivation. We have no intention to offend you."

After saying this, Tang Long suddenly felt that the force exerted on him by the law of gravity suddenly disappeared.

He felt very relaxed all over, and he had already relaxed a lot in his heart.

He still did not go forward, standing in place carefully: "master, if you can, I hope to see you, of course, if you object, I will not force."

"Come here!" A deep and hoarse voice sounded, "I want to see who you are!"

Tang long heard the hoarse voice, and then he went to the place where the mysterious breath spread out in front of him.

This place was in the center of the valley before, but now it has become a small volcano where the magma has cooled and accumulated. The breath of life is at the crater in the center of the small volcano.

There's also flame energy on the crater that's constantly spreading out.

Tang long had already reached the top of the volcano. Looking at the crater from here, he could see the sky ten meters above the crater, where there was a red cloud cluster condensed by flame energy. There was a man sitting on his lap.

"This is a man

When Tang Long saw the man sitting on the crater, he was a little surprised.

He didn't expect it to be a person.

How can people diffuse such a strange breath of life?Immediately he became more and more surprised.

Because the man is not completely free now, Tang long can see that his hands and feet are locked by a red chain, which is obviously very long and extends from the crater.

Tang Long's exploration is to know that although the red cloud group in front of him is indeed a man, it is obvious that what this man has is not the body of a normal human being.

This is a body similar to the energy body life body, but different from the energy life body, this body is condensed by the magma poisonous fire, and this person also diffuses the very obvious spirit beast breath!

This is the first time Tang Long has seen such a strange life.

What makes Tang long a little unbelievable is that such a powerful man can't escape from being chained here!

What material will this chain be made of? How hard is it?!

Or what's the secret in the chain?!

Tang long had already reached ten meters in front of the old man sitting in the middle of the crater.

He stopped and carefully explored the red chain that locked the old man. He was very surprised: "the chain actually contains extremely strong power of poisonous fire, but the chain itself seems to contain the power of ice. What kind of chain is this? Who has the ability to create such a strange chain? "

"Master, why are you here?" Tang long looked at the man and asked.

This man is an old man now. He looks very old and has the power of spreading poisonous fire all over his body.

The old man's eyes are very strange. One of them is shining silver, which shows a strong cold force. In the other eye, there is a small fire in the other eye, even burning fire!

The old man's eyes made Tang long very curious.

What makes Tang Long curious is that who can lock such a powerful energy life body here?!

In this way, the chain can lock a powerful energy life body. Obviously, the chain is not only a chain, but also has a very strong prohibition, which can control the energy life body from escaping!

If you want to lock such a strong man with such a chain, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do so.

The old man was looking at Tang Long carefully at this time, exploring the situation of Tang long.

Tang Long has felt the power of a flame into his body. He knows that it is the old man who is exploring him. He does not resist. He allows the old man to explore his breath of life and spirit.

He thought the old man was not ordinary.

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