The old man carefully explored Tang Long's situation. After a short time, he had a very sharp look in his eyes, but soon the fierce eyes disappeared and turned into doubts, and then the doubts turned into sharp ones.

After exploring for a long time, he breathed a cold and murderous air on his body, staring at Tang Long and asking in a deep voice, "are you from the blood god temple?"

"No!" Tang Long replied positively, pausing for a moment, and then said: "the elder's strength is strong, so seriously exploring my spirit, we should be able to detect some anomalies."

The old man snorted, "why do you let me find out your blood Demon power? Are you the spirit of a bloodthirsty lord or a bloodthirsty devil? "

Tang Long said: "I let you know that I have the power of blood demons. This is for a reason. I am not the spirit of the bloodthirsty Lord, nor the spirit of the bloodthirsty devil. I am a person from all over the world. However, since the elder knows the spirit of the bloodthirsty devil and the bloodthirsty devil, that's a lot more to say!"

"What do you mean by that?" the old man asked

Tang Long said: "the younger generation can see that there should not be a very harmonious relationship between the elder and the blood demon clan!"

"Nonsense!" The old man glared at Tang Long and said angrily, "if it wasn't for the blood demons, how could I be locked here?"

After listening to the old man's words, Tang Long's heart lit up with great hope.

He hoped the old man would come and help him.

He looked at the old man and said, "I'd like to ask you, how long have you been here?"

"I don't know!" The old man said directly, "I only know that I've been here for a long time. I don't know how long I've been here."

Tang Long said: "master, you just said that you were locked here by the people of the blood temple. I don't know who locked you in this blood temple? Can you tell the younger generation? "

The old man said: "besides the blood demon ancestor, the people who locked me also had two of the five great killing gods around the blood demon ancestor. Although the strength of these two people was weaker than the blood demon ancestor, they also had the strength of the half step ancestor god at that time!"

Hearing what the old man said, Tang Long was shocked.

He could hear from the old man's words that there were more than five and a half step ancestors in the blood temple!

What a terrifying force?!

He looked at the old man and asked, "who are the five killing gods in the blood temple? Do all of them have at least half the strength of the ancestor god? "

"Not bad!" The old man nodded affirmatively and said, "the five killing gods are very strong. Although I was also the strength of banbu zushen at that time, their power of blood demons was more powerful than the vitality of my cultivation. Even more, the blood demon ancestor was still a strong ancestor god. I had a fierce fight with him and his two killing gods for ten days and ten nights, but I was defeated and was beaten by the blood demon I was seriously injured and then they locked me here

Tang Long knew from the old man's words that the old man must have been locked for many years. This should have happened when the blood Temple attacked the great world 300 thousand years ago and caused havoc in the great world.

In other words, the old man has been chained here for at least 300000 years!

Tang long looked at the old man curiously and asked, "they caught you and locked you up. Why didn't they kill you?"

The old man said, "they don't kill me because they want to get a secret from me. It's because of this secret that I'm lucky to live to this day."

Tang Long asked, "why didn't they take you to the blood demon world?"

The old man said: "at that time, it was a very critical moment for the blood god temple to attack the great world. Many of the ancestors of the great world united to fight against them. They did not have time to take me to the blood demon world, so they put me in a prison specially built by them in the great world!"

"Specially built prisons? What kind of prison is this

"This prison is called the lock soul heaven prison. There are dozens of archaic soul locking arrays in the lock soul heaven prison, and they have arranged the lock heaven chain in the lock soul array, which is the artifact chain specially used to hold the high-level Tianzu of the great world."

Tang Long curiously said: "they specially built such a place to hold the high-level heavenly ancestors of the whole world, and also made these chains to control you. What is this for?"

The old man said: "first of all, they hope to take away our bodies and devour our spirits. In addition, some high-level heavenly ancestors' spirits have been specially refined and are hard to be killed. In addition, there are also some energy life bodies. Once these energy life bodies reach the level of Tianzu, they are very difficult to be killed. People in the blood god temple want to wait until they have leisure Come and deal with us. "

Tang long thought for a moment and then asked, "since you are locked up in the lock soul heaven prison, how can you appear here? Is the prison of lock soul under the ground here

"Lock soul heaven prison is not here, of course." The old man said, "if the lock soul heaven prison is here, I'm afraid the blood demon ancestor would have come to me."

Tang Long said curiously, "did you escape from the lock soul heaven prison? But now that he has escaped, how can he still be chained? "The old man said: "I did escape from the lock soul heaven prison, but the archaic lock soul array arranged by the blood demon ancestors is too powerful, and the chains they cast are too powerful. Once someone is locked, the powerful energy in the chain can seal the brand of human life and lock the essence of the spirit. Even if I have the strength, I can't open the chain to escape Go. "

Tang Long asked, "since you can't escape, how can you escape?"

The old man said: "I can't open the chain or break the archaic soul locking array that blocks me, but I have mastered the five element rule of earth escape, and have long understood the highest level of the profound meaning of the space law. With these rules and my own magic power and secret arts, I forcibly use the earth hiding technique to separate the one that controls my soul locking sky array The whole area, then apply the law of space, and transfer the whole area covered by the array with myself to the deep underground here

Tang Long was shocked when he heard what the old man said.

The old man had such a powerful means that when he was locked up, he used the art of escaping from the earth and the law of space to move the whole area of the array together with himself!

This is definitely not what ordinary people can do.

The old man then continued: "I was finally far away from the lock soul heaven prison after many times of transfer. Because I was always trapped and could not recover my freedom, and I was worried about being found by the blood demon ancestor's people, I hid in the magma layer deep under the ground. However, I moved away from the lock soul heaven prison, but it also brought me great harm."

"What great harm?" Tang Long asked

The old man said: "the seal array is arranged in the lock soul heaven prison. No body can leave. I transfer the whole array area from there, but my body turns to fly ash. I only have spirit left!"

Tang Long said, "according to you, you are obviously human, but why does your breath of life become strange?"

The old man said, "I am locked, and only the spirit is left. If I can't find my body, if I am locked by this kind of chain, my spirit will fly away in less than a year. But my spirit can't leave because of being locked. I can't find or refine a suitable body. But I can only look for life in the underground magma and survive temporarily."

Tang Long guessed: "is your spirit hidden in the body of a god beast in the underground magma?"

The old man said, "where can there be many divine animals in the magma, even if there are very few Warcraft animals, and my spirit can only settle in the body of Warcraft, which can only be temporary. The body of Warcraft simply can not accommodate my spirit, even if it is a god beast, it can not accommodate my spirit for a long time."

With that, the old man sighed: "after experiencing several life and death crises, I finally found a very special body of the divine beast, which was pregnant with a spirit pearl of heaven." , the fastest update of the webnovel!