At this time, in this restaurant, the tiannv of Tangmen have finished their breakfast. They come to say hello to Tang Long and leave together. Only Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er are left here.

Dongfang bing'er looks very tired when he looks at Tang long. His heart aches suddenly.

She knows that Tang Long has been dealing with blood demons and demons for the sake of Tangmen and the whole world, and is always in extreme danger. If one step is wrong, hundreds of millions of people will die and die!

Even if one step is wrong, the whole world will be destroyed!

He's under too much pressure!

Such a great pressure is always on Tang Long's body. How can Tang Long not be tired?!

Oriental ice son in Tang Long bosom soft voice way: "husband, if you are tired, go to have a rest first, I go to get you some food."

Tang Long nodded and closed his eyes gently.

Dongfang bing'er gets up gently from Tang Long's arms and walks out lightly.

Tang long can't rest now!

He contacted Zhong Li Xueyan in his heart: "Xueyan, are you safe all the way back to the dark city?"

"We're safe, but we haven't reached the dark city yet." Zhong Li Xueyan's voice dropped, followed by a question: "husband, how is the situation there? What is the gain in that valley

Tang Long didn't want to tell Zhong Li Xueyan about the danger he had just met, lest Zhong Li Xueyan and Dan Tai Shuya would feel sad and blame themselves. After all, the news about the heterotopia came from them.

Tang long did not blame them.

He knew that everything they did was for his own good, but the arrangement of the blood temple was too elaborate. Moreover, Zhong Li Xue Yan was still the news that they could not easily find out from the demons. Naturally, they could not distinguish the dangers.

The key is that this incident also taught Tang long a lesson.

He will have to be more cautious in the future.

He said to the snow flue of Zhong Li in his heart: "the devil clan got this wrong news. There is nothing in the space of difference, and I have no harvest."

After a pause, he continued in his heart: "Xueyan, next you must be careful when you are in the dark city. Don't pay attention to those people of the demon clan. I'm in a tight time now. You can just focus on the matter of xueyunling. Now you are dealing with the demons. We may bring danger to us if we get together."

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "then we don't care about the demons. Shuya and I are waiting for the news of Dragon Spirit in the dark city."

She knew that the war on the land of beasts had begun, and Tang long did not have more time to deal with other matters.

Tang Long said: "you should be careful in the dark city. If you have any problems, please inform me immediately."

"I see."

Next, Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan talked for a while. Tang Long also told Zhong Li Xueyan something about Zhuque city.

After a while, Dongfang binger is ready to eat and bring it here.

Tang long ends the spiritual connection with Zhong Li Xueyan, and then, accompanied by Dongfang binger, reluctantly eats something.

After dinner, he and Dongfang bing'er sit in the restaurant for a while. Tang Long is about to contact Ling Qingyao and go back to the White Tiger City. A warrior of the dead ghost group comes in.

The warrior of the dead ghost group looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, you are leaving the elder!"

"In the morning, what is he doing here?" Tang Long was curious and turned to look at Dongfang binger: "let's meet him in the living room and see what he says."

"Good." Dongfang bing'er agreed and went to the living room with Tang long.

They soon walked into the living room together.

In the living room, Xiuli Changhe is sitting drinking tea. Tang Jiaoer and Huangfu Ning'er are here to accompany Xiuli Changhe.

Xiu left long crane to see Tang Long and Oriental bing'er coming over. He quickly stood up and looked at Tang Long and said, "go, let's go to the study and talk."

Tang long looked at Xiu Li Chang He's anxious appearance and knew that he must have something to discuss with himself.

He turned his head and looked at Dongfang bing'er: "bing'er, you can sit here for a while. I'll leave Chang He and I'll go to the study. If someone comes to me later, you'll let me know."

"OK." Dongfang bing'er agreed.

Tang long looked at Xiuli Changhe: "Xiuli elder, let's go."

Xiuli Changhe did not say much, and Tang Long went with a quick pace, and soon they had entered a study.

Tang Long opened the isolation and defense barriers of the study, and sat down with Xiuli Changhe on two facing chairs in the study.

Xiuli long crane does not wait for Tang long to open his mouth, has already said: "Tang long, you must leave the blood demon holy city immediately."

Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "why?"

"If you don't leave, you're going to be sent to the land of beasts," he said

Hearing what Xiuli Changhe said, Tang Long frowned: "where did you get the news? Who told you I was about to be sent to the land of beastsXiuli Changhe said: "this is the message that Gong Hongba file sent to me. He said that recently, zunshang planned to send a group of Dan gods from the blood god hall to the land of beasts to heal the warriors fighting there."

Tang Long asked, "is this information accurate?"

"Absolutely accurate." Xiuli Changhe said seriously: "in fact, Gong Hongba file has been sent to the land of beasts. This time, he came back in a hurry and didn't go to Danshi League, but he sent someone to find me and sent me a letter. Moreover, the messenger also told me in detail about this matter. You have already told me about your relationship with Gong Hongba file, so I directly believe in the messenger But on the surface, I don't mean anything! "

After a pause, Xiu left Changhe and then said, "according to Gong Hongba file, this is the request made by the ancestors of Guangyao family and Lanshan family. Their families lost a lot in the battle field of Zhuque city. They said that the great war can only continue with the cooperation of Danshi League."

Tang Long frowned and said, "has zunshang agreed?"

Xiuli Changhe said: "the Lord has not agreed. Thanks to the magic heaven Jue, the devil heaven Jue said to him, you are only a high level of refining elixir. In fact, you are not very good at medicine. It's useless to go to the land of beasts!"

With that, Xiuli Changhe suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I heard the messenger say that in the course of the war in Zhuque City, after the death of several Tianzu in the Baili family, their spirits turned out to be demonic spirits!"

Tang Long didn't care about the devil's soul that Xiuli Changhe said.

And he knows it very well.

He looked at Xiuli long crane and asked, "according to Gong Hongba file, the Dan God of Danshi League is about to be sent to the land of beasts?"

"Yes." Xiuli Changhe said: "the dispatching order of Danshi League may be given in just one or two days. I'm afraid your dispatching order will also be very fast. According to Gong Hongba file, if the heavenly ancestors of Guangyao family and other families ask for it again, the emperor will definitely send you. After all, in your eyes, you are not a very important person. The battlefield in the land of beasts is relatively more important."

Tang Long frowned: "it seems that I really want to leave the blood demon holy city quickly."

Tang Long knew that if he was sent to the land of beasts, it would be very difficult to get out again. He would not be able to go to Zhuque city or white tiger city to control the situation.

He looked at the crane and asked, "will you and the wolf be sent to the land of beasts?"

"Not for the time being." Xiuli Changhe said: "at present, there are enough hands for Tianzu strongmen in the land of beasts, but I guess it will be sooner or later for me to be sent there."

After that, he sighed: "two days ago, I went to see Mo Tianjue. He told me that the battle between the land of beasts and the heaven was just beginning. According to the calculation of the Lord, after the end of the war with the great world, we would all be sent to the land of beasts or to other places. By then, in the eyes of the Lord, this war will really unfold."

Tang Long said: "in this way, you and Dongguo wolf must leave the blood demon holy city as soon as possible!"

Xiuli Changhe nodded: "a few days ago, according to our previous discussion, I sent someone to the blood demon world to arrange for me and the family members of the wild wolf in Dongguo. As for the people in the blood demon holy city, there are not many important people left."

Tang Long said: "in a few days, when your arrangements in the blood demon world are basically in place, I will try to find an excuse to let you all go to the great world to take it, so that you can be safe!"

The voice falls, Tang Long looks at Xiu Li Long crane frown and asks: "Gong Hong Ba file can't come back in the land of beasts?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!