Xiuli Changhe said: "I'm afraid Gong Hongba file won't be able to return in a short time. But I think that if the Dan God of Danshi League is sent to the land of beasts in large numbers, Gong Hongba file should have a chance to come back again. After all, he is the heavenly elder of the God medicine Pavilion of the blood god temple. He still needs him to collect medicinal materials and so on."

Tang Long asked, "is there no Dan master in the blood god hall on the other side of the land of beasts?"

"Of course." Xiuli Changhe said, "this is something I only learned recently. In fact, there are more than 500 Dan masters in the land of beasts, and one third of them are Danshen!"

Tang Long listened to the words of Xiu Li Chang He, and immediately widened his eyes: "when did the blood temple have so many Dan masters? When did you suddenly have so many Danshen? The Lord hasn't sent Dan gods from Danshi League. Where do these Dan gods come from

Xiuli Changhe said: "in order to fight against the great world and the demons, the Venerable Master has made all kinds of preparations in advance. These Dan divisions, including the Dan gods, who are gathered in the blood god temple in the land of animals, are all people of the great world. They are the alchemists who have joined the blood god temple. They have not been devoured by the spirits, but have been hidden by the venerable Get up, these people won't show up when it's not important! "

When Tang long heard this, he was very surprised.

He didn't expect that there was such a move on the blood god temple, which had been hidden and not shown before.

"The blood god hall actually hides many Dan masters from all over the world. Where have these Dan masters been hidden on that statue before?"

"Such a big thing, so many big families in advance of the blood Temple don't feel at all. The means on this statue are really deep and dark. It seems that how many powerful people behind the venerable are hiding, it's really necessary to be careful!"

Tang Long secretly thought, looking at Xiu Li Chang He, he said, "since there is no lack of Dan master on the other side of the land of beasts, why do you want to send someone from Danshi League?"

Xiuli Changhe said: "of course, this is for the long-term plan. I heard that after the war in the land of beasts, zunshang intends to completely control the land of beasts. He will arrange a lot of things in the land of beasts. These arrangements must have something to do with the demons."

When Tang long heard this sentence, he immediately had a lot of speculation.

He even thought of an important question.

Gao Tianye has told him some time ago that before the end of the war in the land of beasts, the demons will do something important in the holy city of blood demons, and may even capture the holy city of blood demons.

And the demons want to control the dark gate!

Tang long thought to himself: "the blood god temple has made so many arrangements in advance. Has he been aware of these plans of the demons? Because of the false news of the dark city, I almost fell. It was obviously a trap set by the blood demon ancestor for the demons. "

"So it seems that the ancestor of the blood demon may have been suspecting that there are demons in the high-rise of the blood temple, and has quietly made a lot of arrangements!"

"Now think about it, I'm afraid this holy city of blood demons is not safe enough!"

Tang Long knew that the ancestor of the blood devil and the ancestor of the devil had been fighting in secret. Now their secret contest has obviously reached a critical moment. They must be guessing many arrangements of each other through some small clues.

In this case, both the ancestor of blood devil and the ancestor of devil must have made various detailed arrangements and preparations for the next war.

"It seems that the Dan God of Danshi League is temporarily transferred to the land of beasts, which is a kind of protection for them. Otherwise, in case the demons really make trouble in the blood demon holy city, and if they really come to attack the blood demon holy city and do something to the Danshi League, it will definitely bring great damage to the Danshi League."

"As long as the Dan division of the Danshi League doesn't go to the battlefield after arriving in the land of beasts, it's not dangerous. However, I can't go to the land of beasts, and I can't get away from it."

Tang long thought in his mind, looking at Xiu Li Chang He, he said, "I will make an arrangement to leave the blood demon holy city in two days."

Xiuli long crane asked, "how do you leave the holy city of blood demons and where are you going?"

Tang Long said: "I have my own way to leave the holy city of blood demons. I will go to the southern part of the world and go to the city of ice and snow. Once I get there, I will take the initiative and even move the Tang house of the holy city of blood demons gradually."

Xiuli Changhe said: "when you pass by, Dongguo wolf and I will also have to go. We must leave the holy city of blood demon, or we will be swallowed up sooner or later."

Tang Long nodded: "I will make arrangements for your affairs immediately, but your departure must be reasonable and reasonable. Otherwise, once you have doubts about the whole matter, it will be bad."

Xiuli Changhe said: "at present, Zun Shang's attention is completely focused on the war in the land of beasts. He and I should not care about it."

Tang Long said: "I'll try to make this arrangement and see how it works."

"What kind of arrangement do you want to make?" he askedTang Long said: "I just need to ask Zhong Li Cangwu to come back and ask zunshang to send some people to the Southern District of daqianshi. It is said that there are many warriors of the demon clan in the Southern District of daqianshi. It needs to increase several effective personnel to support it. That's all!"

Xiuli long crane thought about it and said, "you'd better tell the devil Tianjue about this matter. If he can help you, it's the best."

Tang Long frowned and said, "although the relationship between Mo Tianjue and me is quite good, the matter of the city of ice and snow is a top secret affair. I can't tell him, otherwise we will be doomed if we are known by the emperor and have a little doubt."

Xiuli Changhe said: "in this case, you first let Zhongli Cangwu come back, and try according to your arrangement. If not, we will think of other ways."

"Don't worry, I will let you evacuate safely," Tang said

Next, Tang Long and Xiu Li Chang he discussed some other things. Xiuli Changhe left Tang Long and left Tang Fu in a hurry.

Tang long, waiting for Xiu to leave the crane, began to think about the holy city of blood demons.

Tang Long is not too worried about the safety of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, and the safety of Tang Fu, the city of genius.

Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons and the city of genius, have strong defenses. They are equipped with strong defense barriers. In addition, there are people from the death and ghost corps of generals and ministers, as well as the heavenly daughters of the Tang clan. With these, the security of the Tang Mansion should not be a problem.

If after a while, there will be chaos in the holy city of blood demons. If the demons really come to attack the holy city of blood demons, strong Qingtian will probably come.

On the contrary, it will be more trusted by Qingtian palace.

However, in the process of being attacked, Tang Long still needs to be extremely cautious.

Now there are some things he has to prepare in advance.

"It seems that the auction house has to close down as soon as possible. All people and things have to be able to transfer quickly."

Thinking of this, Tang Long immediately went to find Dongfang bing'er and asked Dongfang binger to tell Mo Xiang qingluan and Qiu Li Ruoshui, and asked them to arrange some things immediately. They should dispose of the things that can be disposed of quietly, so as to prepare for evacuation!

Dongfang bing'er heard Tang Long's plans, and he knew that Tang Long was ready to evacuate.

However, she also knew that Tang Long's stalls in the holy city of blood demons and the stalls in the blood demon kingdom were already paved very large, and it was very difficult to evacuate at once.

No matter the auction house or Danshi League, there are Zhongli family and other family members in charge of these places, and there are many people.

These people can't be left alone when they're evacuating.

Dongfang bing'er and Tang long discussed this matter in detail, so he hurried to the city of genius to find Beigong Xianer and discuss with Beigong Xianer. Next, the business of Tang's auction house and so on should gradually shrink, but it should not show too much trace.

At that time, some things must be abandoned. Now we need to find a way to move all the things that can be transferred ahead of time. Conspicuous things, such as houses, can't be moved, and they should be abandoned. If there is too much movement, it will be doubted!

In addition, they also need to make some very special arrangements, arrange some very reliable people, prepare to do some latent work, in case of any situation, they have to be prepared by many hands, at least there are many ways to get information from all over the place.

Tang Long obviously doesn't have time to do these things now. They can only discuss them, and then find Mo Xiang qingluan and others to arrange.

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