Tang long used the sea realm to explore the strength of the defensive border.

Under the exploration, he knew that the silver defense border arranged by the people outside was indeed very strong.

He silently thought about the way to break the border, to lead the people to break through the border and get rid of the danger.

"It will take a long time to smash this defense barrier, even if it is a warrior in the eight levels of Tianzu and even if he is exerting all his strength."

"Among us, the most powerful one is nuicoluha, and the other is Murong Danhai. Both of them have the strength of Tianzu Bazhong. Even if they work together, it will take a long time to break the defense barrier to the bombardment."

"In addition, this defense barrier is very fast to repair, and there are always attacks from energy monsters, which makes it more difficult to smash the defense barrier."

At this time, all around, a head of energy monster is still ferocious bombardment.

Tang long thought for a moment, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

He thought of a way to smash the defense barrier.

However, even if the defense barrier was broken by bombardment, it could not solve the dilemma they faced. After all, there were more than 80 powerful Tianzu outside, and there were more than 200 warriors in dizu realm.

These people are bewitched by the demons. They think that they are the blood demons. They will always launch a crazy attack on them.

There are only more than 50 people here.

If they smash the defense barrier and try to break through, it is possible that most people will succeed in breaking through. But what if someone fails to break through?!

The most important thing is that if Li Ran, the heavenly ancestors of the great world, failed to break through, it would be very serious if one of them, who had a bloodthirsty demon lord or a bloodthirsty devil, failed to break through!

Tang Long knows very well that there must be a lot of demon people hiding outside the border.

These demonic people must have known the situation of Hanyu city for a long time. They must have known the basic situation of Tangmen. They must know that some of these people in Tangmen have the spirits of bloodthirsty demons or bloodthirsty demons.

If they smash the border and rush out together, the demons will surely instruct the warriors in the whole world to attack Murong, Fanjiang and others, and Zhongli Hanxiang.

If there is a slight carelessness at that time, as long as the spirit of a bloodthirsty demon lord or a blood thirsty devil appears, the whole plan of Tangmen will be completely destroyed here!

At that time, even Li Ran, they are likely to immediately switch to attack Tang Long and attack them, and the situation will be immediately atrocious to the extent of irreparable disaster!

"The best way to turn the situation around is to use special methods to attract the enemy's attention, and then turn to passive and active!"

"If we just break out, even if all of us succeed in breaking through, the problems here are still unsolvable."

Tang long thought secretly.

He has made a decision on what to do next.

He turned his head and glanced at Li and ran them. He said in a deep voice, "I'll arrange for it now, and then we'll smash the defensive barrier. After that, no one is allowed to break through!"

Hearing what Tang Long said, Murong crossed the river, and they didn't understand.

Li ran first asked, "leader of Tang clan, how can we do without breaking through this defensive barrier? Do you want to fight those people outside? Even if we can win, both sides will surely suffer heavy losses, which will consume our comprehensive combat strength in the southern part of the world. "

Wei Chi Lingtian also didn't understand: "master of Tang clan, don't you want to unite with the powerful Tianzu in the southern part of Daqian world to fight against the blood god temple? If we don't break through after smashing the border, even if we can finally break the demon clan's plot, we and those Tianzu outside will suffer heavy losses and even have a big hatred of life and death because of each other's fighting. This is totally against our plan! "

Tang Long said: "I have my own arrangements, you will be completely in accordance with my arrangements, to ensure that there will be no bad things!"

Murong crossed the river and said, "this defense barrier is very strong, and the energy monsters that come out of the defense barrier to attack us are also very powerful. Let's not talk about the breakthrough, first of all, how do we smash the defense barrier?"

Tang Long seemed very confident and said in a deep voice: "now you must listen to me and follow my arrangement completely. I promise that as long as you listen to my arrangement, everyone will be safe and can completely reverse the situation!"

Murong river crossing, they listen to Tang Long said so, see Tang Long looks very confident, immediately choose to believe Tang long.

Besides, they have all joined the Tang clan. Tang Long is the master of the Tang clan.

In this respect, they should also listen to Tang Long now.

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "next, I'm going to use the array. First, I'll improve everyone's strength. When everyone's strength is improved, Murong's river crossing and Murong's sea crossing, Li's running, Niu's and Niu's Co's luha's, plus Li Piao's and Wei's Chi's Lingtian's, the six of you are responsible for fully bombarding the defensive border. You should use the strongest attack and bombard the same place of the defensive border at the same time It must be able to quickly shatter this place! ""Good!" All agreed.

Tang long continued: "when the border is smashed by bombardment, the people inside are not allowed to move, and still form a defensive circle to resist the attacks around and ensure their own safety."

With that, Tang long looked at Wei Chi Ling Tian and his six men seriously: "after a gap in the defense border was bombarded, the six of you immediately rushed out to attack the people who arranged the array."

Weichi Lingtian and they said together, "we will follow what you said."

They know that among them, the strength of six of them is already very strong, especially the strength of nuicoluha and Murong Danhai. Both of them are the strength of the eight levels of Tianzu.

As long as the six of them can break through the defensive barrier, and then suddenly concentrate their strength on attacking the warriors who have arranged the array outside, they will certainly be able to break the array.

Li Ran looked at Tang Long and asked, "what should we do after the array is broken?"

Tang Long said: "after the array is broken, the more than 80 Tianzu outside, as well as the other strong dizu, will certainly surround them, especially the more than 80 Tianzu. They will attack you with all their strength. At this time, you should immediately look for your own goal!"

Li Ran and asked, "what are we looking for?"

Instead of answering, Tang Long asked, "how did you fall into their trap after you arrived here? How did you get to the Purple Dragon Castle

Wei Chi Ling said: "of course, we were cheated by the demons hiding here!"

Tang Long asked again: "Yeer has told me before that when you arrive at the dream city, the competition of the dream city will be over. After the competition, there should be a general manager, right? This man should be the leader of these warriors? "

Weichi Lingtian said: "indeed, they have elected an alliance leader and two vice leaders!"

Tang Long said: "do you think that the alliance leader and vice sect leader they have selected will be members of the demon clan?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Wei Chi Ling Tian's eyes are all bright!

The demons want to take full control of the situation here, and then take the warriors here to deal with the blood demons. They want to use these warriors to become their cannon fodder. How can they not control the position of the alliance leader and vice leader in their hands.

Tang Long said: "after you rush out, the target is the leader or vice leader. Who are these people? You should have known this for such a long time? And I suppose all these people will be here? "

Li ran first said, "the ally is here indeed. I know who he is!"

Li Piao Piao also said: "there are two deputy alliance leaders. We all know who they are. Before we were cheated here, it was because of the alliance leader and the two Tianzu around him. These two people are very cunning people. They look very decent, but actually they contain evil intention."

Tang Long asked, "what is the strength of the alliance leader?"

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