Li Piao Piao said: "this alliance leader is called situgui. His strength is very strong. He is the strength of Tianzu's eight levels. He is about to reach the Ninth level of Tianzu. Moreover, he has many means and strong combat power."

Wei Chi Lingtian followed: "I'm afraid it's not easy to kill this alliance leader. Even if I and Nuo Co luha and other six of us rush out to join hands, it's hard to kill him quickly!"

Li Piao Piao said: "the most difficult thing is that we rush out, their people will come to deal with us, and the situ ghost will certainly be on guard against us!"

Tang Long said: "Si Tu GUI doesn't matter for the time being. What is the strength of the two vice leaders?"

Li Piao Piao said: "those two vice leaders are easier to deal with. They are all the hands of situ GUI. One is Guijia Benxiu, the other is Hashimoto's head shrinking. They are the strength of Tianzu's six levels."

Tang Long immediately said: "in this case, wait for you six people to go out, Murong river crossing and Murong crossing the sea, you two specially deal with this turtle shell Ben Xiu!"

"Good!" Murong crossed the river and Murong danced the sea and nodded together.

Tang Long went on: "Niu Gulu hum and Niu co Lu ha, you are responsible for dealing with this Qiaoben shrinking head!"

"Good!" Niu guluhan and Niu Co luha also agreed together.

Tang long looked at Li Ran and Li Piao: "you two don't have to deal with the leader. It's very difficult for him to be killed. As an accomplice of the four of them, you can ensure that in a short time, the four of them can concentrate on the two vice leaders without any distractions!"

"Good!" Li Piao and Li Ran agreed together.

Nuico luha looked at Tang Long and said, "head of Tang clan, it's OK for you to arrange, but I think it's still very difficult for us to kill those two vice leaders."

Tang Long said: "no matter whether your action is successful or not, it doesn't matter!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Li Ben ran and they were all stunned.

Tang Long didn't give much explanation. Looking at all the people here, he said in a deep voice: "you must remember that after the array is broken, Wei Chi Lingtian and six of them will launch an action. The rest of them can't rush out and stay in the same place. When those warriors outside attack you, you can resist their attack with all your strength.

"Good!" All agreed.

Tang long looked at the six men Li Piao: "you six must go all out to create momentum!"

"No problem." Li Piao Piao Tao.

Murong said, "we will try our best to kill the two vice leaders first."

In fact, Tang long had many important steps in his mind. After all, he knew that it was not easy to kill a warrior in Tianzu realm.

After the attack array is broken and the border is destroyed, he must also take action, which is the most important action.

"Now, let's get ready!"

Tang Long said, overhead, a glittering array flew out.

Of course, this is the ancient array of Tianmei wilderness!

He must use Tianmei wild ancient array to improve Li's fighting power.

Even in addition to Tianmei wild ancient array, he must also use the auxiliary means of sealing the sky flag to further enhance the strength of all of them.

If these two means are used, Li's fighting power will be improved a lot.

Tang Long controls the Tianmei wild ancient array. The glittering array slowly expands, and then it slowly falls on the ground and integrates into the ground. It has expanded to the edge of the entire defense border.

This array can't be extended beyond the boundary. It can't be expanded even more because of the barrier.

However, Tang Long is ready. Once the defense barrier is broken by the bombardment, the Tianmei wild ancient array will soon expand to cover a large area around it!

The purpose of Tang Long is to let Li run, and the six of them attack the leader and the two deputy leaders.

He wants to stare at the movement of those warriors outside at that moment!

The most important thing is that at the most critical time, he must summon ghosts to help. Ghosts only need a short time to control the situation. This is the key to his action!

All these preparations were completed, and Tang Long's mind was moved, and he displayed the boundary of spiritual power.

And he also exerted his power!

At this time, his spiritual strength has been improved a little, and has reached the level of five level heavenly level, and the power of the boundary of the field has also been improved a lot.

These means are displayed, Li Ran, their combat power is directly once again a lot of improvement.

Nuicoluha and Murong Danhai are the most powerful, and their combat power at this time is almost reaching the level of the Ninth level of Tianzu!

Such an increase in combat power has strengthened their confidence in their hearts.

Of course, in addition to them, the combat power of the rest of the people here has also improved a lot, and they have increased a lot of confidence in breaking the defense barrier and relieving the danger here.

At this time, Tang long had a serious face and said in a deep voice, "start preparing!"When people heard Tang Long's words, they all became serious, gathered their energy and made full preparations.

Tang Long's imposing momentum, sharp eyes, fell in front of him in the defense of a place.

He raised his right hand and pointed straight to the front: "it's the direction I pointed to. Li Ran. I asked you to attack. The six of you rushed out in this direction to attack the position of the defense border."

After a pause, he added, "just concentrate on the target and don't be distracted. The energy monsters that come out of the border and attack you. You don't have to pay attention to those monsters. I'll deal with them."


Li Ran, they promised loudly that they had displayed their most powerful attack means and were fully prepared.

Tang Long's body, colorful light suddenly burst out, he burst out of the extremely powerful power of stars.

Under the outbreak of the power of the stars, his strength has been soaring.

He inspired the power of the universe!

the power of the universe was soon inspired by him. His eyes showed a touch of awe inspiring glory, and his hand and right hand still pointed straight ahead: "now, go ahead, go ahead, smash the boundary, and rush out!"


Li Ran and other six people directly a roar, all toward the direction of Tang Long pointed to lightning forward rushed out.

At this time, in front of Li and even around them, dozens of energy monsters roared and attacked them fiercely.

They don't pay any attention to these energy monsters and just rush forward.

At the moment when those energy monsters attack them, there are 108 energy people who burst out colorful light beside these energy monsters.

This is the 108 ghosts of Tang long.

These ghosts come out, directly block the attack of the surrounding energy monsters, and directly bombard these energy monsters out.

In this case, these energy monsters could not pose any threat to Li running.

Li Ran and they were rushing forward one by one. They were still a little nervous, worried that the surrounding energy monsters would stop them. At this time, when they saw that there were so many energy life bodies around them, and the combat power of these energy life bodies was strong and terrifying, they all stopped worrying.

They don't have time to study where these energy organisms come from.

If they want to follow Tang Long's plan, they must first smash the barrier that trapped them at the fastest speed, and then rush out to break the attack array arranged outside.

Only in this way can they change the situation today!

Nuicoluha and Murong leaped into the sea with the fastest speed. They roared and roared. When the energy monster around them was bombarded and flew back, they had already rushed to the ten meter place in front of them!

Then, the two of them attack at the same time!

The two Tianzu eight level strong, but also by Tang Long's divine power and so on to enhance the combat effectiveness, they two people jointly launched the strongest attack, this attack power will be how strong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!