Niu Gulu hum and Niu co Lu ha said in a deep voice: "cover us, we've picked up our target first!"

Li Ran and Li Piao directly gathered their energy and attacked the warriors around them, giving them a chance to get close to Hashimoto and shrink their heads.

In addition, Murong river crossing and Murong crossing the sea were also the warriors who bombarded the surrounding area at this time.

They are a little far away from the other target, guijiabenxiu. They can't rush to deal with guijiabenxiu immediately. Therefore, they directly help Li run them, create opportunities for Niu cobolo hum and Niu coboloha, and solve the problem of Hashimoto's shrinking head first.

Tang Long has also flown out of the defensive circle.

The ghost has been taken by him.

In his plan, ghosts are going to win by surprise. Now these ghosts can't show their fighting power completely, and the people here can't kill them by mistake.

He won't use his eight contract beast here.

After carefully exploring the surrounding activities, Tang Long quietly controlled the Tianmei wild ancient array, which gradually expanded in all directions, covering a further range around, and preparing for the action to wait.

At the same time, Tang long felt a strong momentum and flew towards him.

This is the warrior of the eight peaks of Tianzu!

he turned his head and saw what the warrior looked like.

He thought to himself, "look at the warrior's appearance and explore the strength of the warrior. This warrior should be the leader of the alliance called situ ghost. His strength is really very strong, reaching the level of eight levels of Tianzu."

"My current strength is obviously not his opponent, let Lee run, they will stop this guy!"

The strength of situ GUI is too strong. Tang Long knows that it is impossible to kill situ GUI here in a short time.

Situgui didn't come to attack Tang long, but he flew to nuogulu hum and Niu cobolo luha. He obviously wanted to stop Niu guluhen and Niu cobolo luha from attacking that bridge.

Situ GUI didn't dare to let Niu Gulu hum. They killed Hashimoto.

In order to understand that Jiuqiao Ben shrank his head, situ GUI was humming at the button, and at the same time, he had already whispered: "come here, some people, surround me with these Tangmen guys. Let's solve these guys together first!"

Hearing situ GUI's drinking, dozens of martial artists around him all snored at the button, and they flew over.

Niu guluhen and Niu Co luha condense their vitality, and their body speed reaches the limit. They shrink their heads and fly rapidly towards Hashimoto.

As they were speeding forward, they had already let out a thunderous roar.

This roar contains the powerful force of sound wave vibration, and also contains the force of space distortion law.

Under the exertion of the force of sound wave concussion and the law of space distortion, the space in front of them, within 100 meters, suddenly twisted.

The strength of rushing towards them is not as strong as their warriors. These warriors are directly blocked by the force of sound wave concussion and space distortion. It is not easy to get close to them quickly.

Murong river crossing and Murong crossing the sea are two people behind Niu guluhen and Niu Co luha.

At the same time, the powerful energy swept out from them and bombarded the warriors who were close to Niu guluhan and nuobaoluha.

The two men's attacks are extremely domineering, all of these fighters will be bombarded back.

Situgui's strength is strong, only after flying back for a short distance, he stabilized his body, and then he continued to rush toward nuicoluhum and nuicoluha in the face of the fierce roar.

Moreover, at this time, the deputy leader turtle shell Ben Xiu also came from a distance, toward Niu co Lu hum and Niu co Lu ha.

Although the strength of Guijia Benxiu is only five times that of Tianzu, after all, situ GUI's strength is very strong. If turtle Benxiu can fly to situ GUI, join hands with situ GUI, and then converge with Hashimoto, it will be very difficult for Niu guluhen and Niu coboloha to kill them.

Even though the strength of Niu co Lu hum and Niu co Lu HA was improved by the power of Tang long, it was absolutely impossible to kill the three of them in a short time.

Tang Long not far away to explore the situation here, he is not worried.

He had a comprehensive plan for a long time.

Now it's just the first step in his plan.

It is not very important in Tang Long's plan whether they can be solved quickly or not.

Tang Long's plan is just a foreshadowing.

Li Ran and Li piaofeo have already rushed to situ GUI. They want to prevent situ GUI from approaching Niu guluhen and Niu co Lu ha. They want to create opportunities for Niu co Lu Han and Niu co Lu ha, hoping that they can solve the problem of Hashimoto's head shrinking as soon as possible.

Tang Long's position at this time is behind the Niu co Lu hum.He felt a strong momentum running towards Li in all directions. He knew that all the martial men of situ GUI's side had gone to support him, and their strength was extremely strong.

Feeling dozens of warriors flying past, Tang Long frowned.

He knew that if these dozens of warriors surrounded the past, Li Ran, they would become very passive, even in great danger!

At this time, both Niu guluhan and Niu Co luha had already flown to the front of Hashimoto's head shrinking. They directly took out their magic weapons and launched a fierce attack on Hashimoto's head shrinking.

Li Ran and Li piaofeo are also close to situ ghost. They show their strongest attack and intercept situ ghost.

Their strength is much weaker than situ GUI, but after all, they are two people united. They went to attack situ GUI together. Under their sudden attack, they also temporarily blocked situ GUI.

Situgui failed to support Hashimoto and shrunk his head, and his eyes immediately showed a fierce light.

He didn't dare to let Hashimoto shrink his head.

However, Hashimoto shrunk his head and was jointly attacked by Niu Gulu hum and Niu co Lu ha, and he was very embarrassed at this time.

What's more, Murong river crossing and Murong crossing the sea also rushed through together.

Four people surrounded Hashimoto and Hashimoto is in crisis.

In such a situation, after a while, if they can not save Hashimoto, Hashimoto will be killed.

In an emergency, situ GUI directly pointed to Murong Fanjiang and Murong Yuehai, and said in a deep voice: "everyone, first rush to kill these two people. They are Murong Fanjiang and Murong Danhai. They are the people of the blood temple. Go and kill them first!"

Of course, situ GUI knew Murong Fanjiang and Murong Yuehai. Murong Fanjiang and Murong Fanjiang came to the dream city all the way, and they attacked many times on the way. Later, they lured Li Ran and others into the encirclement circle. They already had a lot of knowledge about their situation.

Most importantly, they got a lot of information about Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing from the blood temple.

Murong Fanjiang and Murong Yuehai are not people from the southern part of the world. They used to be Murong family members in the blood god temple, and they were absolute blood demons.

Situgui could not immediately rescue Hashimoto, so he wanted to deal with Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing first.

Many martial artists around heard the sound of Si Tu GUI's drinking and rushed to Murong and Murong to cross the river and cross the sea!

Hundreds of warriors rushed across the river and across the sea in Murong.

Although Murong's ability to cross the river and cross the sea is indeed very strong, it is obviously impossible to kill Hashimoto's head in a moment. However, if the time is delayed, all the warriors around will fly over, so they will have no chance to kill Hashimoto.

Exploring the surrounding situation, they know that they should have no chance to kill Hashimoto.

Knowing that things are impossible, they are still firmly attacking Hashimoto and shrinking his head. The joint attack of the two men is launched at the same time. The powerful energy bombards the front and collides with a sword from Hashimoto's head shrinking attack!


The sword is broken and Hashimoto shrinks his head and is blown out.

At this time, Niu guluhan and Niu Co luha's attack arrived together again, and the Hashimoto shrank his head and bombarded it again for tens of meters!

But Hashimoto shrunk his head and was not killed, but was bombarded by internal injuries!

Hashimoto shrunk his head and was extremely cunning. After being bombarded, he flew back for a distance. Just after stopping, he quickly resisted the internal injury and flew toward situ GUI.

At this time, hundreds of warriors flew around Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing. Seeing that they had surrounded Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing, they directly launched fierce attacks on Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing!

At this time, Murong river crossing and Murong crossing the sea again want to attack Hashimoto and shrink his head.

Surrounded by so many fighters, they have been trapped.

Seeing that Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing were in danger, Niu guluhan and Niu cobuoluha temporarily gave up attacking Hashimoto and wanted to support Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing. However, they were surrounded by turtle shell Benxiu and more than a dozen warriors, and resisted him.

At this time, they still form an encirclement circle in the dark night. They attack around them with hundreds of warriors all the time.

However, because Li ran them, because of Niu guluhen and Niu Co luha, and because their breakthrough attracted and restrained many warriors, the pressure on them was not great at this time.

In the dark night, they are now able to withstand the attacks of the surrounding warriors.

Tang Long is retreating quietly!

By this time, he had retreated to the edge of the whole battle, and was getting farther and farther away from Li's running.

He explored the surrounding area and understood the situation here. He knew very clearly that at this time, Niu guluhen and Niu cobuoluha, as well as Murong river crossing and Murong sea crossing, were obviously in danger.Even Li Ran and Li Piao had been surrounded by some warriors such as situ GUI, who were very embarrassed by the attack and fell into an absolutely passive situation.

Tang Long was not surprised by this situation.

He had already thought of the situation in front of him when he arranged the plan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!