"Now it's time for me to act!" Tang Long's body flashed, and he flew to the side rapidly.

Around him, seven or eight warriors rushed towards him.

"If you want to block me, I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

When Tang Long explored the strength of the seven or eight warriors around him, he immediately saw a slight disdain. Although the strength of the seven or eight warriors was not weak, and even some of them were from the four levels of Tianzu, he did not pay attention to them at all.

On him, the energy of colorful light suddenly burst out.

This fierce momentum swept in all directions, slightly blocking the attack of the seven or eight warriors around him.

And then he applied the laws of space.

When the seven or eight warriors attacked him again and concentrated powerful energy to bombard him again, the space where he was was suddenly distorted by water lines!

Then, the powerful energy from all directions bombarded the distorted space of water lines.

The warped space of water marks is directly destroyed by bombardment.

In this distorted space, the figure of Tang long, which originally existed, was also smashed by the powerful energy.

And just at the moment when the space with distorted water lines burst, 50 meters above this space, the space there was also suddenly slightly distorted.

And then here, Tang Long directly appeared.

As soon as he appeared, he burst out of his body the power of the stars.

The energy of colorful light swept out of him.

He stared at those warriors in front of him, and his eyes showed a touch of domineering and fierce eyes. He snorted coldly, gathered his energy and said in a loud voice: "I knew for a long time which one of you is a demon. I can even tell you that you have been caught in the scheme and will be killed by me immediately!"

His voice contains the force of sound wave concussion, space solidification law and space distortion law.

The force of sound wave concussion contains the force of these two spatial laws, and contains the powerful force of stars. It directly spreads to the front, and the powerful energy directly covers the space of hundreds of meters in front.

These warriors here, they immediately felt the powerful energy swept by, one by one, looked at this side.

Their eyes fell on Tang long. At this moment, they suddenly felt that they had a very heavy feeling in their hearts. It seemed that what they were facing was a completely invincible existence!

In their eyes, Tang Long seems to have become a knife, into a knife that can tear heaven and earth and destroy everything.

Those martial artists in Tianzu realm who are much stronger than Tang long are still good, but those who are weaker than Tang long have deep fear in their hearts at this time!

They feel as heavy as a mountain in their hearts!

At this time, Tang Long directly exerted the power of divine power to the limit, and the power of domination was integrated into the Dao, which could have a deterrent effect on people's mind!

Obviously, Tang Long has gained a lot of experience in using the power of domination.

He suddenly thundered: "demon people, take your life!"

This roar is like thunder exploding!

The sound of thunder explosion contains the power of the law of explosion, the power of the law of the origin of thunder and lightning, and the power of domination. This sound shakes the whole space, and even shakes people's hearts.

At the same time, Tang Long's momentum suddenly becomes more and more domineering and fierce!

Hearing the sound of the concussion, there were four or five warriors in front of Tang long. They felt that Tang Long was yelling at them at this time. Suddenly, he was afraid and guilty. He turned around and flew towards the distance in a hurry.

Tang Long has been using the vast sea to explore the surrounding conditions.

He had long thought that there could not be only two or three warriors of the demon clan among these people. There must have been many warriors of the demon clan among them, and there must be some weaker among them.

He let Nuo co Lu hum that they attacked Si Tu GUI and other people. In fact, he wanted to attract some people's attention. At the same time, he also made some people here realize the fact that they knew the existence of demons, and their attacks had a clear target.

This is his first action plan.

When the first step of the plan is completed, he will carry out the plan of the second step.

His plan for the second step was to take advantage of the orders given by situ GUI, and take advantage of the fact that all these warriors went to surround them, he was cheating!

Of course, the means of deceit can not be used easily.

Therefore, he first showed a fierce look, and then used the Dao to integrate himself into the realm of Dao, and tried to exert his divine power. Dao contains the power of domination, which produces psychological pressure on the surrounding warriors.

Influenced by the power of domination and the power of divine power, these warriors suddenly felt fear and weakened their psychological defense line, especially those in the lower level of dizu.When those warriors heard the thunder of Tang long, they were afraid and flustered.

In a flustered mood, when these warriors hear Tang Long's thunderous drinking, their behavior subconsciously will appear flaws.

Tang Long has once again the earth shaking drink: "I know that you are the devil people, you want to escape, do not think!"

At this time, his eyes are staring at the front, with the eyes of some hasty looking, so that these people think that he is staring at them, let these people think that he really found them, and they are going to rush to kill them.

These people come into contact with Tang Long's sharp eyes and feel guilty immediately. They react and want to stay away from Tang long.

These people are the ultimate goal of Tanglong!

Just now, after Tang Long broke the defense barrier surrounding them and destroyed their attack array, he has controlled the Tianmei wilderness ancient array to cover a larger area.

At this time, the surrounding area within KM has been covered by Tianmei wild ancient array.

Within this range, ghosts can instantly appear anywhere!

Tang Long knows that he must use the thunder method!

His mind had already locked in a few people who had hurriedly turned to escape, and he had detected four of them in all.

Moreover, three of these four people are less than Tianzu realm, and they are only the intermediate level strength of dizu. Although the other one is the strength of Tianzu realm, it is only a heavy one of Tianzu.

Tang Long was not sure that all four of them were demons, but he felt that at least one of them would be a member of the demonic clan and possess the spirit of the devil.

Before he was angry, he explained that he was the one who wanted to kill the demons. What did the people who were not demons escape from?!

So he was sure that at least one of the four people who wanted to escape was the spirit of the devil.

One is enough!

Now, as long as you can play a devil's Soul here for the people around to see, he can take the initiative and turn the situation around.

"Hey, hey

He locked these four people with a strange smile!

Dozens of warriors around him rushed towards him. He didn't care. He suddenly applied the law of speed and flew up towards the sky like lightning.

At the same time, he had an extra shield in his hand, which was a very small shield.

Shining shield!

Dazzle shield took out, suddenly burst out extremely dazzling purple light.

Purple light covered the whole sky.

Under the purple light, the eyes of the people around them are shining, and they can't see everything around them.

All of a sudden, everyone's heart has a moment of tension, especially weak people, they are worried about the accident, they quickly gather strength and strive to protect themselves!

Just as they gathered their strength to protect themselves, and all tried their best to explore the surrounding situation, Tang Long's voice thundered again in the sky: "demon people, it's useless for you to hide, I already knew your identity!"

Just as his voice had just fallen, there was a succession of thunderous roars around him.

In this roar, the sound of a scream soon came, which directly attracted the attention of many soldiers around.

They quickly explored the past towards that side, and immediately found that there were a lot of extremely powerful energy.

These energies are a very powerful force of stars.

Surrounded by the power of these stars, in the roar of the earth shaking sky, there appeared a few extremely horrible cold and evil breath!

These cold and evil breath is the unique breath of Demon power!

Exploring these breath, many warriors in the world are shocked.

They used to cooperate with situ GUI and unite to use a plot to deceive them. But when they cheated Li to come over, they all listened to Li run. They said a lot about the demons.

At that time, they didn't believe what Li Ran and others said. They only believed in their alliance leader, and only believed in situ GUI and others. They had told them that Li Ran and others came here to cheat. They said that they were all people of the blood temple.

Li Ran told them that there was a demon warrior hiding here. They didn't believe it.

However, now, the devil's power really appears here!

even here, not only does the devil power appear here, but also they immediately feel a very evil and terrible spirit breath!

They heard that Li Ran said about the characteristics of the spirit of the devil, and knew that the spirit of the spirit was the spirit of the devil!

There is really a devil's Soul here, which makes them extremely frightened!

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