Beifeng Mingyue takes the two tokens handed by Tang Long and hands one of them to JIAYE Xuanji.

Tang long looked at the north wind and bright moon and Kaya Xuanji and said, "ogrima is a big city. It's not far from here. Next, you can go to a small town to buy a map, and then you can find orgrima."

At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhen told the Beifeng Mingyue in detail what he knew about orgrima.

The north wind bright moon looked at Tang Long and asked, "husband, what happened to the sacred sky Gang?"

Tang Long said: "holy Tiangang is in an underground abyss here, which is called the dark abyss. It is a very special underground abyss. There is a long abyss under this abyss."

"Is there any danger in the abyss under the earth?" asked the bright moon

Tang Long said: "there will be great danger in the abyss under the earth, so Mingyue, don't go with you and elder Kaya. I'll go with them."

JIAYE Xuanji looked at Tang Long and said, "in this case, let's go and go to orgrima."

"No problem." Tang Long nodded.

Together with Beifeng Mingyue, JIAYE Xuanji plans to leave here and go to orgrima, which is managed by the ghost family.

Tang Long went to the abyss with them.

The entrance of the abyss is not visible. It is a very mysterious place, and the entrance of this place has been sealed by the people of the ghost family.

The ghost family discovered this place a long time ago and understood the situation of the abyss. They wanted to monopolize the secret and get the holy Tiangang alone.

This time, the head of the ghost family took out a sacred Tiangang in his family collection and dedicated it to the ancestor of the devil. This is mainly because they knew that there would be another holy Tiangang.

In fact, the ghost family at this time also has a sacred Tiangang.

This holy Tiangang contains the law of light, which can greatly restrain the power of demons and blood demons. It will be very difficult for people of the demon clan and the blood demon clan to use the holy Tiangang.

The demons or blood demons, even if they are the martial arts of the first and second level of Tianzu, can't use the holy Tiangang at all. Even when they hold the holy Tiangang, their own strength will be suppressed and they can't exert their full strength.

But the martial arts of Tianzu's four fold and five fold realm have been able to suppress the light law contained in holy Tiangang with their own strength.

If they learn some methods to control the holy Tiangang and seal the holy Tiangang in some powerful magic weapon, they will be able to break out the power of holy Tiangang at the critical moment, release the extremely powerful power of holy light, and bring unexpected things to the warriors of the same level or even those of higher level than themselves Hit hard!

Because of this, after the ghost family presented a holy Tiangang to the devil's ancestor, the devil's ancestor immediately inlaid the holy Tiangang on the same magic weapon.

With this magic weapon, the ancestor of the devil can gain a little advantage when he fights with the blood demon ancestor.

Of course, the blood demon ancestor may not have these special magic weapons.

Tang Long is not afraid of the magic weapon containing the power of the holy light. After all, his vitality already contains the power of the light.

Even his soul tower can be said to be a magic weapon of light.

And he has the gourd of light, the God of light.

It is easy for Tang long to control these magic weapons without any limitation. His strength will not be suppressed by the law of light.

Tang Long and vatian, together with them, flew forward in a hurry according to some information obtained from Xuanyuan sky array interrogation.

There is a deep mountain ahead.

In this deep mountain, the mountain range stretches like a dragon and a snake, with ups and downs. In the distance, you can see several high peaks and several steep cliffs.

The mountains here are very desolate, there are no plants.

At this time, they were in the depth of the mountain. They did not fly for a long time. They flew over several high peaks, and saw them at the top of a precipice here.

The cliff is very high. Standing at the top of the cliff and looking down, you can't see the situation at the bottom of the cliff.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen looked at Tang Long and said, "the entrance of the abyss under the earth is a hidden place under the cliff, where there will be a sealed cave."

Tang Long said curiously, "isn't there a long underground passage in the abyss? Isn't it that there is a powerful presence in the underground passage? Why don't those powerful beings break the seal here

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "according to those demonic spirits, there are things in the underground passage. They are called the earth hiding animals. They are used to the dark environment in the passage, so they can't come out easily. Moreover, the underground passages here are very large and spacious, and the channels are connected in all directions. Even these underground animals can use the technique of earth hiding. Therefore, even though the channels are used, they can not come out The exit to the outside is sealed, and it's easy for the earth hiding beast to think of it. "After a pause, Xuanyuan Tianzhen continued: "the people of the ghost family seal the exit of this passage. This is actually just a trick to prevent others from finding the underground passage. As for the ground hiding animals, they don't need to go out of the passageway at all. They can use the technique of earth hiding and can come out from any place in the passage."

"I see." Tang Long nodded clearly.

"Let's go down now. Things here don't take too long, or there may be problems in the White Tiger City."

Tang Long nodded: "we really need to solve the problems here as soon as possible."

In the eyes of Tang long, under normal circumstances, the White Tiger City can withstand at least two days' attack from the warriors of the blood temple, but Tang long can't help but take precautions in advance.

If among the warriors who attack the White Tiger City in the blood temple, the strong one in the half step ancestral realm participates in the attack, then the defense barrier of the White Tiger City will surely be broken by the bombardment in a day.

Even Tang Long is sure that in the land of beasts in heaven, there are some strong people at the level of banbuzu in the temple of blood.

However, Tang Long is also basically sure that the strongmen of the half step ancestral realm in the blood temple will not appear for the time being. Once they appear, they will certainly be to deal with the demons.

Before the battle between the blood temple and the heavenly ancestor of the great thousand worlds, the blood temple had already lost some money in that war, and even more might be lost later. I'm afraid that the blood temple is for the people of the demons.

The blood temple has set a trap, waiting for the demons.

But what about the demons?!

The blood demons use the Tianzu of the great world as bait. If they want to play a big game in the land of beasts, what countermeasures will the demons have?!

Tang Long knew that the demons would never be less prepared than the blood demons for the war on the land of beasts.

The next step is to see which of them has the better arrangement.

Tang Long temporarily put down the matter of the beast land, to get the sacred Tiangang here first.

He used the magic power of the sea to explore the situation under the cliff. At this time, he could not find the bottom of the cliff. Suddenly, he was surprised: "the cliff is so high, more than 4000 meters!"

He guessed that there must be a deep pit at the bottom of the cliff.

He was so careful to explore, and did not find any danger below.

"Let's go down." He said, the first thing is to jump down the cliff, behind him, they of course did not hesitate, one by one jump off the cliff, down the fast landing.

Tang Long landed under the cliff while he was still exploring the movement under the cliff.

After landing for more than a kilometer, he finally found out the situation at the bottom of the cliff, but he still did not find any danger under the cliff. , the fastest update of the webnovel!