"It should be safe under this cliff."

Tang long thought in his mind that he and vartian accelerated the landing speed.

They had landed at the bottom of the cliff.

The bottom of the cliff is very spacious. It looks like a very deep valley. There is a small pool 100 meters in front of the valley.

In all directions around the valley below the cliff are mountains towering into the clouds.

The half waist of the valley is covered with clouds. Birds and flowers are fragrant in the valley. The air is very fresh. There are some sparse plants growing in the valley. All of these plants have a touch of dark.

What's more, the smell of these plants also has a kind of cold and terrible smell, which makes the valley feel more desolate and terrifying without any reason.

If it is the ordinary people here, will feel very afraid, will feel suddenly in the hell.

Tang Long's state of mind has reached a very high level. What's more, he has also cultivated the power of the holy light. Therefore, in the face of this gloomy environment and the cold and horrible atmosphere, all these have no influence on his mood.

He turned his head and looked at Xuanyuan sky array and said, "you interrogated the spirits of those demons before. Now you should know where the seal of the entrance of the abyss is? Go and untie the seal, so that we can go to the underground passage in the abyss

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "when we get to the underground passage, we have to be careful. As far as I know, the passageways in the deep underground extend in all directions. When I go ahead, I will lead the way. If you go wrong, you can't find the holy Tiangang."

Tang Long asked, "according to what you know, how long can we find holy Tiangang at normal speed?"

"Normal speed, if there has been no too much obstruction, less than two hours we should be able to find the holy Tiangang."

At this time, Xuanyuan sky array had already walked in front of a cliff not far away. Soon, he had come to the stone wall, and then folded his hands, quickly changed his fingerprints, and cracked the seal boundary.

For about ten minutes, after the Xuanyuan heavenly array untied the seal of that place, a large stone wall disappeared in front of the place where it was, in a large area there.

Where the stone wall disappeared, it had become a big depression.

In the middle of the depression, on the surface of the ground, there was a big hole down.

Tang Long knew that before this, the whole depression was obviously covered by the enchantment formed by the psychedelic array arranged here, so at the beginning, they did not see the depression at all.

Now the enchantment array of the depression has been removed by Xuanyuan sky array, and the seal border has been removed, so the depression is revealed.

At this time, the Xuanyuan sky array has come to the entrance of the big hole, and has lifted the seal of the hole.

This seal has just been lifted, in the mouth of the cave, an extremely powerful force of demons swept up.

All of a sudden, the whole depression was swept up by a cold wind.

The wind howled and swept all directions. In a short time, the whole valley was full of fierce and cold wind.

Xuanyuan sky array stood at the entrance of the cave where the seal was released: "this is the entrance of the dark abyss. I'll jump down first. You follow me. According to those spirits of the demons, the abyss is very deep, and it will take a long time to fall. There may be danger in the process of falling, so you must be careful!"

When Tang long heard Xuanyuan Tianzhen say so, he immediately raised his vigilance.

He and vatian, together with them, went to the cave entrance and looked down. The bottom was deep and dark.

The hole was large and went down vertically towards the bottom of the ground.

The diameter of the cave is more than 10 meters. Tang Long and Tang long can form a circle to jump down together. If there is any danger around them, they can defend immediately.

Xuanyuan sky array first they jump down the big hole, Tang Long and they form a circle and follow closely. If Xuanyuan array is in danger in the process of falling, they can react as quickly as possible on the top of Xuanyuan array.

They had begun to fall, and it was dark before them.

Xuanyuan sky array has taken out a long shirt and put it on as it continues to land below.

The long clothes emit various kinds of light, and immediately the surrounding area is illuminated by this light.

When Tang Long saw the long shirt that Xuanyuan Tianzhen was wearing, he immediately felt very interesting. This guy's long shirt was actually inlaid with many moonstones.

Moreover, these moonstones give off various kinds of light, reflecting each other, and they are very beautiful.

"The Xuanyuan sky array is really good enough. It makes such a strange dress, which shines brightly on the body. Is it beautiful? It doesn't seem to be very nice, but in a place like this, it can really helpTang long thought in his mind, after exploring the shining long shirt of Xuanyuan sky array, he was very surprised to find that the long shirt of Xuanyuan sky array was not an ordinary one.

It's made of golden silk thread. It's a kind of precious artifact!

This long dress is called luminous shirt.

What Tang Long doesn't know is that the luminous shirt is not made by Xuanyuan Tianzhen, nor by yasna after the devil.

This is Xuanyuan sky array found in the sky sealing flag of Tang long.

Originally, the luminous shirt was hidden in a box in the treasure house of the evil spirit sect. Last time Tang Long and Meng Haoran went to attack the headquarters of the evil spirit sect. Tang Long went to the treasure house of the evil spirit sect to search all the contents inside.

Xuanyuan sky array is the long shirt that Tang Long got from the treasure house.

The light radiates from the long gown, illuminating the surrounding area of tens of meters.

Tang Long and his team landed all the way down in the light of the light. Seeing that they had fallen down to a depth of 1000 meters, they had not yet reached the bottom.

"The abyss is deep enough." Tang long thought in his mind, but at this time, suddenly, a dark monster suddenly rushed out of a stone wall on the side of Xuanyuan sky array, which was landing.

The monster came straight out of the stone wall.

Obviously, this monster knows the skill of earth escaping, and it is also very skilled in using it. It is already an instinctive display!

When Tang Long saw the monster, he was startled. The monster was ferocious and terrifying. He looked like a huge lizard. His whole body was dark and his head was very big. His eyes showed a faint silver light. He opened his mouth, and a row of serrated cold teeth made people feel frightened!

This is just the earth running beast!

At this time, the devil's power had already burst out from the body of the earth hiding beast. Tang Long knew that the fighting power of the earth hiding beast was very strong, at least reaching the level of the earth ancestor's peak combat power!


The earth hiding beast just rushed out from the side of the stone wall. It roared directly and bit the Xuanyuan sky array.

At this time, the head of the di Dun beast was in front of the Xuanyuan sky array. With its big mouth open, it could swallow the Xuanyuan sky array in one bite. However, most of its body was still in the stone wall!

Seeing that Xuanyuan Tianzhen was going to be eaten by the earth hiding beast, Tang Long and they all gathered their energy to bombard the Dun beast.

But at this time, on the stone wall around the Tang dragon, more than a dozen of ground hiding animals rushed out of the stone wall together.

They were also extremely large in size. They rushed out from several directions around the stone wall. Most of their bodies were still in the stone wall. Only their heads stretched out and opened their big mouths. They bit Tang long hard!

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