Around the mansion and manor of the celestial burial family, in some places near the blood god temple, those magnificent buildings have long been bombarded and exploded, and the broken walls have been smashed by powerful bombardment, and the broken stones are flying everywhere.

In addition to the manor houses of some big families, there are also many small houses of ordinary families in the holy city of blood demons.

These residential courtyards have long been shattered by the blast.

The whole holy city of blood demons is full of energy, and the stones are flying. The blood red energy between heaven and earth sweeps the dark energy, constantly whistling and tumbling in all directions, as if there are two fierce black and Red Sea torrents in crazy collision, in the constant impact of the whole blood demon holy city.

It is extremely difficult to resist the continuous bombardment of such fierce energy, even if it is a general warrior in the ancestral realm.

The collision of such strong Qi and torrent produced a strong wind which was constantly raging in all directions. Tang long could resist the strong wind. After all, Tang Long's strength at this time was very strong, reaching the level of the five levels of Tianzu.

At this time, he displayed his magic power, which was the appearance of No. 3 Tang long in the sea of spirits.

"It's time to leave and look for the divine pulse."

He explored the surrounding activities and quietly came out of the house which was about to collapse from the family of celestial burial. He gathered his energy to resist the strong wind around him, and explored the surrounding activities.

There were a lot of people in the room who were blown out and ran away.

Many people's strength is too weak, just want to fly to the distance, they are directly bombarded by fierce gas.

The sound of screams kept ringing in all directions.

Tang Long explored the surrounding area, determined the direction, and quietly went towards the direction of the blood god hall in the chaotic confusion of the roaring and fierce wind.

At this time, he dressed up like a warrior of the demons.

The devil's power erupted in him!

Quietly moving forward, seeing that the distance from the blood temple is less than 2000 meters, Tang Long stopped and did not continue to move forward.

At this time, his place is a place of ruins.

He hid behind the ruins, restrained his breath and explored the movement of the blood temple. He could not pass until the war was almost over and the demons basically controlled the blood temple.

At that time, as long as he mixed into the blood temple, he might find the sealed God pulse.

Time is in a hurry. Tang Long is waiting here. It's past noon. In the afternoon, Ling Qingyao's voice rings from the heart of Tang Long: "husband, what's the matter with the blood demon holy city? Is there a big war? "

Tang Long said: "the people in the blood temple are fighting with the demons. The blood temple is about to be occupied by the demons!"

Ling Qingyao asked, "have you found the divine pulse sealed in the blood temple?"

"I haven't entered the blood Temple yet. It's not time." Tang Long's voice dropped, and immediately asked in his heart, "Qing Yao, magic fragrant distant mountain, have they all returned to batian city?"

"They are all back." Ling Qingyao said: "they are in a hurry. Let me ask you how you are doing now. How long can it be finished?"

Tang Long said: "I don't know when I can finish the work here, but you can rest assured that since the demons and the blood demons have already started a war, this war will not be completed in a short time. The blood god temple certainly has no time to pay attention to the southern area of batian City and the great thousand world world world. Zhong Li Cangwu will certainly not have any danger in a short time."

Then Tang Long and Ling Qingyao talked for a while. In the heart of Tang long, the voice of Zhong Li Xue Yan suddenly rang out: "husband, when will you come to xueyunling?"

Tang Long said: "now the battle of the holy city of blood demons has just started, and I have no way to go."

Zhong Lixue flue: "dragon spirit went to explore around the blood cloud mountain, and found that there were many heavenly ancestors of the blood Temple transferred from the blood cloud mountain. He roughly calculated that there were more than 100 Tianzu who were transferred away from the blood cloud mountain temple!"

"What!" Hearing the news, Tang Long was shocked!

There were more than 100 heavenly ancestors in xueyunling, which was totally beyond his expectation.

He quickly asked in his heart, "how many warriors are there in the blood cloud mountain

Zhong Lixue flue: "I don't know. Although the Dragon Spirit has been exploring, it is difficult to find out. All around Xueyun mountain are separated by strong boundaries. We can't find out how many ancestors of the blood god temple are here!"

Tang long thought for a while and said, "since you have transferred so many Tianzu, there will be no more powerful Tianzu in xueyunling." "Did the half trodden leave the temple of God

Zhong Li snow flue: "one of them left with those heavenly ancestors."

Tang Long was a little relieved.

Although there may be many Tianzu strongmen in xueyunling, Tang Long is well prepared this time after all. The old man of ice and fire has passed, and the generals and ministers are there. This is not weak combat power.He said to Zhong Li Xuefeng: "tell longpo that he should always pay attention to the activities there. First of all, we must know where the gate of the world is. Then the first thing we need to do is to destroy the world gate there, so as to prevent the people of the blood temple from going to Xueyun mountain to support quickly!"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "dragon spirit has already known the general position of the world gate, and has told the generals and the old man Binghuo. When the time comes, the old man of Binghuo will go to scrap the gate of the world, and the generals and ministers will be responsible for cooperation!"

Tang Long said: "you ask the Dragon Spirit to draw a detailed map there. Before we start to move, we must know the environment clearly as soon as possible."

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "we have prepared maps here, and we have prepared many copies. Each map records the situation here in detail. The mountains and gullies here, including all the arrays we know, are drawn in detail on the map."

Tang Long knew that Zhong Li Xueyan was well prepared there, so he was relieved.

He ended the spiritual contact with Zhong Li Xueyan. After thinking about it, he immediately contacted Gongsun Mo'er in the secluded land.

He said to Gongsun Mo'er in his heart: "Mo'er, now you send someone to find Xue Yan's parents in the magic city, and the city Lord of the heaven burial family in the city of ten thousand demons. Let them inform the families we trust, so that the core figures of these families in the blood demon world are ready to withdraw at any time, and be ready to go to the enchanting land, just in case."

Gongsun Mo'er said, "I'm going to the magic city to arrange this."

Next, Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er discussed the details of the matter in detail. He knew that the first thing to do was to ensure absolute security and not to disclose any information in advance.

It is not very difficult to achieve absolute security and stability, because Zhong Li and Cangwu have already prepared in advance in their respective family headquarters, and several core members of the family are specially arranged by them.

And these families have already made some evacuation arrangements in this respect.

The average person in these families doesn't know a lot.

As long as the core figures of these families are ready to leave, in case of an accident, these people can take most of the family's goods and materials at any time, and those who can take away the family immediately will give up what they can't take.

Tang Long made such an arrangement to prevent the Tang clan and the blood god hall from turning over at any time. At that time, the blood god hall should first deal with these families in the blood demon kingdom.

After these things were arranged, Tang Long ended his conversation with Gongsun Mo'er. He explored the situation at the blood temple and immediately found that many warriors of the blood demon clan were running around, and the warriors of the demon clan had already rushed into the blood temple.

Although the war is still going on, it is obvious that the demon clan has taken the absolute initiative, and the war situation has spread from the sky of the blood temple to a larger area.

Most importantly, an area near the blood temple has been basically controlled by the demons.

Even the warriors in the blood temple and some warriors in Tianzu realm have been killed by bombing, leaving only the spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!