"It's time for me to go to the blood temple to look for the divine pulse. I hope everything goes well."

Tang Long took a deep breath and thought that he might soon get another divine pulse. He felt that his heart was suddenly speeding up.

He hopes that he can get and fuse the sealed pulse in the blood temple!

If he can get and integrate this divine vein of the blood temple, he will have a total of eight, and then his combat power will be improved and his speed of improving strength will also be accelerated.

The most important thing is that he has seen the divine vein before. He has already known that the divine vein sealed by the blood temple contains extremely powerful spatial laws!

"If I can get and integrate that divine vein, I can get the most profound spatial law, which is of great significance to me!"

Tang Long secretly thought, toward the direction of the blood Temple quickly away.

He can't use the skill of earth escape here, because at this time, the defense boundary of the blood demon holy city is not broken by the bombardment, and the defensive border on the ground here is also very strong. Even if such a strong momentum is constantly fierce bombardment, the surrounding ground is still intact.

On such a ground, the whole ground is covered by the enchantment. You can't use the earth hiding skill unless the Tang dragon can break the defense barrier.

The defense border of the holy city of blood demons was arranged by the ancestor of the blood demon himself. The ground defense of the whole city is very strong.

Moreover, the Grand Palace of the blood temple is more defensive.

The defense boundary of the Grand Palace of the blood god hall is all controlled by the spirit essence of the blood demon ancestor. The defense power is very strong. It is not easy to smash the palace even if it is a warrior in the Jiuchong state of Tianzu, or even the warrior in the Jiuchong peak state of Tianzu.

In fact, Tang Long wants to take advantage of this to see what the blood demon ancestor looks like.

However, he did not dare to do so, because the super masters like the blood demon ancestor, whose destructive power was extremely terrible in the war, Tang Long's current strength did not dare to approach when the blood demon ancestor was fighting. He had to be far away to be more secure.

The holy city of blood demons now has ancestral gods in the war, which is carried out over tens of thousands of meters above the blood god temple.

Although at this time, there was a strong energy sweeping down from the high altitude of the blood temple, but the energy strength had been buffered by tens of thousands of meters, and the power had been weakened a lot when it reached the ground, and Tang long could barely resist it.

In this fierce battle, some warriors of the demon clan have already rushed into the blood temple.

Tang Long also broke out the power of demons, which was the strength of the five realms of Tianzu. He followed the Tianzu of two demon clans and pretended to be a member of the demon clan. He had taken advantage of the chaos to mix into the blood temple.

Gao Tianye used to give him the map, he has long remember very clearly, at this time this map has appeared in his mind.

As he walked along the map, he paid attention to his surroundings. As soon as he found the people around the blood temple, he slowed down and asked the people of the demons around to fight against the people in the blood temple.

He has always been very careful, and has been dedicated to two purposes. In his heart, he contacted Beigong Xianer in the city of Genius: "Xianer, I've been to the blood temple, and I'm looking for the sealed divine vein. You should also be prepared. Yingtianhe may attack the Tang mansion of the city of genius at any time!"

The voice of Beigong Xianer rang out in Tang Long's heart: "husband, don't worry, I'm ready."

Tang long continued: "you ask longpeng and dragon owl to pay attention to it. Once the Tang mansion is attacked, it is likely that people from the blood temple will appear. If the situation is abnormal, it will be bad if the people in the blood Temple perform the soul moving method, which will make longpeng and Longxiao very dangerous."

Beigong Xianer said: "I know, I will completely control the situation. As long as the demons come, we will definitely suppress them completely. I believe that as long as the war situation is always under our control, the blood demons will not easily use the soul moving method even if someone comes. After all, they have not planned to make their appearance completely public."

Tang Long cautiously said: "no matter what, we should be careful." After thinking about it, he continued to say to the North Palace fairy: "well, if someone from the blood Temple arrives at the Tang mansion, the city of genius, you can immediately let the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl hide, and they will not come out until they have to."

"I see." "I'm going to tell them," he said

Then Tang Long and Beigong Xianer talked for a while about the city of genius. Then Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection with Beigong Xianer.

In the blood temple, he continued to follow the map, and felt his heart, hoping to find something.

On the way to the next, he met two warriors from the blood temple. However, the strength of the warriors in the two blood temples was very common, but Tianzu's fighting power was much weaker than him.

The two warriors were seriously wounded by Tang Long's bombardment and then fled.

Tang long did not go after him, and continued to search for the divine pulse according to the map.With his continuous efforts, he has passed most of the marked places on the map, and has passed four secret places sealed by isolation and defense.

Seeing that he has passed through a space door leading to the space of different degrees, he has arrived in a space chamber.

According to the map, there is also a door of different space in the secret room.

He was about to open the door of this space. In his heart, he suddenly felt a strange feeling that someone was calling for him in his heart.

This feeling is extremely weak. If Tang long had not been paying attention to his inner feelings all the time, he would not even have been aware of the faint call from the depths of his heart.

With the feeling of calling in the heart, Tang Long was very happy.

He knew that there must be a sealed divine vein in this place, and he must be able to fuse it.

Of course, Tang Long knows how to open the door of this space, because Gao Tianye gave him a very clear mark on the map.

It is obvious that where this divine vein is hidden, the people of the demon clan have been very clear about it.

The door to the space where he came in just now has disappeared.

Tang Long turned his head and looked around in this strange space, and soon determined the position.

He went to the middle of the space of difference, and was about to open the door of the hidden space. At this moment, a powerful force of space surged in the place where he had just come in, where the door of the space that had disappeared.

Tang long felt the surging force of the space behind him, and immediately frowned. He turned around and saw the place where the door of space had disappeared, and the space there had been violently distorted.

Soon, in this distorted space, the door of the space that had disappeared before reappeared.

"Of course, the devil ancestor also wants to get the seal of the divine pulse here. So, it should be the devil clan."

Tang Long's eyes showed a touch of vigilance. The devil's power burst out. Be careful. He has seen two figures flying in from the door of this space like lightning.

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