Looking at Tang Long's angry appearance, dijue became more and more proud. He was extremely passive. At this time, he was able to turn around easily and escape calmly. Even at the last moment of his escape, he was able to deal a heavy blow to Tang long. This made him feel very happy.

Although Tianjue and others are dead, but Tang Long's secret has been known, which makes him feel that Tianjue and their death are worth it.

Most of all, he's still alive!

"Tang long, even if you don't admit who you are, I'm still sure that you are definitely the Tang dragon in the blood demon Holy City Tang mansion. I'm really surprised, very surprised that you can hide so deep that you can not only use the power of blood demon, but also the power of devil, and even the power of holy light, but you are definitely not a member of my blood demon clan!"

"For such a long time, there have been many attacks by gods and beasts in the world of blood Warcraft. Now I finally know that these things should be directed by you behind your back."

"It's a pity that even if you are smart, you are still a failure today. When I go back, what will happen to you, all the people of Tangmen, including Zhongli family and so on?"

Ground Jue complacently said, holding the hand of escape empty Fu to the body side direction, and then directly crushed the escape empty Fu.

Suddenly, in his side direction, there is a space crack at the place where the escape rune is broken. The powerful pulling force breaks out from this crack!

Seeing the ground breaking and escaping amulet, the hearts of all the people suddenly sank down!

All people's eyes fall on the body of dantai Shuya and Zhongli Xueyan. To find that moment of time, we should at least rescue the trapped dantai Shuya and Zhongli Xueyan!

At this time, in the holy city of blood demon, the ancestor of blood demon had returned from the land of beasts and was angry in the blood god temple.

At this time, a warrior in blood robe came in from the outside and looked at Zun, who was sitting on the blood red throne in front of him. He said respectfully, "Reverend, something happened to the city of genius!"

At this time, this statue is not in the blood red crystal screen.

When you are in the blood crystal screen, you can use the energy contained in the blood red crystal screen to make yourself appear in other places at the same time.

How many such blood crystal screens can he appear in the crystal screens of many places at the same time. Even in each crystal screen, he will have a strong attack power, and these crystal screens can be connected with his mind and spirit!

Most importantly, he can use these blood red crystal screens to move himself.

This is his magic weapon!

Like the sky screen!

This is not the only use of this kind of screen.

Wanxiang sky screen is very useful, not only has a strong defense, but also has a strong attack power.

The most important thing is that Wanxiang Tianping has the ability to split and fuse. It can split into 12 fast chips at most, and can also fuse together to form a complete piece.

At this time, the original statue of zunshang is here, so we can't use Wanxiang Tianping.

He spits out his fangs, his big mouth is ferocious, and his face looks very fierce. He stares at the bloody warrior in front of him and says in a deep voice, "what happened to the city of genius?"

The blood robed warrior said: "the Tang mansion of the city of genius was attacked, and many warriors of the demon clan appeared."

"How's Tang Fu in the city of genius now?" he frowned

The blood robed warrior said: "now the Tang house in the city of genius is safe, thanks to the brothers longpeng and Longxiao. They caught the warriors of two demon clans the other day and inquired in advance about the news that the demons were going to attack the city of genius. Therefore, the arrangement of the Tang house in the city of genius successfully solved the danger of the Tang house and prevented the first devil The conspiracy of the clan

Zunshang snorted coldly and asked in a deep voice, "what kind of conspiracy can the demons have in the city of genius?"

The blood robed warrior said: "listen to the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl say that the demons want to attack the Tang mansion of the city of genius, so as to attract the attention of the warriors in the city of genius. They also want to attract our attention. Then they will attack the transmission Hall of the city of genius while we support the Tang house of the city of genius."

Zunshang frowned: "is there something wrong with the delivery hall in the city of genius?"

"No "Because of our timely response, the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl were prepared in the Tang Dynasty, so there was no accident."

After a pause, he continued: "we sent people to explore some places around the city of genius, and found no danger. But after thinking about it, we still felt that we should come back to report the situation, so I came back. The other four are still guarding the transmission Hall of the city of genius."

Venerable was silent for a moment, looked at the warrior and asked, "why do the demons attack the teleportation Hall of the city of genius? Is there a demonic teleportation array in the city of genius? Or do they want to occupy the city of genius? "

The blood robed warrior said: "we also think that there may be some secrets of the demons in the city of genius, and we think that their ultimate goal is probably the genius college, in which there are many outstanding disciples of the blood demon family."Hearing the blood robed warrior's words, Zun was a little silent and said: "the dark gate is controlled in our hands. Those younger disciples of the genius college have completely lost contact with the big families of the blood demon world. The demons have no great significance in dealing with them, but at present, they can also influence us to a certain extent in a short time."

At this time, the demons came in from the outside, and the red headed demons also came in.

Before the red headed devil and the killing demon were fighting in the land of beasts. After the war, they came back with zunshang.

At this time, the strength of killing the heavenly devil and the red headed devil had not recovered, and the red headed devil was still seriously injured. When they entered the hall, the red headed devil looked at Zun and said, "Reverend, I just heard the devil Tianjue say that something happened to the blood cloud mountain?"

Zunshang nodded: "there are monsters attacking xueyunling. I think it must be the demons. I have asked Wujue to support them!"

"There are five unique past, there should be no problem."

The red headed devil looked at Zun and said, "what if something happened to xueyunling? Why don't I go back and have a look? "

Looking at the red headed devil, zunshang frowned: "you suffered internal injury in the first World War of beast land, and the internal injury is heavy, and the strength is greatly reduced. What do you do in xueyunling? If you can't even solve the problems there, it's useless to go there in your present state! "

The red headed devil worried: "but what if the demons succeed in xueyunling?"

Respect heavy cold hum a: "understand they will not succeed." After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "they attack xueyunling, which is probably another move to divert the tiger from the mountain. In case we leave, what will they do if they make a comeback? There are so many super masters here, how many people can be in the blood demon world? Now the gate of darkness is still completely controlled by us. Xueyunling is in the blood demon world. Even if the demons have more powerful arrangements in xueyunling, how powerful can they be? "

The red headed devil nodded his head when he heard what he said. He felt that what he said was very reasonable.

He knew that the strength of the five Jue was already very strong, and even two of them had the strength of banbu zushen. If this could not solve the danger of xueyunling, the arrangement of the demons in the blood demon world would be too terrible!

Zun's eyes fell on the man who killed the demon and asked him, "is there any news from the blood demon?"

After the war in the land of beasts, he directly asked the blood demon to go to the city of blood light to end the war. He was worried that there was a big action of the demons in the city of blood light, which would make them suffer heavy casualties again.

Of course, the blood demon should be very cautious when he went to the blood light city.

The blood Yin devil used the escape talisman in the past, so he could get to the blood light city soon. In addition, the blood Yin devil also had five pieces of escaping empty runes that could return to the holy city of blood demon.

If the situation of Xueguang city is very bad, if necessary, the blood demon can save several people back.

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