"There is no news of the blood demon at present." After a pause, he continued: "the people who believe in the demons will not make too much noise in the city of blood light, and the large number of strong reinforcements we sent should soon arrive at the city of blood light. Can't the people of the demons think that we should send strong reinforcements to the city? All the people in the holy city of blood demon have been removed, and those in the land of beasts have been removed. The people on the other side of the city of blood light must also be removed! "

The Reverend nodded slightly, and thought that killing the devil was very reasonable.

The red headed devil looked at zunshang and said, "venerable, are we going to do something for safety?"

Looking at the red headed devil, Zun asked curiously, "what are we going to do?"

The red headed devil said: "the war between us and the demons has already broken out, and the secret chess we have arranged has already begun to be used. The thing we have developed, in this war, has also been mixed with the demons. From now on, we will not have no way to hide the demons. Then, we will not have much time to manage In this world war, we must gather the strongest forces to solve the demons in one fell swoop. "

After a pause, the red headed devil went on: "I think the first thing we need to do now is to quickly solve the last trouble of the big world, so that the big world will not damage our business at that time."

Venerable said: "you are worried about the situation of the great thousand world. After the first World War of the beast land, the Tianzu of the great thousand world lost a lot. Even if there are still some remains, there is not much to worry about."

"But there is still a southern part of the whole world!" the demon reminded

Zunshang said: "there are Zhongli family and other families in charge of the Southern District of daqianshi. At this time, the demons have no time to spend too much energy and manpower to make trouble in the Southern District of daqianshi. I believe there will be no accident there."

The red headed devil said: "I think, in the southern part of the world, we'd better make some precautions to avoid accidents and affect the overall situation."

Zun frowned for a moment, then looked at the red headed devil and asked, "how are you going to guard against it?"

The red headed devil said: "the blood demon world is completely controlled by us, and the dark gate is completely controlled by us. Now, the holy city of blood demon and the city of genius, and there are some other places where there are people from the Zhong Li family. Next, we will fight with the demons. Some secrets are hard to hide in some places for a long time. If these secrets are spread out, let's live forever Zhongli Cangwu in jienan District knows that they are likely to betray us? "

Hearing what the red headed devil said, Zun immediately frowned fiercely.

He knew that the top secret of the blood demon clan, although the secret can still be kept now, the war with the demon clan will break out completely.

Once the war broke out in an all-round way, the secrets of the blood demons would certainly not be preserved. If these things were known by Zhong Li Cangwu, they would probably turn against the tide and the Southern District of the universe would be in chaos.

Maybe even Zhongli Cangwu will be used by the demons.

As you know, there are many Tianzu strongmen scattered in the southern part of the great thousand world. Even more, there are still many Tianzu strongmen in these families such as Zhongli family.

There are even the ancestors of these families, these ancestors are super powerful warriors!

If these people come out to make trouble and unite with the demons, if there is no good way to restrict them, the situation will be very bad!

Looking at the red headed devil, Zun asked, "what's the best way for you to do this?"

The red headed devil said: "in my opinion, we can send the Tangmen people in the blood demon holy city and those who are left in the blood demon holy city to the blood demon world. It means that the whole world has been in chaos. We are fighting with the demons. The situation is urgent. These family members must be protected by us, and we send reliable people to send the news Go to batian city and let the people of their families here go to the blood demon world, so it's OK

After listening to the red headed devil's words, zunshang immediately nodded.

He knew that the red headed devil was obviously a means of controlling the hostages.

There are many Zhongli families and other family members in the blood demon world, but most of the people in Tang Dynasty are in the blood devil holy city and the city of genius.

Let all these people go to the blood demon world, and then take measures to control them. Even if the Zhongli family in batian city and the Southern District of Daqian world, they will not dare to act rashly even at the last moment!

With so many hostages in hand, the blood temple takes the absolute initiative.

Moreover, those people from the Tang mansion of the city of genius and the holy city of blood demons were removed from the blood demon world. Zhong Li Cangwu lost the source of information about anything about the blood demon city, which could make the blood Temple better control the southern part of the whole world.

The master thinks that the red headed devil is a very good method.

He thought for a while, looked at the red headed devil and asked, "transfer the blood demon holy city and the city of genius to the blood soul world. This matter still needs to send a message to batian city. Who will send the news to batian city?"After a pause, the venerable continued: "now the transmission array leading to the evil spirit sect has been destroyed. We send people with average strength to batian city. In case of danger and being intercepted by the demons, the news will be obtained by the demons. If we send the blood demons, most of them will devour the spirits and breath of life All of them have changed. Zhongli Cangwu and they may have doubts about it. Therefore, we can only send people they have never met before! "

At this time, the blood robed warrior who came back from the city of genius just now reported the news of the city of genius. Looking at zunshang, the warrior suggested: "zunshang, my subordinates have thought of a very suitable person to deliver news to batian city!"

A touch of curiosity appeared in zunshang's eyes: "tell me, who do you think of?"

The warrior said: "longpeng and Longxiao were not in the holy city of blood demons before the war. They were not devoured by spirits. Their strength was very strong, and their breath of life did not change. Although they were not from the Tang family, nor from the Zhongli family and other families, they could go to the city of genius to protect the Tang family. Obviously, they were with the Tang family and the Zhong Li family Wait, the relationship with them is very good, let them go to batian city to deliver the message, the most can be trusted by Zhongli Cangwu

After hearing what the warrior said, he immediately nodded.

Before, both longpeng and Longxiao were not in the holy city of blood demon. They were not clear about the situation of the blood demon city swallowing spirits. Moreover, their strength was very strong. They were all strong in Tianzu. As long as they were careful on the way to batian City, there should be no big problem.

The most important thing is that both longpeng and Longxiao hold important positions in the blood god hall. One is the elder Tian of law enforcement hall and the other is the elder Tian of secret affairs hall. They do things safely.

From all aspects, zunshang thinks that it is the most appropriate for them to send messages to batian city!

At this time, the red headed devil also looked at Zun and said, "my Lord, my subordinates also think it's appropriate to let them go to batian city. Moreover, we can arrange some special tasks for them to contact our undercover in batian city and arrange some things!"

After a moment's silence, the emperor immediately made a decision. Looking at the red headed devil and others, he said in a deep voice: "now convey my order!"

Red headed, they all hastened to listen to the Lord's orders.

Master Zun has begun to convey orders:

"first, immediately gather all the people related to Danshi League in the big cities under our control and send them back to the blood demon kingdom."

"Second, let long Peng and dragon owl return to the holy city of blood demon to accept the mission. Let them go to batian city to meet with Zhongli Cangwu and tell them that the holy city of blood demons was attacked by the demons. In order to ensure the safety of their families, the blood god hall will send special personnel to escort all the family members to the blood demon world, protect them and let them all Don't believe all kinds of rumors outside. Try your best to control the southern part of the whole world. If you solve the demons in the future, I will give them the greatest reward

"Tell the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl that they must return to the holy city of blood demons immediately after passing the news to batian city."

"Third, send someone to the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons and tell them to be ready to leave. I will personally send someone to escort them to the blood demon Kingdom and ensure their safety!"


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