Hearing the blood demon's roar, the demon in heaven made a great effort to bombard the crown demon emperor towards the distance. He himself also immediately flew to the distance, to stay away from the blood demon ancestor, and did not dare to disturb the blood demon ancestor's exploration.

Soon they were in the air to fight.

In a short time, the sky demon and the crown demon emperor have been far away from the blood demon ancestor.

At this time, the ground has stopped shaking where the blood demon ancestor is.

The wind in all directions was much weaker.

In this case, the blood demon ancestor's divine consciousness integrated into the ground and spread everywhere. Even within 10000 meters, as long as there is any movement under the ground, he can detect it!

However, he did not find anything after a long time of exploration!

"How can it be? In such a short period of time, he can't use the skill of earth hiding to move away ten thousand meters away. I can't even do it!"

"He can't just disappear like this, but where is he?"

The blood demon ancestor could not detect any movement of Tang long. He was shocked and pondered over all kinds of possibilities. Suddenly, he thought of a situation: "bad, I was cheated!"

Thinking of this, he quickly flashed, turned into a red light, flew up, and instantly flew to the height of thousands of meters!

Then he was up in the air, exploring all around him.

Unfortunately, under his investigation, there is still no result!

At this time, Tang long did not leave the holy city of blood demons, but he was far away from the blood demon ancestors. He was being swept by a strong momentum. He was flying towards the distance, and had flown out of tens of thousands of meters!

The blood demon ancestor can't detect his breath, because he has withdrawn the magic power of all changes!

And he's done his best to keep his breath back!

His ability to breathe has been strong for a long time.

In this case, even if the blood demon ancestor detected the breath of his body at this time, he would never think that he was the person who had just diffused the devil power, because his breath of life had changed a lot.

"This is a dangerous escape!"

Tang long thought.

He had just borrowed his own body to escape, directly used the skill of earth escape, sank to the bottom of the earth, and fled towards the distance.

However, he was very clear in his heart that the blood demon ancestor's strength was very strong, and his ability to explore was very strong. He could not escape the control of the blood demon ancestor by using the earth hiding skill.

In a short period of time, he could not escape far from the underground. He could not escape from the exploration of the blood demon ancestor. As long as the blood demon ancestor found out where he was, he would certainly not be able to escape again.

So he went under the ground for less than 20 meters, and then quickly returned to the ground.

At this time, the ancestor of the blood demon had already arrived in front of Tang Long's original incarnation.

Tang Long's original body explodes in front of the blood demon ancestor!

It was at this moment that Tang Long completely regained his breath and even his vitality. With the strength generated by the confrontation between the demon in the sky and the king's demon emperor not far away, he was thrown out in a mess of earth and stone.

He is very careful, at this moment, in the roaring strength, he has withdrawn the magic power of all changes, and no longer uses the power of the devil, but the power of the blood devil.

He did not dare to use the power of the blood demon too strong, so as not to be detected.

He held a boulder which was bombarded and flew in the air. Let the boulder take him, and fly out by the fierce force and wind.

Falling on the ground, he tumbled and his internal injury aggravated. However, he did not dare to stop. He continued to roll and flee in the distance by the strong wind!

At this time, the breath of life from him has been completely changed.

Most importantly, he used the power of the blood demon.

He didn't use the skill of earth hiding any more.

He knew that if he used the skill of earth escaping to the ground, no matter what kind of breath of life was diffused from his body, the blood demon ancestor would never let him go after he was aware of it.

He can only now in the howling wind, so loud to run away from the danger area.

You know, there are still many people in the holy city of blood demons.

At this time, the whole holy city of blood demons was at war in many places, and several kings and demons were being bombarded. The strong wind howled everywhere and the chaos was in disorder. Many weak warriors of the blood demon clan were in the strong wind and ran away in a hurry in all directions.

Tang long tried his best to gather the blood demon's power to protect himself. The blood at the corners of his mouth was smeared on his face in disorder. He tried his best to astringe his breath. With the strong wind, he soon escaped several kilometers.

In such a chaotic situation, he mixed in the crowd of some people who were flying around and fled with them.

After a while, he had escaped farther away. He quietly escaped from those people and fled alone to a large building which was about to collapse. He escaped to a training room in the basement of this magnificent building.He knew that even if the ancestor of the blood demon had all the skills, it would be even more difficult to find him in this extremely chaotic environment of the holy city of blood demons and in the roar of the fierce wind.

The most important thing is that the blood demon ancestor had been exploring the underground just now, but he did not explore the surrounding situation.

Moreover, these people, such as the blood demon and so on, had seen the sudden appearance of the blood demon ancestor before, and their attention was also focused on the past, so that Tang long could have such a little safe time.

This little bit of safety time let Tang Long avoid danger.

At this time, Tang Long's internal injury was extremely heavy. He could not support it. If he did not leave here, he would faint directly.

"If the blood demon ancestor has a chance to see the ghost demon, he will recognize it!"

Tang long thought in his mind, took out two healing elixirs and looked around in the basement.

On the walls around the basement, there are cracks everywhere, but it is not obvious that it is about to collapse.

However, the basement must not have been able to support for a long time under the fierce gas explosion.

At this time, although Tang Long took the healing elixir, he still felt the intense pain in his internal organs. The internal injury had completely broken out, and a big sweat on his forehead rolled down.

His eyes were black and he had a very serious feeling of dizziness.

At the moment, he even stands a little difficult!

"You have to get out of here at once!"

He clenched his teeth and tried not to faint. He tried to open the isolation and defense barriers of the basement.

Fortunately, the isolation barrier in this chamber can be opened. The defense barrier has been destroyed.

The isolation boundary opens, and Tang Long contacts the magic dancing snow in his heart, calling out the wisdom heart door between the magic dance and the magic flying snow.

After barely passing through the Huixin gate, Tang Long appears in front of the magic flying snow.

At this time, Tang long can no longer support!

He fell into the ground.

When he fell down, he still tried to sober himself up as much as possible, and offered a magic weapon, the tower of time, which was suddenly shrouded in his body.

Just after seeing Tang Long coming out of Huixin's door, Feixue found that Tang long had fallen down, and the tower of time was directly shrouded, enveloping her and Tang Long completely.

She didn't have time to care where she was at this time. She squatted down to check Tang Long's injury.

This exploration, fantasy flying snow, feel that their eyes are bursts of black!

At this time, Tang Long has no breath at all!

"Husband She exclaimed, and quickly took out a healing elixir for Tang long to take, and then began to help Tang Long heal.

You know, Feixue is also a Dan master after all, and with the long-term help of Tang long, her spiritual strength has been greatly improved, and now she is a Dan God.

The most important thing is that she is also quite accomplished in medical skills. Even if she is not as good as Meng Xiaomeng and Mu Qingcheng, she will not be much worse.

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