Tang Long's internal injury was extremely serious at this time.

But fortunately, Tang Long has long cultivated into a chaotic body. In the past, when he practiced, he constantly refined his body and strengthened his own constitution. His physique was very strong and his recovery ability was also very strong.

Therefore, although his internal injury was extremely heavy before, but under the efforts of magic dance and flying snow, the internal injury finally began to improve slightly.

But it is obviously impossible to recover completely in a short time.

Feixue Feixue tried her best to cure Tang Long for a long time. Then she came to explore Tang Long's pulse. Finally, she felt Tang Long's weak heartbeat and her weak breath.

She was a little relieved, but she didn't dare to stop, and continued to help Tang long treat, and gather energy to help Tang Long speed up the spread of healing pills.

Time is in a hurry, watching them in the tower of time has passed more than four hours of time.

After taking a rest, we can find that Tang Long's breath is much more stable and slightly enhanced than before.

"At last, I've been saved. Now there should be no life danger. I can recover after a while." Magic dance flying snow relieved, but at this time, a person suddenly came to the tower of time.

This man is Meng Haoran!

Meng Haoran actually appears here, which also makes the magic dance flying snow very curious.

Before Meng Haoran, they were in LingXiao palace. Meng Xiaomeng rushed to call them for help.

At this time, they arrived here without knowing the details.

Meng Haoran has seen the seriously injured Tang long. Seeing Tang Long's pale face, he discovers that Tang Long's breath is very weak. He knows that Tang Long's internal injury is extremely serious.

He immediately frowned: "how did Tang Long hurt so much?"

The magic dance flying snow simply said: "before my husband transferred some powerful crown devil emperor here to the blood demon holy city, it is estimated that it was in the blood devil holy city that there was a danger!"

Meng Haoran heard the four words "crown devil emperor" said by magic dance flying snow, and he was shocked: "what, crown devil emperor, do you think there is a crown devil emperor here?"

Feixue nodded, then asked: "Meng Haoran grandfather, how can you suddenly come here?"

Meng Haoran said: "it was Xiaomeng who asked me to come here. Xiaomeng said that Tang Long asked her to send people from Shenlong guard to support her. She went to Jiuhuang Tianfu to send shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv. To be on the safe side, she went to LingXiao palace to look for me. I came to support with the five strong men who were more powerful than Tianzu!"

Feixue said in a hurry: "then you go to support it, now my husband arranged the array, the situation must be very serious, my husband can not go to the array for the time being, can only see you!"

Meng Hao Ran nodded, no longer said, body flash, has left the tower of time.

Magic flying snow is still in the tower of time, and is still helping Tang Long heal. At this time, she is more and more relieved. After all, Tang Long's internal injury has been controlled, and Meng Haoran, they have all come.

She felt that the danger of this ice and snow wasteland should be able to pass.

At this time, she no longer thought about it. In the tower of time, she tried her best to help Tang Long heal. It turned out that more than a day passed.

One day in the tower of time, less than an hour has passed outside.

In this hour, Meng Haoran has already rushed into the array of Zhenwu Tiancheng array here, and has launched an extremely fierce battle with those ancient demons in the array.

The array is now controlled by dragon spirit, but it can continue to support.

However, at this time, they had to rest one by one because they had been fighting for a long time. The animals of Tang Long were seriously injured and were very tired. They also stopped to have a rest.

The ghost of Tang Long is still helping. The wolf of purple fire has already stopped attacking because he lost the control of Tang Long and fell on the ground still!

Fortunately, there are Tang Clan Dragon guards, as well as Tangmen tiannu. They are even more Meng Haoran, bringing more than 20 powerful Tianzu.

Even the people of Tangmen shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv have their own gods and beasts. They have no worries here. They summon all their gods and beasts to fight against the evil emperor here.

The dark door in the sky no longer has a crown and the devil emperor comes out, which also makes them feel a little relieved.

The war continues.

The situation in the array is not much better.

Although Meng Haoran joined in, the fighting power of these ancient evil emperors here is really too strong. Moreover, the defense of these evil emperors is so strong that it is difficult to be killed. Therefore, after such a long time of fighting, the situation still can not be reversed.

In the dark door of the space, there are still many ancient demons coming out, and there are still peak demons coming out. Although the fighting power of these ancient and peak evil emperors is getting weaker and weaker, they still have great threat.Dragon spirit tries hard to control the array. At this time, he also consumes a lot.

At this time, Tang Long finally reappeared.

Tang Long rested and healed in the tower of time for more than three days.

After more than three days in the tower of time, he spent more than two hours outside. At this time, Tang Long's internal injury was 80% better through his efforts in the tower of time and the treatment of his huangquan needle.

To be completely good, he has to rest for at least two or three days.

Of course he did not dare to rest.

The magic flying snow is still outside the array and doesn't come with Tang long.

Tang Long has already collected the tower of time, and when he reaches the array, he directly displays the boundary of spiritual power and the power of divine power.

Then he quickly went to the Dragon Spirit and their side. In one part of the array, he offered a magic weapon, the tower of time, so that the dragon spirit, the sky felling, and his supernatural beasts all went to the tower of time to have a rest.

He controlled Zhenwu Tiancheng array, and directly moved his mind. 144 purple fire wolves immediately joined the war.

At this time, Tang lacked them, Tang Xiaohu and they, one by one, had been extremely tired, and they were all brought by ghosts to rest in the tower of time.

Tang Long decided to let them have enough rest, improve their fighting power, and then work hard to solve the remaining devil emperor here.

They spent most of the day in the tower of time.

And in the tower of time, Tang Long's gods and beasts have taken healing elixir, and the holy light and demon are healing them.

After healing for a while, they were resting for another day. The Dragon Spirit came out first to take over the Tang dragon and control the array to attack the ancient demon emperor.

Tang Long went to the tower of time to have a rest for a long time, and then he came out of the tower of time with them.

At this point, they have developed a strategy for operations.

Their first goal is the dark space door. Only by flying into the space door and destroying the space black hole there, can we stop the evil emperor from coming out continuously.

There is no new evil emperor to come out, only those who have come out here. They will clean up slowly, and there will always be time for them to finish.

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