Tang long did not take away the tower of time, so he put the tower of time in this part of Zhenwu Tiancheng. His gods and beasts were in charge of guarding it. Next, Meng Haoran, if they were tired of fighting, could come and rest in the tower of time, which would save a long time.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Tang Kui and said, "you should unite together and deal with the evil emperors one by one. Reduce the number of evil emperors here as soon as possible!"

"I see." Tang Kuo and they all agreed seriously.

Although there are many ancient evil emperors with strong fighting power, there are no ancient evil emperors with half step ancestral gods' fighting power. The Tang Dynasty lacks their strength at this time. It is no longer a problem to unite to deal with any of the remaining ancient evil emperors here.

After resting in the tower of time for such a long time, their internal injuries have basically recovered, and their strength has also basically recovered. If they work together to deal with the ancient evil emperor with weaker combat power here, they can even kill the ancient devil emperor quickly.

Tang Xiaohu, of course, they all went together to deal with the remaining ancient demon emperors here.

Tang long looked at them and said, "let's go to the dark door, enter the heterotopia space, and try to destroy the space black hole in the heterotopia space!"

"Good!" Vatian and they nodded together, and then they flew directly to the dark door of the space.

At this time, in the holy city of blood demons, the crown devil emperor at the head has been removed.

However, the blood demon ancestors and other super big men of the blood demon clan did not go back to the blood god hall, still in the high altitude, paying close attention to all the movement around.

It was quiet around, and there was no longer a crown devil.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't notice any movement here. Even if it was the ancestor of the blood demon, I was a little confused.

The red headed devil flew to him: "Reverend, how can I feel that the situation today is a little inconceivable? What does it mean to throw so many powerful demons to come here and make a big noise here? Is it for us to kill and play? "

"I'm a little puzzled, too!" The blood demon ancestor frowned and said, "even if the devil people can control the crown devil emperor, there should not be many such a crown devil emperor. Such a powerful crown demon emperor must be a great help to the demons. How can they just throw a few heads to kill us

The sky demon also flew over and looked at the blood demon ancestor and asked, "shall we go around and search for it?"

The blood demon ancestor shook his head and said, "don't go and search everywhere."

At this time, the battle of the holy city of blood demons had stopped, and the roaring strength between heaven and earth had dissipated. In this case, the ancestors of blood demons could find out the movement and stillness of any place in the holy city of blood demons by virtue of their powerful divine sense.

He's always been very careful to explore the power of the devil.

If there is any abnormal situation in the holy city of blood demons, even if there is a trace of Demon power, he will be able to detect it immediately.

He thought about it for a while, looked at the red headed demons and said, "although I failed to kill him in the end, it is obvious that he has been seriously injured. After he goes back, he must tell the devil ancestor that we are well prepared and their plan is difficult to succeed. Maybe the devil ancestor gave up this attack on us The plan of the holy city of blood demons

After a pause, the blood demon ancestor continued: "but after this war, the most powerful forces of our blood demon family are completely known by him!"

"What are we going to do next?" asked the redhead

The old ancestor of the blood demon hummed: "let's just think that nothing happened today, what should we do?" After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "today's World War is actually good for us. Let's know more about the demons. Let's connect our plans to deal with the demons and have more detailed arrangements and arrangements!"

Then he turned his head and looked at the demons: "you arrange, I want to know clearly how many witches there are in the demon clan, at least know how many wizards there are in Tianzu's fighting power!"

"I'm going to arrange for a message to be sent to the dark world!" The day demon said, the figure of a flash, is directly disappeared in the air.

There was a gloom in the eyes of the blood demon ancestor: "the time of the war is coming. Our arrangement has been basically completed. Even I have made extremely powerful arrangements for the dark gate. The devil ancestor, you and I have been entangled for so many years, just this time, to make a final understanding!"

At this time, at the side of the blood demon ancestor, the blood demon and others heard the words of the blood demon ancestor, and all of them burst out with extremely strong momentum.

At this time, Mo Tianjue flew over in a hurry: "ancestors, people from Tangmen, and people from other families in other places will all be able to gather in Tang Fu in the city of genius tonight. When will the people from Tangfu, the holy city of blood demons, leave?"

The blood demon ancestor said: "you now let the blood devil holy city Tangfu set out, go to the city of genius Tang Fu to gather, wait for everyone to gather together, take them back to the blood demon world quickly, let them go back to their respective families!""Yes Mo Tianjue quickly agreed.

The ancestor of the blood demon continued: "have you arranged all these things in the dark of these families in the blood demon world?"

"It's all arranged. Even if these people of these families go back to the blood demon world, it doesn't matter. Their strength is very weak. I've arranged a large number of strong local ancestors of our family to secretly monitor the surrounding areas of these families. As long as there is an accident, we can control these families at the first time."

"Very good!" The blood demon ancestor nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "it's enough to have the strong ancestor of our blood demon clan to personally monitor and control these people."

After a pause, the blood demon ancestor continued: "the defense and isolation barriers of the Tang mansion. How to open and use these barriers? You should ask the people of the Tang mansion to learn that this mansion is suitable for controlling our Dan masters."

"I see. As soon as I get down to the Tang mansion, I'll ask how to open the array in this mansion."

"All right, go ahead and do it."

The old ancestor of the blood demon waved to the devil Tianjue.

The devil heaven Jue Gong ran back for a distance, then turned around and flew towards the Tang mansion of the blood demon holy city.

At this time, the blood demon ancestor's eyes fell on the red headed devil nearby.

He looked at the red headed demon and said, "the people of Tang mansion are going to withdraw from the holy city of blood demons. Red headed devil, you go to the land of beasts and take all the Dan divisions under our control to the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons. The defense and isolation boundaries of the Tang mansion should always be opened, so that these Dan masters can be completely isolated from the outside world. At least, before the end of the war between us and the demons, these Danshen want to It's completely under our control. We can't let them discover the real secret of our blood demons. "

When the voice dropped, the road stopped slightly, and the blood demon ancestor said in a deep voice: "in addition, you should make a security deployment, and take decisive measures when necessary. You can never let these alchemists fall into the hands of the demons. The demons will turn these alchemists into witches!"

"I'll do it now!" The red headed devil agreed and flew away in a hurry.

At this time, on the ice and snow wasteland, Tang Long and vartian had already flown to the front of the dark door of space. After a burst of joint bombardment, the top demons who wanted to run out of the door of the space were directly blasted back by Tang Long and them.

Then Tang Long and they are together, directly into this dark space door, to a not very different space.

This space is about 20000 square meters, which is much smaller than Tang long wanted before.

But the top of this space is very high, more than 5000 meters high.

At the top of a place, high above there is a large black space black hole, this space black hole has a mysterious colorful light Rune flashing.

The most strange thing is that there is a layer of colorful light energy defense boundary around the space black hole. Because of the existence of the energy defense boundary of the colorful light, the space black hole will not collapse and can exist forever.

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