"Has Gongsun Haoyun's spirit been swallowed up?"

"Then I, I want to..."

Gongsun lie's heart has become flustered and extremely frightened. He has already felt the blackness in front of him. His spirit is being quickly swallowed up. Soon he falls into the boundless darkness and loses consciousness completely.

At this time, the breath of life burst out of him has completely changed, and the momentum has completely changed!


"Hahaha, it's my turn. I'm here at last!"

"Then let's let's eat it!"

The roar of laughter rang out, Gongsun lie suddenly flew up. He had been seriously injured before, but at this time, his previous serious injuries seemed to have disappeared!

His life is full of vitality and vigor.

Not far away, they explored Gongsun lie's condition. They were deeply shocked. They speculated that Gongsun lie was not the former Gongsun lie, but the spirit of blood demons.

Now Gongsun lie has indeed changed into the soul of the blood devil.

In fact, the spirit itself is not as powerful as Gongsun lie, but after occupying Gongsun lie's body and swallowing his spirit, he has the strength of Gongsun lie. Moreover, the Dan yuan cultivated by the spirit is directly integrated with Gongsun lie's own.

In this case, Gongsun lie's combat power has been improved a lot. The original Tianzu jiuzhong's combat power has now been upgraded to the top of Tianzu's Jiuchong!

Now Gongsun lie didn't fly towards them. Instead, he turned to look at Gongsun Haoyun and said in a deep voice: "let's go there and swallow up all the spirits of those people in Gongsun's family. Now some of our people are being killed at the gate of darkness. There are no containers for the spirits. We will transfer all those spirits here!"

When Gongsun Haoyun heard what Gongsun lie said, he immediately followed him to the distance.

At this time, there are many people in the city.

Moreover, many of these people are not weak in strength, reaching the ancestral realm or the ancestral realm.

These people, of course, are members of the Gongsun family.

At this time, Gongsun lie and Gongsun Haoyun wanted to fly towards the people of Gongsun family. They wanted to use the spirit removing method to transfer the spirits from the dark gate or the blood demons from the blood soul world.

This method of transfer is the best way for them to dispatch personnel!

Gongsun lie and Gongsun Haoyun fly towards the distance. They try to find out the situation. They want to fly to intercept, but they can't stop it.

At this time, those blood robed warriors who were fighting with them suddenly seemed crazy. They broke out with the most powerful blood Demon power, took out all kinds of magic weapons, displayed various magical powers, and attacked them constantly!

These blood robed warriors are blocking the cutting of heaven. They are going to intercept Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie. They want Gongsun Haoyun and gongsunlie to use the soul moving method in the distance to devour the spirits of Gongsun's family.

They tried hard to resist the attack of these blood robed warriors. They could not break through their blockade for the time being, so they had to give up chasing Gongsun Haoyun and gongsunlie who were rapidly away!

Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie flew towards Tang long.

Their target, of course, is not Tang long.

Their ultimate goal was the defensive border that enveloped the square.

They don't plan to attack the defense barrier by two people. They need to transfer many people to attack the defense barrier with the soul moving method.

Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie are less than kilometers away from Tang long. They directly bypass Tang Long and fly towards the people of Gongsun family in the distance.

At this time, in the high altitude, in the golden light shining energy vortex, the golden lightning constantly bombards Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie. However, Gongsun Haoyun and gongsunlie's combat power at this time is much better than before, and there is no problem dodging the attack of golden lightning.

They had already made a big detour to the sky of a magnificent building in the city and stopped there.

In many places here, there are martial artists of Gongsun family.

When they saw Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie flying over, they found that the momentum of Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie was much stronger than before. They all felt strange.

What's more, Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie have changed a lot, which is beyond the comprehension of Gongsun family.

But these people of Gongsun family here, they can clearly see that Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie have not changed at all.

They can be sure that Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie are their masters and ancestors!

Many of the hidden warriors flew out and flew high into the sky to Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie.

They are not afraid of the bombardment of thunder and lightning, because the thunder and lightning in the sky do not bombard them, they are only bombarding those soldiers with blood robes.When Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie arrived here, they were surrounded by these warriors of Gongsun family. The thunder and lightning in the sky no longer attacked Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie, so as not to hurt the Gongsun family members here.

Gongsun Haoyun and Gongsun lie were surrounded by Gongsun family warriors, and now they have become very safe.

Two people looked at each other, hands together, began to quickly change fingerprints!

Many Gongsun family warriors flew around them. They suddenly changed their fingerprints and saw mysterious runes flying out of their hands. Then they flew towards the people around them. All of them were a little curious.

One of the Gongsun family's warriors had already looked at Gongsun lie and asked, "Laozu Zong, what are you doing? And how did the breath of life change in you? "

Several other martial artists of Gongsun family are also looking at Gongsun Haoyun and gongsunlie, wondering why their breath of life suddenly changed.

Gongsun lie glanced at them with a sneer in his eyes and said with disdain, "who is your ancestor? I'm a member of the blood demon clan. You people don't deserve to have an ancestor like me. You are just the container cultivated by our blood demon family. Now your spirit will be swallowed by us, and your body will be ours from now on! "

With that, Gongsun lie suddenly let out a thunderous roar!

With the sound of his roar, the power of the blood demon on his body suddenly exploded wildly. The power of the blood demon exploded into a dense blood red rune, which swept over the martial arts of Gongsun family in a crazy way!

when they heard Gongsun lie's words, they were all a little stunned.

At this time, the momentum of some of them suddenly began to change, and all of a sudden they all felt that there was a spirit in themselves!

Many of them had heard Gongsun Mo'er's words before, and had already known some secrets about the blood demons. At this time, they were abnormal, and all of them immediately responded.

Before, they did not believe what Gongsun Mo'er said, but now that the facts are in front of them, and swallowing is taking place, they can't but believe those words!

All of a sudden, there was a sound of panic around me:

"my God, how come there is a spirit in my body, and now It's devouring my spirit now

"What Mo'er said is true. We, we are all containers of blood demons..."

"It's sad that we lived and died for the blood temple, only to find out that they didn't treat us as human beings at all. They just took us as containers. Oh, my God, why is this so, why..."

"I, my spirit, ah..."


All kinds of panic and screams were heard, and the momentum of many warriors began to change rapidly. After a short period of time, many people's screams stopped. They were in the air, enveloped by powerful energy, and could not move at all!

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