Gongsun lie and Gongsun Haoyun both stopped changing their fingerprints.

At present, there are only more than 1000 blood demons' souls transferred by the soul removing method, but there are hundreds of thousands of warriors in this city!

In Gongsun lie's eyes, these hundreds of thousands of warriors are all their containers.

With so many containers, they have more than 1000 blood demons' souls, which can be swallowed up slowly. As long as these people are imbued with the brand of soul moving, they can devour the spirits of these people at any time!

They're not just swallowing.

Only after they are killed and the free blood demon's soul is restored can they devour the next spirit.

At this time, around Gongsun lie and Gongsun Haoyun, there were many martial artists of Gongsun family. They were not integrated into the soul moving brand, and even if they were integrated into the body, many of them had not been swallowed up.

They are safe for the time being.

They are a large number, and they are the "preparation" of these blood demons here.

These warriors of Gongsun family, who have not been engulfed by spirits, are aware of the situation they are facing and the danger they are facing now.

They looked around them like petrified warriors in the air, whose breath of life and momentum were constantly changing. Seeing the extremely painful expression on their faces, they all saw that their spirits were being swallowed up!

In the process of swallowing the spirits of these warriors, these warriors are obviously unable to move!

This is the most terrible!

This is simply unable to resist the phagocytosis!

"My God, what have we done? We refuse to be rescued by others. We trap those who come to rescue us by any means, and then wait here to be devoured by the blood demons! "

"We've cut off our lives. Who else can save us?"


All kinds of sad and despairing voices continue to ring, many warriors directly turn their heads and run away in all directions!

But there are also some warriors who have seen the defensive border of the square in the distance.

It became the only place in their hearts to save their lives!

A lot of warriors fly over there!

However, their strength is very weak, because the relatively powerful warriors who were originally here are being devoured by spirits, and the process of swallowing spirits is about to be completed.

The rest of the warriors who have not been devoured by spirits here are of average strength, and many people have not reached the realm of the emperor of heaven.

Outside the frozen border of the square in the distance, there is a fierce war, and there are strong men of banbuzu God fighting there. The roaring strength is extremely fierce, even if the martial arts with average strength think about it, they can't do it at all!

They flew past, and could not resist the attack of the fierce wind!

Desperation enveloped them!

at this time, the martial arts men of Gongsun family, who were originally petrified in the air, began to soar wildly one by one!

And by this time they have been able to move again.

Obviously, their spirits have been devoured.

Although it seems that their appearance has not changed in any way, in fact, they have now become blood demons!

The total number of these people is more than 1000.

Gongsun lie looked at the more than 1000 warriors who had been devoured by spirits and said in a deep voice: "we're going to attack the defensive border. We don't have to be afraid that we will be killed, because we have a lot of spare parts. This body has been killed. We can change another body immediately!"


At the same time, more than 1000 people promised that their powerful blood demons broke out madly, and they all became martial artists of the highest level of dizu.

There are more than 80 strong Tianzu!

And there are seven or eight are Tianzu peak state of strength, such comprehensive strength has been extremely strong!

Looking at these warriors, Gongsun lie said in a deep voice: "there is no need to keep this city now, and our secrets are no longer necessary to hide. Therefore, to show our fighting form, we must smash the ice cold defense border over there, and capture all the people inside. This is of great use to us!"

"Yes A thousand warriors agreed at the same time again!

"Change, then go!"

Gongsun lie drank in a deep voice. He first launched the means of transformation, and the power of the blood demon swept out fiercely.

At this time, in the sky above their heads, in the golden lightning energy vortex, one after another of the golden lightning has been toward their fierce thunderbolt.

At this time, Gongsun lie actually took out a magic weapon.

This is Gongsun lie's magic weapon.

This magic weapon is called sky umbrella!

The sky cover umbrella was offered by Gongsun lie, opened above his head, and then skyrocketed. A strong force of earth broke out on the umbrella!The force of the earth condenses into a defensive barrier that covers their heads.

Under the umbrella, a thousand warriors all unite to integrate powerful energy into the umbrella. With the magic weapon of the umbrella, they can resist the attack of golden light and lightning from the sky!

In their efforts to condense energy, the lightning from the sky was completely blocked by the umbrella!

They can block the attack of golden light and lightning in this way, which is not really very powerful, because the current God of destroying the world controls the heaven descending punishment, mainly attacking the blood robed warriors around the icy border.

Here, Gongsun lie and he are only under the attack of scattered thunderbolt and lightning, which is the incidental attack range under the exploration of the divine consciousness of mieshi Raytheon.

This kind of attack can certainly be resisted by Gongsun lietianzu's nine peak fighting power and so many martial artists gathering together to resist.

Under the sky umbrella, more than 1000 warriors, plus gongsunlie and Gongsun Haoyun, have begun to transform!

In a short period of time, they all became all kinds of forms.

Some of them have become pig heads and human bodies. Some of them have two heads. One is the head of an ox and the other is the head of a fish. Although they are human bodies, they have two long tails.

And there are people with a head, but the body is the body of a bison, or the body of a python!

They produced all kinds of strange changes, and they all burst out with powerful blood Demon power.

And under the cover of the blood demon's power, they all became blood red, and all kinds of blood red runes kept flashing on their bodies!

Gongsun lie's appearance also changed.

He now has two heads, one is the head of a dog bear, the other is the head of a wild wolf, but his body is the body of a man, and his body size has become more than twice as big!

His fighting power is the peak of Tianzu's nine peaks, but his breath has become much stronger than before.

He glanced at the mutated warriors under the sky umbrella, and said in a loud voice again: "now everyone, all of you will rush towards the icy boundary immediately, and you must smash the ice cold barrier's bombardment. You don't have to be afraid that you will be killed. As long as your spirit does not die, I will use the spirit removing method to let you use the containers here continuously. You are here Inside, can rely on here innumerable containers, can devour the spirit unceasingly, can unceasingly rebirth in the next container

Hearing Gongsun lie's voice, all the more than 1000 mutated warriors were shouting at random and flying towards the distant cold defense barrier!

Seeing that they had already flown out of the coverage of the sky umbrella, the dense thunderbolt and lightning constantly bombarded them in the sky.

Many mutant warriors were directly bombarded by thunderbolt and lightning, but they didn't care at all. They just flew out, got up again, and continued to rush towards the icy border.

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