In this city, there are many Gongsun family warriors and many other warriors around. When they see the terror of these mutated blood demons, their eyes are immediately filled with deep fear!

at this time, they finally know how terrible the martial arts of these blood demons are, and finally know how poor they are now!

They know that as long as there is a warrior of the blood demon clan who can use the soul moving method, after the other warriors of the blood demon soul are killed, they can immediately go to find a container to occupy!

The so-called containers in the eyes of these warriors of the blood demon clan are the people in the blood demon world, who think their spirits are superior to others!

All they have are the spirits of bloodthirsty masters or bloodthirsty demons.

Many of them took part in the capture of Gongsun Mo'er before. Even if they didn't, they didn't believe what Gongsun Mo'er said. They thought that Gongsun Mo'er wanted them to betray the blood temple in order to kill them.

Before they were not willing to go with Tang long, but now they are waiting for a very tragic fate.

They're all dead!

In fact, they still have a choice, that is, they choose to resist and rush to fight with the warriors of these blood demons.

But they dare not!

Their strength is much weaker than the warriors of these mutated blood demons, and they can devour their spirits and occupy their bodies at any time.

In this case, how dare they resist the warriors of the blood demon clan!

In the distant square, in the cold defense barrier, Gongsun Mo'er passes through the defense barrier and sees more than 1000 warriors of blood demons flying from the sky. At this time, even if she is her head, she feels numb!

"These people look so terrible!" She did not expect that the blood demons were so terrible.

At her side, her parents, as well as the children of Gongsun family, who had a good relationship with her, saw the appearance of more than 1000 blood demons' variant warriors, and they all began to cry for luck in their hearts.

They knew that if they weren't in the cold defense barrier now, they might have become monsters.

Even if it has not become a monster, it seems that sooner or later.

Gongsun batian looked at Gongsun Mo'er and asked, "Mo'er, those monsters flying over here. This is the real appearance of the blood demons, isn't it?"

Gongsun Mo'er nodded: "this is really what the blood demons really look like. I heard my husband say before that in the blood soul world, there are such long and strange people everywhere."

"My God, what evil have we done in the blood demon world? Over the years, we have been cultivated into containers by a group of monsters, but we are still working for them to find more containers. This is really sad!"

Gongsun batian was so miserable that he couldn't even cry!

He felt that these people were so confused that they kept killing people who wanted to save them and helped those who wanted to devour their spirits!

Gongsun Mo'er's mother, Bai Li Xiuyue, looked at Gongsun Mo'er and asked nervously, "Mo'er, can Tang long, the mutant people outside, stop it? And how do we get out of here? "

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and saw that Tang Long was fighting with the warrior who was in the third heaven of banbu God. At this time, Tang Long obviously had the upper hand.

She felt a little relieved, and she always had a strong confidence in Tang long.

She looked at Bai Li Xiu Yue and said, "my husband's strength is far from as weak as you think. I believe he can deal with these mutant warriors here." After a pause, she continued, "as for how we leave, I can't tell you now, but you can rest assured that you will leave soon."

Hearing Gongsun Mo'er's positive words, Gongsun batian and Bai Li Xiuyue feel a little relieved.

The other martial artists of Gongsun family in jiejie were all relieved.

They are at ease. The warriors of Gongsun family outside are not at ease at this time. They are all worried that they will be swallowed up, and they are looking for places to hide.

Who wants to be devoured by spirits and become that kind of horrible monster?!

At this time, some martial artists of the Gongsun family in the city were several Tian elders and several local elders of the Gongsun family. In addition, there were also several top-grade bodyguards of the Gongsun family. In addition, there were some other martial arts men who were not weak enough. In total, there were more than 200 of them.

More than 200 people are hiding in a secret room in a magnificent building.

Of course, the defense barrier of this chamber has been opened.

They hid in the secret room, and they were all trembling, afraid that suddenly they would be devoured by the blood demons.

They think that they hide in such a secret place, and there is border protection. Those people of the blood demon clan should not be able to find them. They should not be able to use the soul moving method against them.But what they didn't know was that among them, there was a man with his head down and a cold red light shining in his eyes!

This person is not very impressive, appears to be trembling, hides with them together!

Gongsun lie and Gongsun Haoyun, with thousands of variant blood demons, are already flying forward. Even though there are continuous Thunders of gold and lightning in the sky, they do not shrink back!

Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to the cold energy boundary!

At this time, there was a head of purple fire wolf flying towards them in the distance. The purple fire wolf's body was burning with stars and sky fire, which launched their continuous attacks on them.

And in the sky, more ferocious golden lightning thundered down at them, pounding them hard.

Under the attack of the fierce thunderbolt and lightning, under the attack of these purple fire wolves, some of the weaker mutant warriors are directly broken by the explosion of thunderbolt!

The spirits of blood demons flew out.

The spirit of the blood demon just appeared in the air for a moment, and then all kinds of mysterious blood red runes were shining on these spirits, and they disappeared immediately.

Soon after these spirits disappeared, there was a thunderous roar from somewhere in the distance, and then a mutant warrior flew here from afar!

Obviously, as long as there is a warrior who can cast the soul moving skill around here, as long as the warrior who can cast the soul moving skill is not killed, this method of soul moving will always be used here until all the containers here are consumed!

At this time, floating flame and dragon spirit are in the sky above the ice cold defense boundary. Together, they are fighting with a blood robed warrior in the triple heaven of the half ancestor god.

This blood robed warrior is called the fury devil capital!

The king of fury was blocked by the Tang dragon, and the fury demons were both of them.

Although the fighting power of the flying flame and dragon spirit is very strong now, it is obviously impossible to defeat the fury devil.

They fight with the fury demons, and they are completely suppressed by the fury demons.

"We can only wait for Tang long to solve his opponent first, and then come to support us. We have to grit our teeth and persist for a while." Floating flame thought, now she and dragon spirit can only fully resist the attack of the fury devil, there is no time to pay attention to those mutation warriors who rush over.

Although there are the wolf of purple fire of Tang Long and the attack of God descending from heaven by the God destroying Thunder God in the sky, the number of mutated warriors is too many, there are more than 1000, and each one is not afraid to die!

So many mutated warriors rush together, the wolf of purple fire can't stop it!

At this time, these mutant warriors of the blood demon clan have rushed to the front of the ice cold defense barrier. , the fastest update of the webnovel!