Chapter 194 - My Mouth Is Sealed

Alex went inside his room and slowly opens the window. From his location, he can see Greg and Caroline talking beside the pool.

Caroline seemed to be smiling while talking to Greg.

It looks like the couple was having a pleasant conversation. It can't be denied that the two people talking in the pool right now were each other's... first love. Before they got separated, the couple was madly in love and planning to get married, just that Greg was involved with illegal drugs and the cops were hot on his heels, the only reason why the two lovers got separated.

It's a pity that when his brother found his first love again, it's too late for him, unfortunately, he had no idea that Caroline was already married to another guy.

Well...If Caroline is willing to hide her marriage and pretend that she's still single in front of his brother then so be it. Who is he to stop Caroline from doing so? After all, he wants to make his dying brother happy until the remaining days of his life.

Greg's happiness is something that his money can't buy, but Caroline is willing to lend her precious time to make her former lover happy. He should be grateful and not complaining.

But he was wondering what his sister Allison has done to convince Caroline to pull this absurd stunt?

A recently married woman left her husband just to be with her first love?

It's kind of weird and odd for a woman to do that!

Hell, no woman on her right man would do such a thing!

If Caroline and Allison would hide the truth from him, he can always find a way to discover the truth. He can always befriend Mike and slowly get a piece of information from him to uncover the truth, but if Mike will know the truth, he will come and get his wife away from his house, the person who would suffer the most is Greg.

He was hard-pressed in two walls, between telling Mike the truth that his wife was currently staying in his house or keeping his mouth shut just for the sake of his dying brother's happiness?

He looked at the couple one last time before going to his bed and lies down. He didn't report to his office today so that he can oversee Caroline's coming and make her feel at home in his residence.

Although Caroline wasn't showing any fondness towards him, he wants her stay in his house to be a pleasant one. It's his way of returning the effort and sacrifices she's making for his brother Greg.

He rose from the bed and went back to the window and glances at the pool area. He saw Caroline standing up and left the pool.

She must be coming upstairs to get something!


He needs to talk to her for a few minutes.

Alex sauntered towards the door, opened it, and waited outside for her.

Caroline climbs the stairs and reached the top, she saw Alex standing outside the door of his room.

Was he waiting for her?

Alexander walked to her side. "Caroline, can we talk for a moment, please?"

Caroline looked at Alex's face for a moment, confusion on her eyes.

Alex noticed that she's hesitating to talk to him. He wonders why?

Caroline sighed, she's guilty of snubbing Alex in his own house. She might as well hear what he's going to say to her. She nods her head at him signaling that she's willing to talk to him.

"Follow me in my study room," he leads the way.

Caroline walks behind Alex as he entered a room that was his study room.

"Please come inside and have a seat on the sofa," he addressed her and closed the door behind him.

Caroline sat on the sofa and looked at the shelves laden with different kinds of books behind the office table.

Alex lowered himself on the sofa facing Caroline.

"How long you will be staying in my house?" he begins with his first question.

"Why? You don't like my presence here?" she asked.

Alex smiled. "No, please don't think it that way. I just want to know how long. I don't know about your arrangement with my sister Allison, but I want to know, that you can stay here in my house as long as you want, even after my brother passed away," he said, smirking.

Caroline brows furrowed then smiled, he was teasing her, and obviously, he was enjoying her discomfort. "I'll go back to my husband's side after Greg's passing," she answered.

" mean to say...that even if my brother will still be alive after one will still be around to cheer him up?" he asked in disbelief. He was shaking his head in bewilderment.

Caroline was silent for a moment.

She will stay by Greg's side until he's still breathing, that's what she and Allison agreed upon.

She nodded her head. "Yes, I guess so," she answered without batting an eyelash.

"Wow!" that's the only word Alex can say at the moment. He was beyond amazed by her answer.

Caroline sighed. She feels irritated that Alex was interrogating right now, she feels uncomfortable. But she also understood why he was behaving this way. Her actions are not normal, so, he will surely feel confused about why a married woman like her would be willing to be with the 'ex' abandoning her husband in the process.

Anybody would think the same.

Alex rubbed his chin lost in his thoughts. Then he looked at her intensely in the eyes.

"I presumed that your husband doesn't know you are here at my house. Am I right?" he finally asked the question that he's been wanting to ask the moment she set foot in his dwelling.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes," comes her short reply.

"Aren't you afraid that your husband will no longer accept you back? Or if you stay here longer in my house, he will find solace in another woman's arms?" he inquired her, wanting to know how she will react with the sensitive question he was throwing at her.

Sadness clouded Caroline's features instantly.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes, feeling the pain of losing her husband just in case he can no longer wait for her return. "My husband loves me so much, he will wait for me no matter what. Please... can we just stop this conversation, Alex?" she pleaded because the tears were already shimmering in her eyes and she doesn't know how long she can hold on to stop her tears from falling. She doesn't want to end up weeping like a lost child in front of him.

Alex coughed.

"Ah, okay. I'm sorry that I seem to be getting closer to home with my question. I apologized," he said sincerely after seeing that she was closed to tears.

Caroline breathed deeply, she inspected her fingernails for a moment and began fidgeting on her seats.

Alex noticed that Caroline was getting uncomfortable with his interrogation. It's time to release her and end their conversation. But before he let her go he needs to ask her one last important question.

"Do you have any questions left?" Caroline politely asked him wanting to leave the room.

"Yeah," he shifted on his seat. "The world is small after all. What if one of these days, your husband and I will cross paths. What do you want me to say to him?"

Caroline bit her lower lip. "Just keep your mouth shut. Just don't say anything about me. Please, don't tell my husband that I'm staying in your house to be with Greg," she begged.

Alex looked at Caroline's face quizzically. "Oh, okay, as you say so. Right now, I want you to know that my loyalty lies in you. Don't worry, I won't tell your husband or anyone that you are currently hiding in my house. My mouth is sealed. Your secret is safe with me," he assured her.

Caroline smiled a bit. "Thank you so much, Alex," she said with a note of relief in her voice.

Alexander returned her smile. "Alright, you may go now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me, okay? I'm your friend," he added. Offering his friendship to her seems to be the natural thing to do at this moment. He just wants her to feel comfortable in his house and in his presence.

He doesn't want any moments of awkwardness occurring between them considering that they were now living under one roof.

"Thanks, Alex, I will go to my room now," said Caroline. She rose to her feet and sauntered towards the door.

Alex watched as Caroline exited the room and disappeared behind the door.

Right now, if Caroline won't return to her husband's side as soon as possible, she will no longer have a husband to go home to. Caroline trusted Mike so much, but not all men can patiently wait for their wife's return.

Even himself, he won't welcome back if his wife will return to him someday.

The love and trust have already been broken and it would be very hard to repair a broken relationship.

As for Caroline, she is such a naive and stupid woman to believe that her husband will still welcome her with open arms after abandoning him. It's just wishful thinking on her part. He wanted to ask her earlier why did she even marry Mike in the first place if she was going to abandon him? If they were still dating or in a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship, she can safely pull this stunt since they were not married yet.

However, marrying Mike and abandoning him after a few days in their marriage is a stupid move on Caroline's side.

He pities Mike right now. It must be very hard for him to bear what her wife has done to him.

But's the couple's problem to face not his.

He shrugged his shoulder and left the study room, going to his bedroom.