"Frontal combat is what I'm good at."

Without hesitation, Lu Chen, standing in the same place, directly held up his long sword and used the skill of "fatal strike" against the wild beast charging over.

Lu Chen's action, the charging rock turtle also saw, but even if he saw it, the rock turtle did not intend to stop. He was very confident in his own defense.

Yes, the beast that occupies the Black Lake is a turtle.

Moreover, it is also known for its defensive ability. Its shell is half a meter thick. In the past, the rock turtle has met many enemies, and even fought with fire bull.

However, no matter how hard the fire ox tries, it can't break its shell. In addition to the fire ox, other wild animals, the rock turtle, have fought, but no matter who they fight, the shell of the rock turtle is not broken.

With all this, the rock turtle is very confident in his own defense.

And in fact, it is.

Lu Chen's fatal blow was to the head of the rock turtle.

However, when the rock turtle approached Lu Chen, his limbs suddenly jumped with force, and his body had already taken off. At the same time, his limbs and head directly penetrated into the shell.

In this way, the rock turtle instantly became a huge shell flying up and hit Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen has no choice but to use his sword to collide with the shell of the rock turtle.

A big bang.

Lu Chen, who goes all out, only feels that his sword has hit the iron block. In an instant, his hands are paralyzed by the violent shock force.

On the contrary, it is the rock turtle, whose speed does not decrease, and a head of hard hit Lu Chen.

Just like being hit by a speeding car head-on, Lu Chen's figure flew up in an instant, flew ten meters away and fell to the ground.

A hit hit fly more than ten meters, in front of Lu Chen, some sad.

Just, the next moment, Lu Chen a fish jump, turned over the body.

There's no way. Unlike the dead wing mantis, Lu Chen walked in a meat suit. His constitution is thick and his Qi and blood are sufficient. The impact just now was fatal to other people, but to Lu Chen, he was only slightly injured.

Shaking his body to relieve the pain, Lu Chen looked at the distance and said:

"it's really hard!"

Lu Chenren was hit and flew, but its strength was not easy to bear. The rock Turtle was also smashed into the ground by Lu Chen's sword.

However, when Lu Chen fish jumped up, the rock turtle, unhurt, climbed out of the ground.

Lu Chen can't help but sigh that the rock turtle, who was hit by himself and fell into the ground without any injury, is irritable and irritable, but can occupy this black lake for a long time. There is a reason that it is very difficult to destroy the defensive and brute level soldiers.

However, Lu Chen was surprised, and the rock Turtle was even more surprised. It was the first time that he met a face-to-face attack on himself, but was unhurt.

But then, irascible, it got angry, four small short legs frantically ploughed the ground, and it continued to charge towards Lu Chen.

This is to crash Lu Chen to death.

As usual, he charged to Lu Chen, who jumped up directly and wanted to drill his head and limbs into the turtle shell.

Just at this time, Lu Chen's voice rang out.

"The same move, don't use it twice for me!"

In the roar of anger, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly coagulate, and then, with Lu Chen as the center, he diffuses in all directions.

Under the pressure of domineering power, the air is silent for a moment, and the sound of birds and insects is also completely disappeared. The domineering spirit is released and everything is still.

And rock turtle, in the awe of domineering, also dizzy for a moment.

But before the domineering, it has already jumped, so, although dizzy, it still flies in mid air.

Just, dizzy moment, let it not retract the head in the head, at the same time, its jumping body, also has deviation.

And this, let Lu Chen a side, to avoid the impact of the Island Turtle, at the same time, his left hand, Lu Chen easily put his head in his hand.


With a whisper, Lu Chen left hand suddenly came a strong suction.

[soul loving hand]

under the suction of the soul loving hand, the blood of the Island Turtle's whole body is controlled and drilled into its head.

In an instant, the head of the Island Turtle was filled with blood, and the expansion doubled, which also made the Island Turtle extremely uncomfortable.

Just, do not wait for it to make other reactions, the next moment, Lu Chen left hand suction suddenly vomit.


The blood condensed by Lu Chen's soul loving hand exploded in an instant.

And the violent explosion, also let the Island Turtle's head, like watermelon, directly burst to pieces.

With one strike, the island tortoise, which is unparalleled in defense, falls directly.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host killed the wild animal Island Turtle and gained 700 experience points]

he leaned to avoid the spattering blood of the island turtle. Looking at the dead Island Turtle, Lu Chen felt a little sigh."The real strong fight, the decisive time, often only a moment, ordinary barbarians fight, that moment of opportunity, need to look for, who find the first to deal with the flaw, who can win."

"But I'm different. The tyrannical power can make ordinary barbarians dizzy, and the weak willed brute warriors will be dizzy for a moment, and it is this moment that can determine life and death."

The more times of fighting, Lu Chenyue lamented the power of overlord.

At the same time, Lu Chen also understood that before the battle began, the direct use of overlord color and domineering spirit could only accomplish the purpose of clearing small soldiers.

When used in combat, it can create opportunities for yourself to make a decisive attack.

Of course, overbearing color is strong, but it only creates opportunities.

If you don't have the powerful physique provided by manwang bloodline, you can kill the enemy in an instant. It's useless to rely on the instant vertigo of overlord.

"Two gold level skills, both very useful, one to protect the will, one to strengthen the body."

"The ability to protect the will can frighten the enemy and create opportunities for yourself. The skill to strengthen the body, and the ability to use anger to instantly explode. Sure enough, gold level skills are perfect."

After sighing, Lu Chen reached out and put the Island Turtle back. This time, he needed to return to the village.

"Although it's good to be domineering, I can't use it a few times a day because I still have a little low will every time I start to frighten."

Lu Chen can easily kill the enemy because of his bullying power. Now, he can't use it for a short time, and Lu Chen is not ready to go hunting.

The way back with the rock turtle on his back naturally surprised a lot of barbarians. Later, some intelligent barbarians, in exclamation, rushed to the black lake where the Island Turtle was located to search for supplies.

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to this. He just strode home.

With his strong physical strength, Lu Chen, who kept going fast all the way, soon returned home. However, when he got home, Lu Chen was a little surprised.

"Wei, what's going on? Why are there so many things in our family?"

No wonder Lu Chen is surprised. Lu Chen's cottage, though a little crude, is not small.

But, in front of me, the big room, as well as the spacious yard, was already full of things.

Lu Chen took a look and found that the accumulation of things, still very precious, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, all kinds of animal flesh, almost all over the yard.

Even, there are a few barbarian girls in the yard, helping Lu Chen deal with the supplies.

When Lu Chen is speechless, Xiao Wei runs to Lu Chen.

"My Lord, this is from other people."

"What are they doing with it?"

"Adults deserve it."

With this, Xiaowei said excitedly: "my Lord, other barbarians have a hunting and picking field in recent days, but that area is the one that you killed and killed, which is what other people should give."

Lu Chen was not stupid. Soon, he understood the meaning.

The strong man of the barbarians can protect the village and let the village have more hunting sites. But in the barbarians, the strong should enjoy privileges, and they can't work for nothing.

But ordinary barbarians are also afraid that they will make the strong dissatisfied.

At that time, it is not good for the strong to leave directly or to have a conflict with the village.

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