The strong can help the barbarians, but they can't take the advantage of the strong for granted.

Therefore, barbarians have customs.

Every time the barbarian strongmen have made a site for the village, the barbarians in the village will give a large part of their interests to the strong ones who have won the territory.

This is also the reason why there are so many materials in Lu Chen's room.

After nodding, Lu Chenming took these things. Later, he did not do anything special, but chose to keep these things.

Just, looking at several barbarian girls in the room, Lu Chen said, "are you looking for help? When you leave, let them take some things."

Such words make Xiao Wei smile in an instant.

"Thank you, my Lord. I'll take care of them."

Those barbarian girls, of course, are not called by Xiao Wei. She has been very diligent in the hard life of the barbarians.

If possible, she would choose to take care of the materials in front of her.

However, when other barbarians sent materials, they also kept their daughter. This is to leave a man in the room here.

There's no way. It's hard for the barbarians to get enough food in winter.

At the same time, every year, barbarians starve to death. Among them, girls die more because of their weak health and the inclination of the village.

But the girls, also the children of barbarians, want their children to survive if possible.

But their own family can't afford it. All this makes them want to give their girls to the strong people in the village.

The strong can have more resources and support more people. Lu Chen is undoubtedly a strong man, which is why there are so many girls in Lu Chen's room.

However, unfortunately, most of the barbarian girls are too strong. Lu Chen, who comes from the 21st century, still can't understand the barbarian aesthetics. Therefore, she only chooses Xiao Wei.

Xiaowei, unable to drive away the barbarian girl, is afraid that Lu Chen will be angry.

But he doesn't want those girls to stay. Although he is young, he still knows the truth of competing for favors. Now, listening to Lu Chen's meaning, he just gives some things to the barbarian girls and lets them go. Xiaowei is certainly happy.

Lu Chen didn't think much about the affairs of the barbarian girls. This is a problem for the whole ethnic group, which he can not solve now.

Put the rock turtle down, and Lu Chen is ready to practice sword in the back yard.

Although overbearing color can not be used, not suitable for hunting, but exercise, Lu Chen will not stop.

"Although the speed of practicing sword alone is a little slow, it also increases the training value. Mosquito legs are also meat. I can't waste time."

Holding such an idea, Lu Chen went to the back, but in the middle of the journey, Lu Chen thought of something and ordered Xiaowei.

"Wait a moment, you pack up some things and send one to Uncle Zhuang, Wu Zhu and the clan leader."

Lu Chen will not give up his due benefits, such as the medicinal materials in front of him, many of which he can't use, but he still takes them.

But at the same time, Lu Chen is not a person who knows his kindness. In the past, Wu Zhu and uncle Zhuang helped Lu Chen a lot.

And Lu Chen also said that it is time to repay uncle Zhuang with a hundred times of gratitude.

"Yes, my Lord."

If she wants to give something to others, she certainly doesn't want to give it up, but since Lu Chen has opened her mouth, she naturally dare not object.

After this command, Lu Chen went into the backyard to practice sword.

While Lu Chen is practicing sword, Xiao Wei also carries some things and goes to Dazhuang's home.

The goods and materials he mentioned naturally brought a burst of envy, but these have nothing to do with Lu Chen.

In that backyard, Lu Chen was practicing his sword constantly. His sword technique was very basic. Only when he counted ten or even tens of swords could he gain some experience.

But this situation did not make Lu Chen depressed. With the blessing of his will, he was able to do boring practice without being distracted.

This kind of sword practice lasted until the evening.

After the evening, Lu Chen raised his sword again and began to patrol at night. However, Lu Chen could not go out because of the strange situation. In this way, Lu Chen's vigil became a bit boring.

Finally, Lu Chen simply let the two barbarians go hunting. In a place where they can support them, Lu Chen trained swordsmanship again.

Of course, it's against the rules to do so, but it's still the saying that the strong are privileged in the barbarians.

In this way, because of the existence of the strange situation, Lu Chen spent the day hunting wild animals and patrolling at night. In the process of patrol, Lu Chen also practiced sword.

In spite of this arrangement, the time is a little tight, but the strong physique brings Lu Chen exuberant vitality, and he can survive.

Moreover, the physique, also has the formidable recovery ability, this recovery, is not only the injury.

The recovery of physical strength is also counted there.

It can be said that the advantages of high physical fitness are reflected in all aspects of life.If sleep, others need seven or eight hours, Lu Chen more than three hours of deep sleep, can let their own energy recovery.

Lu Chen is busy, but he still has three hours of sleep time. Therefore, every day of his life is busy and full.

Of course, if you want to recover quickly, enough food is essential.

Fortunately, he was able to hunt wild animals, otherwise, just eating this one would make Lu Chen fall into difficulties.


In this way, time passed, slowly passed three days.

In the process, some evil spirits rushed into the village, but with the suppression of the totem pole, Lu Chen and others almost easily solved the evil cause of invasion.

However, although the evil spirit has been solved, the atmosphere in the village has been very tense. There is no way out. In the past few days, another village, Heiniu village, has no news.

They were broken by the trap.

And this, also let Lu Chen feel intense pressure.

"If there is a large-scale attack, we will not be safe here. Fortunately, tomorrow, the support of the royal court will arrive, and then everything will be stable."

In the evening, Lu Chen is in his room. He is relieved to think that the people from the royal court will come tomorrow.

Then, it opens the attribute interface and looks at its own experience value column.

[training value: 7020]

Yes, it's over 7000.

Although there were only three days, Lu Chen did not go hunting at night.

But although he didn't go out, he always had evil feelings. He wanted to rush into the village. The evil spirit of rushing into the village was very strong, and was suppressed by the totem pole, so that Lu Chen could finish the single killing. All this made Lu Chen's experience value rise all the time.

At the same time, Lu Chen also hunts wild animals in the daytime. Whether it's the black coffin level evil spirits who rush into the village or the wild animals outside the village, all of these make Lu Chen's experience value increase by 1000 or even more than 2000 a day.

Therefore, in three days, he directly accumulated more than 7000 experience values.

At this time, looking at the 7000 plus experience value, Lu Chen did not hesitate.

"System, upgrade brute blood warrior level."

[the system indicates that the host consumes 900 experience points, and the level of the brute blood warrior reaches level 9]

[Ding, the system prompts that the level of the host brute blood warrior reaches level 9, constitution + 1, strength + 1]

[the system indicates that the host brute blood warrior is affected by the blood of the man king, Qi and blood + 1, constitution + 1]

so far, Lu Chen's level of brute blood warrior has reached level 9, and then increased by one level, It's about to reach level 10.

At that time, it will gain a skill again.

However, at such a moment, Lu Chen hesitated.

Looking at the system interface for a long time, Lu Chen did not choose to upgrade.

No wonder Lu Chen is so hesitant, but he wants to acquire good skills.

Over the past few days, Lu Chen fully understood that although the skills are very useful, even if it is a fatal blow, if given to an ordinary barbarian, it can make him stand out in the village, but among these skills, the better the quality of skills, the stronger.

Among them, the gold level of overlord color, domineering, manwang bloodline, so that Lu Chen has the capital of leapfrog challenge.

And the ghost hand makes Lu Chen not afraid of being weird. It can be said that skills of gold level and above can make Lu Chen produce qualitative changes.

Bronze is the foundation. Silver can make human beings stand out at the same level, while gold can let people fight beyond the level.

This is the skill level gap. Now that he knows that the skill level gap is so big, Lu Chen of course wants skills, and all of them have reached gold.

But gold level skills are hard to come by.

If there was no recharge channel, Lu Chen would not be entangled so much. For him, bronze level is not lost, silver level is earned, and gold level is the blessing of ancestors.

But now different, Lu Chen found a recharge channel, sacrifice extraordinary items, you can get crystal value.

With the crystal value, Lu Chen can change his skills. When the crystal value is enough, Lu Chen can even change all his skills into gold.

Therefore, they want to accumulate enough psionic value and then upgrade.

However, now Lu Chen, the Spirit Crystal value, only five points.

This spirit crystal, can only let Lu Chen change a choice opportunity.

Such an opportunity, unless special European, otherwise, it is impossible to obtain gold level skills.

Lu Chen hesitated because of the gap between gold level skills, silver level skills and bronze level skills. , the fastest update of the webnovel!