Lu Chen's strength increases with different skill levels. In this world, the water is very deep.

The swordsman who can't even look directly at him makes Lu Chen understand that the strong in this world are unimaginable.

If his bronze, silver level skills, to the advanced level, it is likely to be directly given seconds, or by the descendants of those gods, to cross the level to fight.

It's possible, after all, that the descendants of the gods, with their lineage and skills, are likely to be colorful myths beyond gold.

In the face of such existence, silver level and bronze level skills are a little weak, and Lu Chen absolutely does not want to be the background board for people to cross the level to fight.

So, after considering the half sound, Lu Chen sighed.

"System, upgrade swordsman level."

Finally, Lu Chen still chose to wait.

"Even if I choose to upgrade the brute blood warrior, if I only get a silver level skill, my promotion will not be great."

"Therefore, you'd better upgrade the swordsman level first. If it's really dangerous, you can upgrade it directly then."

"Anyway, now that I have a physical fitness, even if the skills are engraved in my body and need to consume life energy, now I can bear it."

For the gold level skills desire, let Lu Chen choose to wait.

[the system indicates that the host consumed 600 experience points, and the swordsman level has been increased to level 6. 】

[system prompt, host agility + 1, strength + 1]

"continue to improve"

[system prompt, host 】


without much hesitation, Lu Chen raised the swordsman level to level 9.

At this point, Lu Chen has reached level 9, whether he is a brute blood warrior or a swordsman.

At this time, Lu Chen's attribute has changed to.

[host: Lu Chen]

[age: 15]

[Occupation: Level 9 swordsman, level 9 brute blood warrior]

[experience value: 3120]

[aura value: 5 points]


[manniujin (bronze)]

[Zhigan e (bronze)]

[blood boiling (bronze)]

[Master level sword Mastery (silver) (10003000) 】

[fatal strike (silver)]

[overlord color and domineering (gold)]

[manwang blood (gold)]

[ghost hand (black)]

strength + 38, agility + 17, constitution + 58, Qi and blood + 35.

Spirit + 10, will + 20, prestige + 10, perception + 5.

Rage + 10, sharpness + 3, sword mastery + 20, basic fencing + 20.

The above is Lu Chen's harvest in three days.

But these three days of busy, so that Lu Chen rose to such a level, even left more than 3000 experience value.

At the same time, Lu Chen's strength, agility, physique and Qi and blood were also improved.

The only pity is that the level upgrade can only improve these four basic attributes.

Lu Chen can't improve his stamina, will, prestige, perception, and anger through his experience.

"That's enough. Other things can't be improved by experience value, but if I use experience value to improve skills, I can still increase these special attributes."

"However, I need to use those experience points as a base card. Now I still don't want to improve my skills. When the savage blood warrior breaks through to be a brute body warrior, I can upgrade my skill level."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen reached out and took a can of medicine in front of him and drank it dry.

This time, Lu Chen can be said to have raised five levels in a row.

Lu Chen's energy will be consumed every time he improves his level, but his strong constitution makes Lu Chen feel less uncomfortable.

Lu Chen now also can be regarded as understood, even when the skill transformation, needs to extract the vital energy.

But as long as his life is strong enough and his blood is strong enough, even if he extracts, he can resist.

Now that's how it is. After five levels of promotion, Lu Chen just feels a little empty.

Because of this, Lu Chen had the idea of breakthrough.

In the past, as long as the breakthrough, will be taken out of time, that is looking for death.

But now, as long as it is not a gold level skill, there is basically no influence on Lu Chen.

Of course, physical improvement makes Lu Chen all right, but there are also worries.

"Now I can't be hungry for a few days. If I practice sword for a day, I won't feel weak. But as long as I'm weak, it's not a bowl of medicine that can solve the problem."

So said, Lu Chen one after another, put in front of the ten bowls of soup medicine, all drink up.

Ten cans of soup into the stomach, immediately, Lu Chen feel the stomach hot up, that is the soup is being digested.And with the heat flow in the whole body, Lu Chen's body, slowly surging strength.

Lu Chen's body was not replenished until the ten cans of decoction were completely digested.

Yes, now Lu Chen needs ten bowls to fill his body with energy after his body is weak. This is the trouble of high physique.

Physical fitness has improved, which is like increasing the fuel tank of a car.

The increase of fuel tank can make the car run farther in one breath, but the same is true of Lu Chen.

"Fortunately, I'm stronger and stronger, which allows me to hunt stronger beasts."

"After cleaning up the wild animals, the area occupied by them will be under my control. The villagers in the village can go to collect medicinal materials, while I can sit and harvest. All this makes me not lack of soup and medicine. Moreover, there are more and more herbs in the village."

"Now, the soup in the village is too much for the elite youth alone."

As Lu Chen expected, there are too many herbs in the village now.

Even if Lu Chen is such a big stomach king, Wu Zhu once boiled the soup, or will give others some.

I can't help it. These days, Lu Chen cleans up two wild animals at a time during the day, and each beast occupies a territory. That territory is an uncultivated treasure land.

The villagers in Manniu village are diligent. In recent days, they have collected too many herbs.

Even though some of the witches' wishes have been preserved by special methods, there are still many others.

As Lu Chen knows, the elite group has now expanded its enrollment, and with the expansion of the elite group, the village will become stronger and stronger.

With the power of one person, the village was fed and expanded. This is the reason why the barbarians worship the strong, and it is also the reason why Weili belongs to their own world and everyone wants to be strong.

In the wild, as long as it is strong enough, all difficulties are no longer a problem.

Lu Chen, though only a brute blood warrior, has two golden level skills, namely, his overbearing color and his manwang lineage, which gives him the ability to challenge beyond the level.

The bloodline of man king gives Lu Chen the strength and physique that is not inferior to that of a barbarian warrior.

As long as he is awed by his domineering power, the enemy will be dizzy, and the vertigo time is enough to make Lu Chen easily kill the enemy.

It can be said that with two gold level skills, Lu Chen's strength has even surpassed that of the village head.

However, it is also manwang bloodline and the power of overlord, so that Lu Chen is not satisfied with random extraction, he wants all gold.

In his own room, Lu Chen thought a lot.

But when it was getting late, someone came to call Lu Chen.

This time, it's not Xiaowei, but a barbarian girl who is only about nine years old.

In the past three days, Lu Chen has cleaned up almost all the wild animals in the western mountain.

After the clean-up, Manniu village got a lot of medicinal materials and other resources. A large part of those resources were given to Lu Chen.

A large number of medicinal materials, minerals, and the flesh and blood of wild animals, so that Lu Chen's yard, have been piled up.

At the same time, Lu Chen and Xiao Wei can't deal with so many herbs. Therefore, Lu Chen's current maid has been expanded.

Outside, there are six maids to help Lu Chen deal with herbs or clean the courtyard.

However, Lu Chen didn't pay too much attention to these trivial matters. He came to take care of his daily life and let him have time to train instead of enjoying the fun of being a manager.

Therefore, the matter of the maid, Lu Chen handed over to Xiao Wei.

Lu Chen is usually responsible for cultivation.

"Although everything is ignored and it is easy to be deceived, on the one hand, the barbarians are simple enough; on the other hand, as long as I am strong enough, those people will not dare to cheat. Therefore, as long as I am strong, everything will not be a problem."

With such an idea, Lu Chen spent most of his time practicing in the yard and improving himself.

Lu Chen often forgets the time when he trains. Therefore, it is normal for him to be reminded.

As Lu Chen ponders, the voice of the barbarian girl rings again.

"My Lord, it's time to patrol."

"I see."

At will, Lu Chen went out of the room.

At this time, Wei also came from the outside.

"My Lord, I have taken the medicine from Wu Zhu."

"Besides, this is the clothes that Lord Wu Zhu made for you."

Some people order, take the action of soup medicine, of course, do not need Lu Chen to go in person.

But, at this time, Lu Chen's eyes, not on the soup, his eyes, all by Wei's hands of clothes, attracted the past.

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