Xiao Wei, who comes from Wu Zhu, brings a dress to Lu Chen.

However, if it is clothes, it is still made of animal skin, but the animal skin clothes in front of us are not ordinary.

It was a flaming red cloak. Just looking at the red of the cloak, Lu Chen had a burning feeling.

"The furs of fire cattle are really made into armor."

Yes, the cloak in front of us is not so much clothes as armor.

When hunting fire cattle, Lu Chen is very concerned about the fire cattle that a knife is not bullet proof cattle hide.

"If you wear this kind of cowhide, it will have a defense comparable to iron armor. Besides, this cowhide can also get angry. Maybe, it can resist the attack of evil spirits."

After the fire cow died, its red fur, but not cool, as long as the sun, has been emitting warm.

Lu Chen has a feeling that this kind of warmth can resist some evil cold erosion.

Therefore, after taking huoniu back to the village, Lu Chen asked Wu Zhu to help him sew some clothes. Now it seems that the clothes have been successfully sewn.

Reaching out to take the flaming red cloak, Lu Chen tore it hard, but he didn't tear it. Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, cowhide's defense is still there."

So said, Lu Chen directly put the clothes, put on the outside.

The fire cow hide covers the body, a warm feeling, fills Lu Chen's body and mind, and this also makes Lu Chen's smile more brilliant.

"I was physically strong enough. Now, with this fire ox cloak, my safety factor has been increased."

Although Lu Chen was transferred to Gao Min, a swordsman with high attack, several battles made Lu Chen understand some things.

"Evil spirits are different from people. Their abilities are too weird. To deal with them, their strength and agility are all illusory. They are easy to roll over. Only with high physical defense is the most important thing."

Now, the fire cowhide increases Lu Chen's meat, which makes him more resistant in the future. Of course, Lu Chen is happy.

After moving for a while, the clothes are very comfortable. Lu Chen nods with satisfaction.

After that, he left the room with his medicine jar and sword on his shoulder and headed for the patrol point.

"Take your time, my Lord."

When he was walking, a group of barbarian girls in the yard said hello to Lu Chen, which made Lu Chen feel like a local rich man.

However, the feeling of comfort, after going out, immediately disappeared.

Walking out of his courtyard, Lu Chen clearly sees that most of the middle-aged villagers in Manniu village are gathering at patrol sites with weapons.

This is Manniu village's response. There is no news from three villages in a row, so it can't be the same as before.

Now, as long as the adult men in maniu village have accepted orders to patrol at night, this is to raise the strength of the whole village and carry out defense.

"Fortunately, the people of Wangting will arrive tomorrow. Otherwise, it will go on like this all the time, hunting in the daytime and patrolling by all the men in the village at night. The village of Manau will not last long."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen went to his team.

Now, Lu Chen's team is no longer the two barbarians. The number of young barbarians under his command has reached 30.

Most of the barbarians were older than Lu Chen, but with Lu Chen's arrival, they saluted respectfully.

At the same time, Lu Chen's pottery pot was quickly taken over.

In this way, Lu Chen, a relaxed man, watched Wu Zhu gather in the square, lectured, and then went out to patrol the village.

"Ah Chen, you must be careful when you encounter something strange. Don't be hard on yourself when you encounter something strange. Wait for the clansmen to come and then work together."

After the lecture, Wu Zhu also specially ordered Lu Chen. To this end, Lu Chen agreed, but did not change his mind.

"I don't want to face evil alone, but if I don't face it alone, my experience value will definitely be greatly reduced, so I'm sorry, witch wish."

In the heart to care about the witch wish has an apology, but Lu Chen is still ready to follow his own steps, he absolutely does not want to reduce his experience value.

After a few words with Wu Zhu, Lu Chen took other people out of the village.

After leaving the village, as in the previous two days, he asked others to patrol. Lu Chen stopped in an open place where he could support from all sides.

Stacking the medicine pot aside, Lu Chen waved his long sword in his hand, and began to practice his own swordsmanship.

It is unreasonable to do so, but it is still the saying that the strong have privileges in the barbarians.

While training, Lu Chen is also thinking.

"Wang tinglai people, do not know what strength, brute body, brute, or above, where the people, whether easy to get along with."

While Lu Chen was training and thinking about something, suddenly, there was a bugle sound, which sounded on the side.

Listening to the sound of the ox horn, Lu Chen did not panic. In this case, he has seen it several times in the past few days.

In the past three days, Lu Chen has gained more than 7000 experience points, but he has paid a lot for the evil spirit of rushing into the totem pole.Without hesitation, he mentions the sword and rushes directly to the place where the horn sounds.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it."

"Don't do it. It's evil and terrifying. Just protect yourself."


Far away, Lu Chen is a burst of shouting, he is afraid that other people come forward, affect his experience value.

For his own profit, Lu Chen asked others to withdraw.

It's just that other barbarians don't know the existence of experience value.

In the eyes of those barbarians, Lu Chen was afraid that ordinary barbarians would suffer casualties and took the initiative to take responsibility.

Such a misunderstanding naturally made Lu Chen's reputation higher and higher in the village.

"Lord ah Chen is here. We are safe."

"It's great to be on this team. I heard that other teams have died."

"Of course, Lord a Chen is benevolent and righteous. Everything is first. Other adults will not let us do it."

"Joining this team is the most right thing I've ever done in my life."

"I tell you, before we woke up, ah Chen and I were our best friends. When he heard that I was in the patrol, he put me in his own team..."


Ordinary barbarians are afraid of evil spirit. After all, the ability of evil spirit is too strange.

This time, there are many villagers who patrol at night because of special things. This is the first time that they have participated in the patrol. In this way, their fear will be more serious.

But in Lu Chen's team, there was no such fear.

Such barbarians are not afraid of evil, but have confidence in Lu Chen.

No way. When they came to patrol, Lu Chen once told them sternly that if they met evil spirits, they would be fine if they were called. There was no need to fight.

Since there is no need to fight and there are still people to solve it, the fear of barbarians will be much less.

Especially after seeing Lu Chen kill evil spirit several times, their fear of evil spirit quickly disappeared, but they worshipped Lu Chen.

In this way, Lu Chen came to the scene in the midst of the discussion among the barbarians.

With Lu Chen's approach, he soon saw the evil spirit.

What appears in front of Lu Chen this time is an entity. Looking at it carefully, Lu Chen finds that it is a pig head human monster with a height of two meters and a weight of at least 300 Jin.

The monster is dirty and covered with blood. At the same time, it also has a number of spears and bows, which are the injuries caused by other barbarians before Lu Chen's arrival.

However, those things inserted in the pig head human body monster body, but did not let it have the slightest pause.

They're not even pulling out the arrows.

However, although the monster in front of us is terrible, it is enough to become the protagonist of a horror film in modern times.

But Lu Chen's attention is not on the monster.

Lu Chen is not stupid. Now that the treacherous situation has been proved, Lu Chen also finds the same point from the evil things he has encountered in the past.

In Lu Chen's conjecture, the mysterious situation that appears nearby is full of all kinds of household utensils. The evil spirits there are all the common items in the family.

Therefore, in Lu Chen's view, the evil spirit of this attack is the same as that of black umbrella. The terrible appearance is only a puppet, and some common things can be the essence of evil spirit.

Holding such an idea, soon, he swept a circle of evil Lu Chen and put his attention on the butcher's knife in the hands of the pig head monster.

It was a very common pig killing knife with some rust on its body. However, when Lu Chenguang looked at it, he felt a desire to kill.

"That knife is not ordinary."

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