[ghost chop]

as he leaped in the sky, Lu Chen's ghost hand shook slightly. Then, his sword lit up purple black light. Waving the purple black sword, Lu Chen fell directly on the earth like a meteorite, dragging a purple black light.

With a roar, Lu Chen landed on the ground, and in the process of landing, the long sword with purple and black color, which was contaminated with ghosts and spirits, was suddenly chopped in front of him by Lu Chen.

"Click" "click"

with Lu Chen's landing, there is a loud noise coming, and in that loud noise, if you listen carefully, you can also find the sound of two objects breaking.

In the process of Lu Chen's falling from the sky, relying on the potential energy brought by the landing and the attachment of ghost breath, two evil spirits were cut off.

At the same time, when it landed, the whole village was shaking.

That has been sounding the song of God movement, but also by the roar, pressure moment stop.

Because the music stopped, and relaxed ordinary barbarians did not mention.

At this time, Lu Chen, who landed on the ground, has already got up. Under his body, there is a broken flute. In front of him, there is a big drum made of human skin.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the black coffin evil spirit Magic Flute and obtained 800 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host has killed the black coffin level evil spirit human skin drum and obtained 700 experience points]

"it's a strong jump."

Jump chop is not a simple jump skill, but a super attack ability based on the huge potential energy brought by jumping from a distance.

Under the potential energy chopping brought by the jump, those of the same rank as Lu Chen can't survive as long as they are chopped.

The flute in front of Lu Chen, as well as the big drum, is killed by Lu Chen's jumping.

Of course, although the attack power of jump chop is strong, it can kill the existence of the same level.

But it's silver, not gold, for a reason.

The farther you jump, the stronger your attack power is. But in this world, the enemy will not watch you attack. When you jump and chop, the enemy may have run away. The higher you jump, the farther the enemy will run.

It is also because the fog not only blocks Lu Chen's sight, but also blocks the evil sight, so Lu Chen can finish the attack and kill.

The second reason that hinders jump chop from becoming a gold level skill is that although the attack power of jump chop is strong, it has a huge shock force at the moment of landing, which acts on the user.

Now Lu Chen has some Qi and blood, and his body is numb.

But Lu Chen is also just Qi and blood, body numb shock.

However, Lu Chen's physique is too strong. Even his bones and internal organs are protected by steel and iron.

All of this makes Lu Chen fall from the height of 100 meters, which is just a shock.

"Sure enough, as long as the blood is thick, you can be reckless."

"What's more, I remember that jump chop has a kind of earthquake flow. When I raise jump chop, I can get the effect of meteorite falling from the sky. That is, I can not only attack the enemy, but also shake the earth when I land, making all enemies around 100 meters dizzy by the shock of the earth."

"But that's after the promotion."

In this way, Lu Chen's body has recovered, and when the sword swings, it attacks and kills the nearest evil spirit.

To Lu Chen's surprise, it turned out to be a bone hammer for beating drums.

"That man's skin drum and drumstick are actually two evil spirits."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen's action is not slow, strides forward.

However, Lu Chen was fast, but after his fall, he was paralyzed and stopped for a while.

At this time, seeing Lu Chenchong coming, erhu pulled up the sound of sadness and sadness, gongs sounded, and a large number of dark shadows appeared in the fog, trying to rush to Lu Chen.

It can only be said that there is a reason why barbarians do not rush into the fog.

But all this can not stop Lu Chen.

The black shadow, often before approaching Lu Chen, was burned by Lu Chen's powerful blood.

The sound of the instrument is very strange. It can pass through the obstruction of blood and enter Lu Chen's mind. At the same time, the sound of Erhu's lamentation makes people feel depressed and want to commit suicide.

But the next moment, the sound of swords sounded, and those strange abilities were all invalid.

In this way, his body is protected by Qi and blood, and his consciousness is blessed by master level swordsmanship. Lu Chen rushes to the bone mallet.

However, to Lu Chen's surprise, the bone mallet did not escape, but floated up and hit the air.

"Bang" "bang" "bang"

the next moment, something happened that made Lu Chen dumbfounded.

With the percussion of the bone mallet, the air actually made bursts of sound. Then, there were transparent air cannons, which rushed to LuChen at a high speed."Shit, hit the air, send out the air cannon, shake the fruit

Lu Chen was really shocked by the ability to strike the air, make the air vibrate, and then gather into a mass of air.

But the next moment, Lu Chen grinned grimly.

"The shaking fruit is really strong enough, but the white beard that really makes him famous all over the world is not just the ability to shake the fruit."

In the roar, Lu Chen did not retreat or dodge. Instead, he continued to charge against the bursts of air cannons fired by the bone mallet.

"Bang", "bang", "bang"

during the charge, the air cannon fell on Lu Chen one after another.

However, as Lu Chen expected, the bone mallet in front of him seemed to shake the fruit, but the bone mallet itself was too weak. The air concussion bubbles emitted by the bone mallet bumped into Lu Chen's body, which only made him feel the breeze blowing on his face, but did not make him step back.

"Sure enough, as long as I'm strong enough, I can be immune to everything."

Lu Chen, who is more determined in his mind, rushes to the bone mallet. Then, he holds up his sword in both hands. Lu Chen hits the bone mallet with a sword.

[fatal strike]

master level swordsmanship, combined with a fatal blow, makes Lu Chen hold a long sword, and he is uniting the strength of his whole body at any time.

As a result, Lu Chen sent out more than 100 strength with this sword.

The intense force oppresses the air. When Lu Chen's sword falls, the air is twisted.

Then, a sword spirit was oppressed by Lu Chen.

"With my sword, I can break everything."

This is Lu Chen's feeling, and the fact is also true, his sword fell, bone mallet is also resisting.

But even if he didn't use blood to smear or use the power of ghosts and gods, the bone mallet was still hit by Lu Chen in an instant and was smashed into two pieces.

It's strong enough to crush everything.

However, after breaking the sword, Lu Chen also spewed out a mouthful of blood.

It was shocked into the heart by the concussion force of the bone mallet.

"After contact, the shock you send out can produce the effect of fighting cattle across mountains, which is really not weak."

So said, Lu Chen in vomit a mouthful of blood, unexpectedly as if nothing happened to stand up.

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