He jumps up in the blessing of Kazan of the soul of the sword. When he falls, he attacks and kills two evil spirits by relying on the gravitational potential energy directly.

Later, in the heavy obstruction, he smashed the bone mallet which can produce concussion force.

In this way, Lu Chen slaughtered three evil spirits in a short time.

It can be said that ordinary human beings are absolutely afraid of Lu Chen.

But the evil spirit did not have much concept of fear, when Lu Chen killed the bone mallet and was shocked by it.

The Gong, with the sound of the earth shaking, approached Lu Chen and patted the head of the landing Chen.

However, at the next moment, Lu Chen's bloody black palm stretched out and grabbed the gong.

Lu Chen, who spits out a mouthful of blood, is already well.

It can only be said that if the scene in front of them is not evil and does not have too many emotions, they will be absolutely shocked. They will be hit by the front of the bone mallet and let the concussion force penetrate into the heart. As a result, they just vomited a mouthful of blood, which is something they never thought of.

Lu Chen has long been used to it.

After entering the brute body, Lu Chen has strong muscles, which brings Lu Chen great strength and gives him a layer of buffer.

The concussion power of the bone mallet is really terrible, but Lu Chen's constitution is stronger.

Lu Chen's muscles are buffered, his blood and Qi are slowed down, and his strength of steel and iron all make Lu Chen's whole body hard as iron. The concussion force can make ordinary people's internal organs burst, but for Lu Chen, it only makes him spit out a mouthful of blood.

Or that sentence, strong physique, let Lu Chen, fearless.

The Gong, which misjudged the situation, also paid a price.

He thought that Lu Chen's internal organs were injured and that vomiting blood was just the beginning.

But for Lu Chen, that was the end. The dirty blood vomited out, and the damage caused by the bone mallet to Lu Chen disappeared.

The Gong, which had misjudged the situation, immediately paid the price.

When the gongs were covered, Lu Chen's black and red ghost hand directly grasped the surface of the gong. At the next moment, Lu Chen's soul loving hand was launched, and a lot of evil spirits were caught by Lu Chen.

The Gong is also resisting. When it is covered with iron, it is strong enough, but it can't resist Lu Chen. In terms of strength, Lu Chen never lacks anyone of the same level.

However, although the power is perfect, the Gong, like the drum demon and the water bowl, has a special ability.

When the strength cannot be matched, the Gong immediately activates its special ability.

As a gong, its special ability is very simple, that is, violent noise.

At a close distance, the Gong constantly rings, so that the sound, straight into Lu Chen's ears.

Under the stimulation of that sound, Lu Chen's ears even shed blood directly.

After the blood flowed out, Lu Chen could only hear the sound of gongs, and other sounds were not heard at all.

The sound of gongs can deafen people.

"Shit, it's like an infrasonic weapon."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen's action is not slow. At the same time, his ears are deaf, and he doesn't let Lu Chen be a bit slow.

The palm slightly shakes, Lu Chen stealthily absorbs the evil spirit breath, by its instantaneous pinch explosion.


The explosion of the evil smell makes the spirit of the Gong disappear in an instant, and the whole surface of the Gong is also instantly broken.

[the system indicates that the host has killed the black coffin level evil spirit zhener Gong and gained 700 experience points]

"the fourth one."

From the air, to the fall, Lu Chen killed two by leaping and chopping. He charged in front of him and killed the bone mallet. Now, he also killed the zhener Gong.

In a short period of time, he killed four evil spirits, which was the strength of Lu Chen, who was promoted to a brute warrior.

Lu Chen, who has two gold level skills, has been able to crush the black coffin level evil spirit of the same level as the barbarian warrior.

However, although the zhener Gong died, Lu Chen's ears still could not hear any sound.

Even, this can not be heard. It is not the silent deaf, but there is a buzzing sound, which has been ringing in Lu Chen's ear.

Such a sound makes Lu Chen unable to distinguish the evil attacks around him. He can only rely on his eyes to look forward.

As a result, Lu Chen kept turning around and preparing for the four directions. In a flash, there were several dark shadows in the fog, and they fell on Lu Chen.

However, the next moment, the evil spirit was melted away by Lu Chen's powerful Qi and blood.

Lu Chen is not afraid of ordinary ghost ghost, because it can be easily dissolved with Qi and blood.

But in the fog, not only can the ghost and the old band in front of you, but also all kinds of props of the slaughterhouse shuttle in the fog.

At this point, there is a chain, with the sound of "clattering", from behind, entangled to his body.

If it is a normal state, such a sound will definitely be detected by Lu Chen, but now, in his ears, the buzzing sound makes him hear nothing.

Besides the sense of luck, Lu also has the ability to sense the eye.When the iron chain attacked, Lu Chen's mind was cool, which made him subconsciously move his body for a while, and therefore, he escaped the attack of the iron chain.

And the next moment, fearless Lu Chen, a ghost hand extended, seized the iron chain.

"Come here."

He is trying to pull the chain to death.

However, after the ghost hand touched the iron chain, Lu Chen felt that both the ghost hand and the Qi and blood were coagulated. It seemed that they were sealed and could not use much strength.

"This iron chain does not want to have a special attack on flesh and blood like a butcher's knife, but it seems to seal the blood and evil power."

Thinking constantly in his heart, Lu Chen's actions in his hands are not stopped. After discovering that the iron chain has the ability to seal, his hand throws the iron chain to the ground.

And the next moment, Lu Chen's right hand, that Wufeng iron sword, was raised high by Lu Chen.

"Break it for me."

Lu Chen wants to break the iron chain with his strength.

However, just when he made such a move, there was evil in front of Lu Chen.

There is no way. There are too many evil spirits in the fog. It is very likely that all the evil spirits in a mysterious situation have come here. Therefore, he can always encounter evil spirits here.

Moreover, according to Lu Chen's estimation, after the destruction of four villages, the number of evil spirits in the mysterious land has definitely increased.

"It is absolutely impossible for evil spirits to attack and occupy villages without gain. We must think in the worst case. After slaughtering the other four villages, the strength of those evil spirits has increased."

This is what Lu Chen thought when he rushed in, but now it is not the time to think about it.

The evil spirit that just appeared didn't attack Lu Chen directly, but it didn't let Lu Chen relax. Instead, he became more vigilant.

At the same time, at the moment of seeing the evil spirit, Lu Chen's direct feeling hit his brain crazily, which made his head hurt a little.

This feeling makes Lu Chen understand in an instant.

"Not against me."

When Lu Chen thought about these things, the evil spirit in front of him had already reflected Lu Chen's shadow.

Yes, shadow.

The evil cause of the uprising of Zhigan was a wide mirror, which reflected Lu Chen's figure even at night or in the fog.

However, it may be the light or something else. Lu Chen in the clothes dropping mirror looks gray and strange.

And the next moment, more frightening things happened. After the figure in the mirror took shape, he suddenly gave a strange smile to Lu Chen. Then, he seemed to want to turn his head and look behind him.

This was originally a very normal thing, but the important thing is that Lu Chen in front of the mirror did nothing!

Moreover, Lu Chen in that mirror, the degree of head twist, some more.

It's not about turning your head left and right, but keeping your body still in front of you, while your head is crazily leaning back. This is to twist 180 degrees directly.

"There is danger."

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