Of course, Xiaowei is afraid. She already knows that Lu Chen is going to leave. But Lu Chen's departure, for her, is just like a bolt from the blue, which frightens her.

From the news to now, she has cried many times, tears are swollen.

Desperate Xiaowei finds that she can't survive without Lu Chen. There won't be any barbarians willing to support her.

And once Lu Chen leaves, she will return to the previous situation, which can starve to death at any time, of course, makes her afraid.

Therefore, although she was afraid and felt that she would die under Lu Chen's pressure, she was still ready to dedicate herself to Lu Chen.

Just, this is stopped by Lu Chen, he has not been crazy bullying a little girl.

Looking at the tearful Xiaowei like a dog, Lu Chen didn't tease her: "don't worry, I'll take you to Wangting."

"Really, thank you. I'll take good care of you."

Looking at Xiao Wei, who is so happy that she has been incoherent, Lu Chen shakes her head and lets her go out.

"If you are needed, you will be happy. The weak in this world are really miserable!"

Lu Chen, who doesn't want to be weak, closes his eyes and looks at the property panel again.

He didn't look at anything else. This time, Lu Chen looked at experience value and crystal value.

The killing in the treacherous situation is very short, but in this short time, Lu Chen gains a lot.

Other things aside, Lu Chen's experience value has reached 100000.

Yes, 100000 experience.

Such a number of experience points, it seems a lot, but Lu Chen think about it, but found that this is very normal.

This experience is worth, ordinary evil spirit, contributing only 20000.

It's not a exaggeration that the master of the grotesque realm has contributed 40000 yuan. The evil spirit of sculpture is much more powerful than Lu Chen, and Lu Chen is totally fighting over the steps.

Although there are other people's help, Lu Chen has been facing the enemy head-on and won 40000, which is not particularly exaggerated.

And the last 40000 is the baptism of heaven and earth.

It's not surprising that Lu Chen got another 40000 Li training points because of his great efforts.

"Sure enough, for me who has the system, the more dangerous the place, the more experience points I will gain."

Lu Chen, who felt that he couldn't be secure all his life, thought about how to spend these experience values.

Now Lu Chen still has hundreds of spirit crystals in his hand. These experience values, together with the Spirit Crystal, are enough for Lu Chen to acquire good gold skills.

However, after a little thought, Lu Chen did not upgrade.

In the barrel, Lu Chen smiles.

"People are greedy. When there is no crystal, as long as you have skills, whether bronze or silver, will make me happy."

"But the appearance of the Spirit Crystal makes me think of the whole gold, and now, with hundreds of crystal values in hand, I think about the colorful myth."

Yes, the mythology, the weird situation and the sculpture, let Lu Chen understand that he can only dominate in small places.

Real genius, at the same level, one-on-one, Lu Chen may not be able to overcome.

It's not what Lu Chen can bear to be crossed by others. Therefore, Lu Chen wants colorful myths.

"The chance of obtaining colorful mythology is too low. If you don't store a thousand spirit crystals, it's hard to extract them. But I can't waste these experience points."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen did not upgrade, but put his eyes on the skills.

After searching through the skill list, a skill shining with golden light is reflected in Lu Chen's eyes.

[manwang bloodline (gold) (primary)]

"manwang bloodline, this is my first skill, and it is also the skill that helps me the most. With its constitution and Qi and blood blessing, I can be fearless of all evil spirits."

"A long battle has taught me a truth. In this world, everything else is empty. It is possible to capsize in the gutter, but only physical fitness can make me resist everything."

In this way, Lu Chen is not hesitating. His 100000 experience value is directly added to the bloodline of manwang by Lu Chen.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host spends 100000 experience points to upgrade the manwang lineage to the intermediate level]

with a huge amount of experience value invested in the manwang lineage, a golden light burst out on the manwang lineage.

The golden light soon broke and spread to Lu Chen's whole body.

Under the golden light, Lu Chen felt the blood, muscles and bones of his whole body boiling and changing.

Like countless small mice crawling around in the body, Lu Chen's body, from time to time, it is the muscles in the expansion, blood in the rapid flow.

There was a great demand for the rank of man king, but this time, instead of eating, Lu Chen struggled to sit up and recited a spell in silence.

With the mantra read out, the Qi and blood in Lu Chen's body was reduced, but the reduced Qi and blood turned into a wave, which made the surrounding natural energy suddenly active.At the next moment, the active natural energy gathered rapidly towards Lu Chen.

Meditation, which is used to improve defense and recovery skills, is used by Lu Chen as a nutritional potion.

It has to be said that the effect is very good.

Originally, the natural energy absorbed is to enhance the activity of the cells in Lu Chen's body and enhance the energy of life.

The cell life energy enhancement, the external performance, is enhances the defense and the recovery injury.

But this time, the cells were not damaged, only the nutrients were consumed, and the natural energy absorbed by Lu Chen naturally helped offset the consumption.

The advanced level in the body is constantly consuming energy, while Lu Chen is constantly replenishing with the natural energy absorbed.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion. Lu Chen always feels that his scope of absorbing natural energy this time is much larger than before.

Of course, this is not an illusion. After breaking through the weird situation, the experience value seems to be the biggest one in the reward of heaven and earth, but it is actually wrong. The biggest reward is luck.

Qi Yun is a collection of fortune, luck and other things.

In short, Lu Chen, with Qi, will be lucky in this world, and his affinity for the energy of heaven and earth will be strengthened.

If you become a lucky child, it's really someone else who wants to kill himself, and God can't see it.

It's just a small matter to turn a calamity into a good one. It's possible for the God to fall into a thunderstorm and kill him.

Of course, Qi transportation is so important that it is very difficult to obtain it. That is to say, when the world is in a great crisis, it is possible to get rid of the pathogens in this world.

But this, not all people can have, only in the tricky situation to contribute the most, can obtain.

Of course, the other barbarians, though not Lu Chen, can add one to their Qi, but they will get better luck if they keep clearing the evil situation.

Because qi movement is only one plus, Lu Chen's feeling is not clear. At this time, his most important vision is still on the evolution of blood.

This evolution is much stronger than before, so it takes a lot more time.

For three minutes, Lu Chen chanted three times, absorbing all the natural energy around him, and the evolution ended.

At the end of evolution, Lu Chen is not clear about other performances, but his physique has gone from two meters to two four meters.

The physique represents strength and physique, and the increased physique represents Lu Chen's strength, which is greatly enhanced.

In fact, Lu Chen did not expect that.

[the system prompts that the host consumes 100000 experience points, and the manwang lineage has been upgraded to intermediate level]

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