[system prompt, the host consumes 100000 experience points, and the manwang lineage reaches the intermediate level]

[Ding, system prompt, host strength + 50, constitution + 50, Qi and blood + 50, agility + 20, anger + 20]

when the man King lineage reaches the intermediate level, Lu Chen feels that it is enough to gain a huge amount of basic attributes.

However, this upgrade is not only to improve the basic attributes, but also a new skill, which appears under the bloodline of manwang.

[Ding, the system indicates that the blood lineage of the host man king has reached the intermediate level, acquired skills, and Blood-flesh derivation]

[blood flesh derivation (primary): the manwang lineage makes the host's body cells fully active. Such active cells provide strength and resistance for the host. At the same time, the extremely active cells also make the host's body recover after injury. Even if the limb is broken, it can grow after a period of time as long as the nutrition is sufficient]

"the blood and flesh derived, the weakened version of blood rebirth, also don't know, when the blood and flesh derivation reaches the advanced level, it will become rebirth by dripping blood."

Blood derived, for Lu Chen is a surprise, after this point, the pain will no longer trouble him.

"Although it costs 100000 experience points, it's worth it to get so many basic attributes and get new skills."

With this in mind, Lu Chen is ready to close the skill interface.

However, just at the time of closing, Lu Chen also cast a glance at the endless fury of manwang's bloodline.

And it is this skimming that makes Lu Chen stand on the spot.

"How is it possible that this ability against the weather will appear at this time? Can it not be acquired until it is advanced?"

Surprised, let Lu Chen can't help naked body, directly from the bath bucket to stand up.

No wonder he was so surprised. It was the expression of endless fury that shocked Lu Chen.

[endless Fury: barbarians are fierce and aggressive, but they can also control their fury. When they are full of anger, the host can turn on endless rage and double their physical strength]

until now, the description is the same as before, but the following information makes Lu Chen hard to control himself.

[barbarians are warlike, and their anger will never be extinguished. After turning on endless rage, the host can continue to fight as long as there is residual anger and the body is not completely crushed, until the anger is exhausted]

"I have 40 points of anger, that is, from now on, I will have nearly 40 seconds of invincible time."

In 40 seconds, it's amazing that Lu man has invincible ability.

"In the game, manwang only has five seconds. The call to kill makes the canyon scared. I have 40 seconds. It's not without The enemy... "

Think of the game, Lu Chen happy mood, suddenly silence down, and after half ring, he is directly "shit" a.

"This TM is not invincible at all, but a common skill."

At this time, Lu Chen thought of the difference between the game and reality.

There is only blood in the game, as long as there is a drop of blood, the game characters will not die, but the reality is different.

In reality, if you are angry, you will not die out. It will be nice to watch.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lu Chen found that this skill is not so useful.

"Although in these 40 seconds, even if the enemy breaks my head, I will not die, but after 40 seconds, the characters in the game can survive as long as they have blood. What should I do if I have no head or heart?"

After thinking about this for a long time, Lu Chen is helpless to find that the invincible band of endless fury can only be used as a skill to die together.

However, after sighing for a while, Lu Chen soon recovered.

"Well, it's better to have a skill than not to have one. Moreover, this skill can only be used as the ability to die together, but it won't be useless all the time."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen looked at the skill just now, flesh and blood derived.

"The blood and flesh derivation is matched with endless fury. As long as the blood and flesh derivation reaches the advanced level, I should have broken my head and recovered enough."

"As long as the flesh and blood derivative reaches the advanced level, I will really have the ability of a real man in 40 seconds."

"What's more, Man Wang only has his own blood. He can only rely on flesh and blood. But I'm different. If I get a resurrection skill, I can do it in 40 seconds."

In this way, the extinction of the sword demon, the nirvana of the Phoenix, the cell division of the biochemical demon man, and the time retrospection of the clock old man burst into Lu Chen's mind.

"Those abilities, as long as I have one, I can be fearless of the broken head and heart. Forty seconds of true man, to me, is not far away."

Thinking of the cooperation of other skills and endless fury, Lu Chen is finally excited.

And think of the game only five seconds of real men, to reality, but there is 40 seconds, Lu Chen is more happy to jump up.

"As long as there is a resurrection ability, I will have resurrection plus 40 seconds invincible, such me, shipwreck in the gutter, absolutely does not exist."Happy for a long time, Lu Chen just suppressed the joy in his heart.

But this time, Lu Chen still did not go out, but looked at the system interface of that point of divinity.

To be honest, divinity is precious and there are many ways to use it. It is useful to improve silver skills, turn them into gold or upgrade gold skills.

Even Lu Chen can change some bad skills, but the original game has no function, so we can see the omnipotence of divinity.

But also because of the usefulness, Lu Chen hesitated, he knew, divinity, not so good.

"Only half god can the divine nature be revealed when the son of God really dies. The reason why the sculpture exists is that she is the resurrection prepared by the son of God, but the real son of God is not so easy to deal with."

"And, behind the son of God, there are real gods, it's too hard to kill them to gain divinity."

Most of the creatures with divine nature are powerful and incomparable. It is difficult for such a delicate son of God to prepare for resurrection.

And even this surviving son of God also has six resurrection, six incarnations, the real son of God has how strong, Lu Chen can not imagine.

"The mythological lineage of those gods and children should be standard, mythological skills, and no lack of other skills. At least, all of them should be gold. I see, they should be thinking about living, not killing them."

God son, not only a myth of blood, parents are gods of them, other skills, how can be lacking.

Lu Chen, who thought about this, understood that the shape of his eyes was probably the only divinity he could obtain during this period of time. Therefore, this thing must be used carefully.

However, although cautious, Lu Chen never thought about it. For Lu Chen, no matter what precious things, there is no importance of its own strength. Therefore, this divinity must be used.

"Battle roar, jump chopping, master sword, and straightness, tyranny, these skills can be enhanced with divinity."

Battle roar and jump chopping are the skills Lu Chen likes to use most.

And master sword, linked with a deadly strike, as for overlord color bully, is the key to suppress the ghost hands.

These skills, each promotion, have a great improvement for Lu Chen.

Therefore, Lu Chen hesitated.

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