After thinking about it for half a day, Lu Chen still chose Zhigan.

Lu Chen likes mang very much, but because of this, he understands that mang can't be casual.

If there is no strong sense of straightforwardness, rash to the evil spirit that can't be provoked, the one waiting for Lu Chen will be death.

Lu Chen, who has always been reckless, is easy to provoke such creatures. Therefore, Lu Chen chooses to enhance his sense of straightforwardness.

"I like Mang, but that's why I want to improve my straightforwardness."

Thinking like this, a little divinity is added to the sense of straightforwardness by Lu Chen.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host consumes a bit of divinity and improves the sense of straightness, from silver level to gold level]

[synaesthesia A: A-level sense has reached the effect of predicting the future. No matter what kind of enemy, the host can foresee the action in advance and make the body avoid it. At the same time, the host can also feel the enemy's malice towards the host body]

[synesthesia A: A-level sense has reached the effect of predicting the future

[perception + 20]

"A's perception, I'm so reckless that I won't run into a powerful enemy."

Although Zhigan does not increase combat effectiveness, this skill makes Lu Chen feel at ease.

At the same time, in addition to pre reading the enemy's actions, they add up to 40 points of perception, which also makes Lu Chen find that he has a better understanding of the world.

Even with his eyes alone, Lu Chen can see some green light spots, which are natural energy.

However, in addition to natural energy, Lu Chen also found that some black evil spirits were wandering in the air.

After seeing those evil spirits, Lu Chen closed his eyes and felt them carefully. He wanted to see what difference there was between the evil spirits and natural energy.

"Cool, cold, pain, howling, and tyranny..."

When feeling the evil spirits carefully, Lu Chen could feel that the evil spirits had emotions. Although the emotions were weak, they were all in a negative state.

"Shit, now who told me that in this world, there is no good or bad power, only different users. I will definitely slap it."

"This world, as long as you use the power of evil energy, it means falling into the abyss."

While sighing, Lu Chen continued to feel the evil spirit, just as he was still feeling it.

All of a sudden, the evil spirit condensed a fuzzy image in Lu Chen's perception, and followed the image, a great will, directly appeared in Lu Chen's will.

as soon as the will appeared, a great terror appeared in Lu Chen's mind, and at the same time, information kept appearing in Lu Chen's mind.

The information is vast and intoxicating. Fortunately, the sense of uprightness is constantly beating and alerting Lu Chen.

Dare not neglect, Lu Chen immediately cut off the perception of evil.

However, even though Lu Chen was fast, at last, he still saw the vague influence. Therefore, Lu Chen's heart, inexplicably, appeared a lot of information, including the word "gluttony king".

The four words, especially the gluttony, gave Lu Chen a strong sense of hunger. At this time, Lu Chen had the idea of eating everything in front of him.

Hunger, full of Lu Chen's heart, so that Lu Chen's eyes are red, and he really picked up the wood in front of him, ready to gnaw.

In the end, it's still despotic, and suddenly sends out a wave, which makes Lu Chen calm down.


Lu Chen, recovering from his hunger, is constantly panting, and he is frightened.

"Shit, this world, can't feel at will."

Lu Chen really didn't expect that the world, even the perception of high, are dangerous.

While Lu Chen is panting for breath, the system's prompt rings again in Lu Chen's ear.

[the system prompts that the host perceives the will of the glutton king, and warns the host to get rid of the will quickly, otherwise, the host will become a believer of the glutton king]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host activates the tyranny and gets rid of the will of the glutton king by relying on the will blessing]

[Ding, system prompt, looking at the glutton King directly, the host obtains A piece of information, congratulations to the host. The host has obtained the ability of rapid digestion from that message]

[rapid digestion (silver): through the transformation of the gastrointestinal tract, the probability of their digestion of food is increased, and now the speed of the host's digestion of food is doubled]

"just looking at the God, you can obtain a silver level skill, this world, the way to gain strength, and It's so simple. "

However, as long as it is a normal person, it will not be accepted.

Although it was only a moment to feel the emperor's gluttony, Lu Chen got a lot of information in this moment, which also included some pictures of his followers.

In that message, Lu Chen saw that the believers of gluttonous monarch, one by one, were disgusted. They were extremely fat and ugly.

What's more, in the process of watching, Lu Chen found that all the "believers" were gnawing at everything around them, regardless of soil, trees or stones.But they can't feel full when they eat. The more they eat, the more hungry they feel. They, like starving ghosts, are eating crazily, but they can't feel any satisfaction.

In the end, Lu Chen also saw that the so-called glutton king was swallowing his followers.

"If you are troubled by hunger, you will never be able to eat enough, and finally you will be devoured by the king of gluttony. The price is better than death."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen no longer thought about those things, but directly got up from the bucket.

"Take a rest. Tomorrow, I'm leaving."

I don't need Lu Chen to clean up the things. Xiaowei has already cleaned up Lu Chen's things.

Of course, Lu Chen has a lot of things, and he can't take them all.

And he didn't want to take them all. The next day, before it was light, Lu Chen and Xiao Wei got up.

With a package, Lu Chen is ready to go on the road.

"Leave the things in the room to other people. It can be regarded as some gifts to maniu village."

Because you have cleaned up a lot of sites, there are a lot of good things in Lu Chen's room from other people and Lu Chen's own collection.

With these things, Lu Chen can also get some good things from Ji hongdie.

Only in the end, Lu Chen is ready to leave these things to the villagers of maniu village.

After all, he has lived a long time. For those villagers, Lu Chen already has feelings. It's good to leave some gifts.

Lu Chen started very early. Last night, the villagers went to bed late because of the fire party.

Therefore, he thought that he would go very quietly.

But when Lu Chen left, he found that he thought too much. A large number of barbarians were waiting for Lu Chen near the sky whale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!