"Everyone, long range attack."

The spiders are moving at a high speed. Of course, the barbarians don't ignore the spiders. Because the speed is too fast, a lot of barbarians can't chase them. Under the ferocious command, a flying axe, spear and bow and arrow shoot at the spider.

However, as soon as such an attack came out, the Spider Queen laughed at it.

"It's useless. Everything will be avoided by my spider sense."

It can only be said that the Spider Queen is really strong. The spider sense, like Lu Chen's direct sense, can foresee the attack in advance. With its high moving speed, she can perfectly avoid a series of long-range attacks.

While she was moving around quickly to escape, the human being manipulated by her also attacked the barbarians around her.

While manipulating humans, the spider woman is also madly shouting.

"You all have to die here!"

The voice of resentment, because of the rapid movement of the spider woman, echoes all around.

The spider woman, who wants to see Lu Chen and others who harass her nest, collapses and begs for mercy and dies in despair.

She enjoyed the air of fear, despair.

Therefore, the spider, who felt that she was in the upper hand, did not rush to kill human beings, but constantly manipulated human beings. She wanted to control all human beings, and then let Lu Chen and others kill each other.

"Despicable human beings, I really can't control you two, but wait, your subordinates will immediately obey my orders, let me see how you kill your subordinates."

The spider is laughing wildly, and Lu Chen sees such a scene, also have a trace of smile on his face.

"It seems that my luck has improved."

"I didn't expect to be able to play such a huge role just by extracting skills."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen is not hesitating. When the spider passes by Lu Chen again, Lu Chen suddenly opens his five fingers and points to the spider.

Then, when the spider is about to jump away, Lu Chen suddenly grabs five fingers into a tiger claw shape. With Lu Chen's action, a terrible attraction suddenly appears on the Spider Queen's body.

In that suction, she relies on the distant figure of spider silk and stops in an instant. At the next moment, she flies directly towards Lu Chen.

"What's the matter? What have you done? "

Suddenly, let spider woman some surprise, but her reaction is not slow, in the body was pulled at the same time, several spider lines were it bounce out, implicated the surrounding trees.

Relying on the tenacity of the spider line and the big tree as the fulcrum, the spider girl finally stabilized her body and was not completely pulled into her hands by Lu Chen.

Such a scene, let her a sigh of relief, but Lu Chen face, but some ugly.

[endless rage]

"come here."

Angry Lu Chen directly opens up the endless fury. While doubling his body strength, he also bursts out blood gas with all his strength. This makes Lu Chen's suction in his hands like a black hole, constantly pulling at the spider woman's body.

It has to be said that the spider woman's silk is very tough. Even if Lu Chen's attraction is strong, the trees on her side are bent and her silk has not been completely broken.

However, the spider silk is tough, but her body can not bear the pull of two forces. Under Lu Chen's Vientiane Tianyin and the pulling of the spider thread, the Spider Queen's skeleton is "clucking".

More green blood, splashing out of her body.

If it continues, Lu Chen, even if she does not pull her over, her body will be completely broken.

Moreover, the spider woman's trouble is more than this. When Lu Chen is pulling with all her strength, ferocious and other barbarians also aim at the Spider Queen's body in mid air, and crazily throw up a long-range attack.

When a large number of flying axes, spears, and even ferocious figures were rushing to her eyes, the Spider Queen had to make a response.

And her response was radical, and she broke the thread of tenacity.


with the sudden disconnection of the spider line, the spider woman's body, almost like an arrow, flies towards the landing body.

At the same time, the six spider legs behind her, like a spear, darted at the eyes, throat, heart and other parts of the landing Chen.

The spider's flying, and the spider's legs are flying.

In this regard, Lu Chen's action is just pulling back the evil spirit with one hand, raising the long sword in the other hand, and cutting the Spider Queen in front of him with a sword.

Lu Chen, as if he didn't care that his body would be pierced. He wanted to die with the evil spirit.

This scene, scared by the ferocity next to her, makes Ji hongdie's mind blank.

"No, my Lord. Get out of the way."

"Your Highness, you don't have to die with it!"

"Prince, leave."

……Countless people are shouting, but Lu Chen's actions have not changed.

The Spider Queen, seeing the panic in other directions, showed a cruel smile on her face.

"Die, go to hell together."

Lu Chen didn't dodge, but it was beyond the expectation of Queen spider. However, most of the evil spirits were cruel. She couldn't escape Lu Chen's Wanxiang Tianyin. The Spider Queen no longer had a fluke mind.

She no longer wanted to escape, nor did she want to use the spider legs behind her to resist Lu Chen's attack. She was trapped in a desperate situation. Instead, she thrust out six long legs behind her back to completely pierce Lu Chen's body.

Become the evil spirit of the Spider Queen, the long legs behind her are very long, and she has to stab Lu Chen on her body.

And this scene, also let Spider Queen's heart rise a new hope.

"I may be able to kill this barbarian first. Without his hindrance, I can escape. No I can kill all the insects here

The Spider Queen wants to be very beautiful, ferocious and crazy. Ji hongdie's eyes are black, and she is almost faint.

Just as the claw behind the queen spider is about to pierce Lu Chen's body, suddenly, there is a rough and wild voice, which rings here.

"Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora..."

Along with the sound, there are also the sound of air being smashed. In that sudden sound, the spider legs that were stabbed at extremely fast speed were all broken up inexplicably.


The long legs were all broken, so that the spider woman gave out a scream, but the next moment her scream stopped. Lu Chen's right hand burning a purple black long sword, mercilessly chopped at the spider woman's body.

[fatal strike]

[heavy strike]

[ghost chop]

the integration of the three skills, Lu Chen one sword, directly cut the evil body in front of you.

At the same time, the spirit of ghosts has also completely disappeared the evil spirit.

This time, there was no accident.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the Spider Queen. Congratulations to the host and has obtained 】

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